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October 8, 2021 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32884
So I am a bit new to this all and I am using this to gather but it get stuck on a node from time ta time. I go on my botanist and it harvest the first two nodes then just sits there If I walk it into the wind portal it will then come back to the node it just did and keep going. I guess I wanted to know if I need to set my skills up in some way for it to work better or if this is just something you have to deal with. I even tried making my own path and it does the same on that as well. It will get stuck on a few nodes like it is searching for the next one and can not find it.
Make sure
compass 1&2
are checeked marked in the gathering tabOctober 8, 2021 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32882Hey all!
New to Miqobot but have figured things out and she’s going strong.
My post is to potentially address the crappy Oddly Delicate Nodes island.
I too was experiencing that issue but after making one change, I have been happily mining all morning with no issues. I really wanted to fix the issue since both my miner and botanist have their shiny weapons. Here is my solution:
Under the gathering tab, in the senses section, uncheck the box for “use compass II” and also make sure the original Lay of the Land (I) is somewhere on one of your hotbars that she can access.
Lay of the Land I seems to miss detecting those Oddly Delicate nodes when it’s used. I’ve been using the scenario with no issue all morning.
Give it a shot, worked for me!
oh this is good news 📰 that will have to be tested sadly i dont have the oddly specific nodes unlocked to confirm this if anyone is able to confirm this i would greatly apreceate itOctober 7, 2021 at 4:17 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32862So I have searched this forum and tried out most I could find but none seem to work, does anyone know of a fishing scenario in diadem that has good point earnings? Everything in most scenarios I use turn in no points :/
There are some but this scenario/grid is only setup for leveling fishing only at the moment
October 7, 2021 at 12:22 am in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32860any tips on how to prevent the scenario from getting stuck running into a wall on the way out of uldah to repair the gear from the npc? happened like 3-4 times recently and it keeps running on the wall until the kill switch log out
I had this same issue a few times, I went under the “Navigation” tab and deleted all the items in the list with the “Immortal Flames ♾️🔥” name, then went under the “Scenario” tab and deleted the same items with “Immortal Flames ♾️🔥” as the name then downloaded the newest file and imported it. I think the issue was Miqobot having too many navigation files with the same name and it was getting confused which one it should use. I have also noticed that if I am running a scenario and decide to switch over to the “Navigation” tab to see which ones I have and accidently click on one in the list that Miqobot gets confused and starts running that navigation file instead of the one specified in the scenario I’m running
yes you are correct sorry i did not update sooner
Dont forget to “DELETE” your ” Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder’s 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust ” Grid’s AND Scenarios before you import the new version
The below is talking about “The Diadem” but the same hold true of any and all grids/scenarios’ when updateing or importing new version’s
I just added this same info to the orignal post here
October 5, 2021 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32851Hi, this scenario is amazing! I’m using it A LOT. Congratulations!
Hey, is there a way/preset/setting that will ignore the nodes NOT containing some item?
Exemple: I need “Skybuilders yadayada ragstone”, but i’m good at everything else. Can i speed up the gathering by just ignoring the nodes that don’t have it ?
Sadly no miqobot works by going to the closest node and withLay of the Land 1&2
andArbor Call 1&2
thies ability’s only see in 2d.
The closest you can get to something like this is useing the “Gathering Node” Name feature this tells Miqobot to only gather nodes with this specific name
But this will likely stall the scenario as this scenario/grid is not setup with beacon’s 🚨 for use with this feature and will most likely result in you getting booted for being AFK-
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by
October 3, 2021 at 6:24 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32791I’ve noticed in using this that for some reason it will not stop trying to gather Grade 4 Skybuilders Gold ore. I’ve tried to get it to gather Iron Ore instead but nothing seems to work. Any ideas why this might be?
This scenario is frendly to all levels you need only to change the items in the gathering presets remove the names in the gathering presets and use the gather by slot # for leveling as it can be quickly and easily changed as levleing please do this for both the
Botanist 🌱
andMining ⚒
presets the named items in the presets are only for if you want to gather set items like if you intend to make something via crafting and you need materials or if you want to farm for a set item or items that sells for good Gil on the market bored, the below pictures will show you how to add and change items in the preset for the examplebelow its showing you how to add “Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders’ Umbral Levinite”-
1.go to the preset you want to edit
2. (Optional) copy and pasteing item names from game
3. How to add or remove items from the list 📃 to remove an item double click on the name of the items in the Gather by name list and when it highlights the name delete it to remove it then click off of the list or hit enter and do this till all unwanted names are removed from the list it is recommended to keep the special weather items on the list as they are always slot 1 and miqobot can get stuck trying to hit an empy slot in the chance that it goes to a special weather node ( with out human interaction it is rare but it dose happen to sometimes go to the special weather nodes for details on how to do this manually please visit the Original post here )
- by slots and how the list works
5.besure to click on the overwrite button 🔳 as shown below to save it and you have to click this for both the
Botanist 🌱
andMining ⚒
presets to save them
October 2, 2021 at 4:58 am in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32770Hey I assume this is a common problem with having multiple things use similar names (like moving around in limsa) but I wasn’t able to really figure out how to fix it.
I was trying to get this running squadrons for me and was getting this error. I looked through all my imported files and didn’t see anything about a sandalwood log, so thought I would ask here for some clarification. I’m a noob with miqo and was hoping it wasn’t too much trouble to ask for help.”
(3:01:36 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
(3:01:36 PM) ‘squadron 🏴☠️⛴ 20-41 ‘
(3:01:36 PM) Chapter: 2
(3:01:43 PM) Materia extraction complete :3
(3:01:49 PM) Sending key: ‘num.’ (Delay: 0.00 sec)
(3:01:50 PM) Sending key: ‘num.’ (Delay: 0.00 sec)
(3:01:50 PM) Sending key: ‘num.’ (Delay: 0.00 sec)
(3:01:50 PM) Sending key: ‘num.’ (Delay: 0.00 sec)
(3:01:51 PM) Sending key: ‘num.’ (Delay: 0.00 sec)
(3:01:51 PM) Adventure calls.. But it is ERROR! (Grid: ‘Sandalwood Log’, Waypoint: 20/16)
(3:01:51 PM) ERROR (Chapter 2, Line 33): Execution error
“this was my error and is now fixed please redownload the scenarios’ for the fixed ver.6
any tips on how to prevent the scenario from getting stuck running into a wall on the way out of uldah to repair the gear from the npc? happened like 3-4 times recently and it keeps running on the wall until the kill switch log out
this is new information to me can you give any more details on this issue??
October 2, 2021 at 4:35 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32767I dont know how to edit my original post, so I guess ill just make another one. For clarity reasons, I do have the action key for it bound to a key on my keyboard.
As posed Here
Make sure you have the
Duty Action 1
on your hot bars, It will turn into theAuger Action
for shooting it after you join The DiademSeptember 16, 2021 at 7:33 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32538Is it possible to get an update on the fishing scenario? I have been using it for a few days now and whilst it is catching fish which would help with the levelling, it isnt going after any decent fish for scrip and points?
At this point fishing scenario is only setup for leveling i am currently not feeling well i will up date the fishing scenario once i am feeling better i also have to learn how the fishing script works in its entirety in order to produce an adequate scenario for point farming
September 16, 2021 at 4:40 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32536Also the First post is the most current grids correct? Thanks for all hard work you put into this. Can already tell it is a lot of work.
yes the first post has the most recent update of the grid 😀
I am still having problems with jade nodes, I replaced the chap mentioned, but I somehow still end up going to them and getting it. Currently bypassing it by just mining it and let it continue. But it makes it very inefficient.
Please read below for “Jaded island 🏝 issues”
September 15, 2021 at 2:45 am in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32506Ok, I give up. What’s everyone’s trick to clearing Holminster with this? The bot runs smoothly up until the first boss. Then it decides to ignore all aoe and wipe. Lvl 71 decent gear.
there is no trick however if your playing Dragoon… well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they are called floor tanks for a reason.
Other then that check your key bindings and make sure theres no conflicts for instance make sure theres no
, orShift
combos with any of the “movement” or “camera angle” bindings as thies can contribute to instance’s like thatSeptember 14, 2021 at 8:24 pm in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32503out of curiousity, how long does it take to level fro 71-80 with the trust scenario?
I honestly I am not sure I never timed it XD
September 13, 2021 at 5:48 am in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32480thank you! is there a way to make the auto food buff work? when i remove the // i keep getting an error
as is this is just telling you what the command below does and will throw an error with out the “//” before the word “Food”
Food is set up forhotbar 3
slot #7
by default, use the picture below as a reference
you can change the slot and hotbar number in this command in “Chapter 2”
//Food icon(3,7,2) icon(3,7,2)
the first number
is the hot bar number
the second number7,
is the slot number on the hot bar
and the third number2
is the time delayed after useing it this is needed or miqobot will hit the button in rapid succession and fail in useing the food a second timeSeptember 12, 2021 at 8:12 pm in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #32472sorry for being stupid but how do you run this scenario? i’ve downloaded it but not sure how to make it to work
the scenario has a
command so just start the scenario that is for your “Grand Company” from any where and it will teleport you to the city if your not already there “Limsa” is the only special case as it has to travel through the aetheryte to get to the right area but again this is automated by the scenario, If you are teleporting to limsa your good but if you are already in the Aftcastle then you can skipChapter 1
and start right atChapter 2
my character doesn’t turn in any items for gc seals he talks to the npc and tab around but then exit it without turning anything in
Miqobot will only turn in items form your Inventory not from your “Armory Chest” this is to prevent items that you want to keep from being accidentally turned in, so to fix this in your “Character Configuration” under “Item Settings” uncheck “Store all newly obtained items in the Armoury Chest” this will make all new gear you get go into your “Inventory” and from there any gear you wish to keep place into your “Armory Chest” your self and Miqobot will turn in any gear in your Inventory below is a picture
Make sure this is unchecked
September 12, 2021 at 6:55 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #32465I loaded the scenario file from OP but keep getting this error.
Is there a more updated file with navigation?
(00:43:10) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘The Diadem ⚒🌱’, Waypoint: 360)
(00:43:10) Sorry, can’t find path sequence from 442 to 360 🙁 Maybe grid is not connected?(00:43:04) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘The Diadem ⚒🌱’, Waypoint: 550)
(00:43:05) Sorry, can’t find path sequence from 442 to 550 🙁 Maybe grid is not connected?Sounds like its failing to enter The Diadem during “Chapter 3” and “Chapter 16” you can not touch the keyboard or move the mouse during this phase it uses the
send key
function this is a fragile and easily disrupt able by any mouse movement or manual key input but “it is currently the only way to make miqobot que for The Diadem” if you are running miqobot or FF in the background then-
1. Minimize the game to prevent this issue
2. Dont move or use either the keyboard or mouse during “Chapter 3” and “Chapter 16”
This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by