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Yeah, I saw that I put “ignore durability”…didn’t see any way to edit the post though -_-
Anyway, I knew they weren’t related, just saw that the bot was supposed to have some ability to try to shorten crafts and thought I’d ask about it. It is minor but does potentially make you waste a lot of time.
The priority in this case is to complete synthesis with only one step instead of two.
Sorry to hijack but this made me think of something I was wondering about yesterday. I wanted to quickly produce a bunch of twinsilk without risking quick synth fails, so I checked the ignore durability. I previousled noted that I could finish the craft in 3 careful synth II’s. Miqo does this on the first craft: CSII > ToT > Manip II > CSII > CSII.
Given that there’s no chance I’ll need any CP at all and no chance I’ll run out of durability, why…?
I think this has always been there, fewer waypoints helps but also causes the bot to act drunk at times 🙂 (ie, unable to walk a straight line)
Side note, there is also a much longer pause before it resumes moving forward after the activation of stealth. This could be because it is treating it as a GCD before attempting to gather then seeing that it still needs to move to the next waypoint etc. I would say to skip that GCD if it still has a number of “trips” left.
I also tried to save the preset in a txt file including the line ‘desynthpreset.fsh’ at the top, then import it using the ‘share’ button in the bot. It stated 1 preset successfully imported but it’s still blank.
I didn’t even know this was a thing…thought that was just for navigation, should this work for desynth as well?
Sorry, I didn’t get a notification of this. Anyway, glad it is working for you. I had a bit of trouble getting it all working myself, hence the detailed post. Back ups are important! 🙂
Edit – removed scenario bit, I’m good
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
I too had a brief issue with Windows Defender Smartscreen, I disabled it just while launching and was able to restart it after Miqo was running without any problems.
Speaking of no problems…I love how simple Miqo is! Haven’t touched it in well over a year now I think and didn’t have to change anything with my game settings at all to get it to work with fishing. I’ll see how the others go once this job catches up to them, heh.
Hey all, I’ve been away from the game for quite some time. It’s been fun doing the crafting again but omg the gathering…so missing Miqo, can’t wait to start messing with the gathering paths etc. I’m sure there’s lots of new things for me to mess with as well. Thanks for your hard work and will sub soon as the link is available!
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by