Forum Replies Created
Try this one, I created a preset and updated into this scenario using the grid created by @Zachary from “[Scenario] 6.0 Mining Nodes”. (Assume that was what you imported which interfere with this scenario)
-> this preset includes gather by name “Chondrite” using the “MIN89 Chondrite” Grid with gatherRotation “None” by default
gatherRotation(Yield +2)
-> this defines to overwrite default preset setting on gatherRotation to use “Yield +2” instead. Feel free to comment out if you don’t want to use any GP at all.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.would you mind sharing your Num2 and Num0 keybind setting? Your macro doesn’t work for me.
nvm I figured out the default setting from the Game Manual and set below two accordingly:
Confirm NUM0
Move Cursor Down/Cycle Down Through Party List NUM2-
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
To make it easier, i just made one for Levinstrike Aethersand only by replacing the relevant chapters.
Tested running 2hrs+ seems smooth.I have Eulmore set as Home location, use “//” if you don’t have it as Home location in Chapter 10.
You must be logged in to view attached files.August 4, 2019 at 2:12 pm in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #16367if you were using my scenario, just go to section 13 and remove or // out following:
sendKey(\, 1)//select the closest NPC
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //activate the npc
sendKey(Shift+{down}, 1.5) //scroll down
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //confirm
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
//sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //buy the item
sendKey(NUM6, 1.5) //ok
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //confirm
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM6, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM6, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM., 1)
sendKey(NUM., 1)
sendKey(NUM., 1)goToWaypoint(14)
sendKey(\, 1)//select the closest NPC
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //activate the npc
sendKey(Shift+{down}, 1) //scroll down
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //confirm
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM8, 1)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //buy the item
sendKey(NUM6, 1.5) //ok
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //confirm
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM6, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM6, 1.5)
//sendKey(NUM0, 1.5)
sendKey(NUM., 1)
sendKey(NUM., 1)
sendKey(NUM., 1)July 28, 2019 at 2:20 pm in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15969go to Navigation Tab->grids, it will list all the grids you have, most likely you imported a few times including the original scenario which might have diff Eulmore grid but named same. Miqobot doesn’t update the grid with exact same name it just keeps adding them to the list, so if there’s conflict your scenario is likely to mess up.
Find all the Eulmore grid on your list, keep the latest one if that’s the one you recently loaded with waypoint 14.
but tick “Show on radar” in Eulmore to confirm all the waypoint on your map looks right before deleting others.Also i have NPC repair option // out, you might want to enable them and // out my self repair option.
deliverCollectables()July 27, 2019 at 4:15 am in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15933Do you see the updated Eulmore grid? It contains an updated one including waypoint 14 for the NPC.
I would suggest run section 13 to test out first to see if you have the right waypoint and also check if your keybinding is per below scenario functions: (test out with your NumPad to confirm in game)sendKey( key, seconds )
Send key into the game.
If seconds specified, it will delay scenario flow by given amount.Supported:
– alphanumeric keys
– punctuation keys (except comma and diacritics)
– F1-F12
– Num0-Num9
– Num-, Num*, Num/, Num.
– Ctrl / Alt / Shift (must be combined with ‘+’)
– cursor control keys (must be enclosed in {})Those sendKeys used in my scenario includes:
sendKey(\, 1)//select the closest NPC
sendKey(NUM0, 1.5) //confirm, wait 1.5 sec
sendKey(Shift+{down}, 1.5) //scroll down by 1, wait 1.5 sec
sendKey(NUM8, 1) //scroll back up by 1, wait 1 sec
sendKey(NUM6, 1.5) //switch option left/right, wait 1.5 sec
sendKey(NUM., 1) //quit current menu, wait 1 secPS. I’ve been using this most latest one attached for getting both gathering+20 and perception+20, been running fine overnights.
The main change i made based on original White Scrip scenario is section 13 with additional waypoint and sendKeys functions to trade with NPC. Also changed NPC repair to self repair. Then I delayed the afk timing for section 1 a bit to allow additional time spent on trading with NPC in section 13 so it won’t break the loop.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
You must be logged in to view attached files.July 20, 2019 at 2:22 am in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15632I updated this new one running over night, it got me 31 Perception+20 materia fine and still ongoing when i woke up.
You must be logged in to view attached files.July 19, 2019 at 6:35 am in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15599Found some issue with previous one in regards purchase confirmation and scrip could still cap before all the collectables hand in. Here is updated one with self repair and separate purchase attempt for MIN and BTN. Ran it for several hours, seems working smoothly for me.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
You must be logged in to view attached files.July 18, 2019 at 11:16 am in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15542Just figured out how to purchase at the end of the scenario so it won’t be stuck due to scrip capped, apparently you can achieve this by using sendKey( key, seconds )
Here is an update white scrip gathering + purchase materia scenario with NPC repair. I have home set to Eulmore hence i used return(), use teleport(Eulmore) if not.It’s currently set to purchasing 2x Gatherer’s Guerdon Materia VIII (Gathering+20) at the end of the scenario before starting next round.
If you don’t have enough white scrip to spend it would just skip. Test it running full round, appears to be fine.You can adjust my sendKey list based on the item you want to purchase.
July 16, 2019 at 3:00 pm in reply to: [Scenario] Gatherer Scrip Farming (Yellow/Leveling + White) #15432 -
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by