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  • r51093

    Thank you for your help and your effort!

    Unfortunately it still happens.

    Thank you so much for your help and your work!! You got an idea what can cause this problem?

    can you send an image with where you are geting stuck with the navigation radar turned on?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by r51093 r51093.
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    Thank you for your help and your effort!

    Unfortunately it still happens.

    Thank you so much for your help and your work!! You got an idea what can cause this problem?

    its still happening even with the version 7?

    did you delete the old navigation grid?

    if so i will have to digg deeper into this i have no idea what can be causeing it


    Thanks I’ll try it out, will save me buying them up from the MB

    you can find all the info you need here on the original post it is recommended that you read the entire post at least once it touches on alot of useful info including the special weather node’s


    Me again 😀
    I have another problem, my char gets stuck once every night in the wall, when I´m doing squadrons and he wants to go to the repair npc.. I´m in the Immortal Flames company. I followed the suggestion to delete the scenario and the navigation grid and import it again afterwards, but it still happens sometimes. Do you have an idea what I can do?

    i think i found the problem connection and moved it so there should not be any more running into wall issues please download the latest version of the scenario / grid from the original post here



    double post sorry 🙏 please see below

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by r51093 r51093. Reason: double post sorry 🙏

    Which page has the most up to date rotation scenario?

    the latest version can always be found here in the original post


    I’m getting an error in the waypointPrecise line.

    ERROR (Chapter 2, Line 1): Execution error

    Odd thing is, it works fine on my laptop and I was getting this same error on my PC for a while, then it went away. Now its back. Any ideas?

    Figured out my own issue. I tried starting the Scenario from Chapter 2, since I didnt need to extract materia. But Chapter 1 also loads all the navigation and gathering routes as well. So I started from Chapter 1 and now it works fine.

    ah i see glad it’s worked out now 😀

    if you want you can input this code into chapter 2 to load the navigation grid

    gatherPreset(Mining ⚒)
    grid(The Diadem ⚒🌱)

    but if you start from chapter one after doing this you will be needlessly loading the navigation grid twice uo to you what you would like to do 😀


    Quick question as I continue to refine my runs:

    Do you know which waypoints correspond to which special node? I know 184 is the one Umbral Rock for miners not 100% sure of the others.


    special weather waypoints:
    Fire 🔥 Island 🏝 (Mining ⚒) Waypoints: 186,547,188
    Lightning ⚡ Island 🏝 (Mining ⚒) Waypoints: 94,262,272
    Earth 🌎 Island 🏝 (Botanist 🌱) Waypoints: 232,231,299
    Wind 🍃 Island 🏝 (Botanist 🌱) Waypoints: 360,356,355

    I hope this helps 😀


    I’m getting an error in the waypointPrecise line.

    ERROR (Chapter 2, Line 1): Execution error

    Odd thing is, it works fine on my laptop and I was getting this same error on my PC for a while, then it went away. Now its back. Any ideas?

    (Chapter 2, Line 1) is: waypointPrecise(442) you could try deleteing all the ” Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣” grids and scenarios and reimport it its possible miqobot is loading an out dated grid

    if this is the case this should fix it.

    Side Note: Please make sure Miqobot is updated to the latest version on your PC this could also fix the issue please let me know if the problem persists or gets resolved 😀


    As someone new to Diadem, can anyone explain why the first chapter extracts materia? What purpose does that serve?

    the materia that you extract can be placed in certain gear to enhance your gears stat’s and the higher the gears level the better the level the materia


    That’s the important part, getting it away from that spot.

    that is very true XD


    I also changed chapters 5, 8, 11 and 14 to be like this:


    That way you only get stuck at the Oddly island for at max 10 times (it will never be 10 based the fact that it starts gathering from one of the random waypoints in the first place and all of those are far enough from Oddly Island that you’ll get a few initially) and then it will switch.

    I also have “Oddly Delicate” in the gather by name so if I do go to the island, it will gather them and not just sit there.

    No issues at all all night!

    that would be a nice work around but that is also alot of time spent traveling ⌚ this is could work nice for those with the jaded island 🏝 issues, Still my recommendation is to not unlock the gathering weapons at all the Aesthete's Hatchet fully melded is just as good if not better ( stat’s wise ) then the Skybuilders' Hatchet ( this can not be melded at all )


    Anyone try this out yet? Because this post and the next post down kind of contradicts each other?

    Compass 2 is an optional ability it’s mostly only needed for normal out in the world gathering

    So I am a bit new to this all and I am using this to gather but it get stuck on a node from time ta time. I go on my botanist and it harvest the first two nodes then just sits there If I walk it into the wind portal it will then come back to the node it just did and keep going. I guess I wanted to know if I need to set my skills up in some way for it to work better or if this is just something you have to deal with. I even tried making my own path and it does the same on that as well. It will get stuck on a few nodes like it is searching for the next one and can not find it.

    is haveing issues finding nodes that are not on thier minimap solution to this is make sure Compass is checked

    Hey all!

    New to Miqobot but have figured things out and she’s going strong.

    My post is to potentially address the crappy Oddly Delicate Nodes island.

    I too was experiencing that issue but after making one change, I have been happily mining all morning with no issues. I really wanted to fix the issue since both my miner and botanist have their shiny weapons. Here is my solution:

    Under the gathering tab, in the senses section, uncheck the box for “use compass II” and also make sure the original Lay of the Land (I) is somewhere on one of your hotbars that she can access.

    Lay of the Land I seems to miss detecting those Oddly Delicate nodes when it’s used. I’ve been using the scenario with no issue all morning.

    Give it a shot, worked for me!

    the above is sugesting we dont use Compass 2 to avoid the oddly specific nodes so no contradictions are made in either of the posts just a suggestion to potentially fix the oddly specific nodes but we need help from people who have it unlocked to test this out i can not test it as i have not unlocked them i avoided unlocking them because of this issue XD


    Does anyone know if there is a way to make it gather specific items? I’m trying to get it to farm toads for me but it’s just ignoring them.

        1.go to the preset you want to edit
        2. (Optional) copy and pasteing item names from game
        3. How to add or remove items from the list 📃 to remove an item double click on the name of the items in the Gather by name list and when it highlights the name delete it to remove it then click off of the list or hit enter and do this till all unwanted names are removed from the list it is recommended to keep the special weather items on the list as they are always slot 1 and miqobot can get stuck trying to hit an empy slot in the chance that it goes to a special weather node ( with out human interaction it is rare but it dose happen to sometimes go to the special weather nodes for details on how to do this manually please visit the Original post here )
        4.farm by slots and how the list works
        5.besure to click on the overwrite button 🔳 as shown below to save it and you have to click this for both the Botanist 🌱 and Mining ⚒ presets to save them

    The randomizing definitely helps too that was posted before instead of gather(40).

    yes this workaround is also on the original post for those intrested

    • thank you Lyfox for this quick fix i did make a change to it though to randomewaypoint() becuse i figured SE might get suspicious of a bunch of gathers going to the some location 😂 this fix is only needed if you have issues with the oddly specific jade the fix is below:

    replace gather(40) in chapters 5, 8, 11, and 14 with the below text


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