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  • r51093

    Hey I was wondering if you could tweak the scenario where you are able to pop food every 30 minutes.

    i implemented this on all of the scenarios except for ” Heroes’ Gauntlet ” level 80 dungoen has no need for food especially if its just to farm for β€œ Allagan tomestone of revelation’s ”

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #27267

    nice thank you for your reply and explanation of things πŸ˜€

    This, however, is a different problem entirely that indeed requires attention.
    We can not change the default movement behavior due to reasons explained above, but we can introduce new tools for precise positioning that will be used only when they are required, like in the case you described. We will consider the possible solutions and will try to address this issue in one of the future versions.

    I cant wait πŸ˜€ glad something good came of this frankly im more excited about the QoL (quality of life) update’s then anything right now πŸ˜€

    This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
    You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.

    Our Tech Support can analyze your keybind mappings and identify the exact cause.
    If you require technical assistance, please contact us directly: https://miqobot.com/#support

    thank you i will look into this πŸ˜€

    Side Note: when miqobot dose get stuck like that she always tries to mount up in the instance…. my mount keybinding is shift + control + spacebar not sure if this helps at all, I will do as sugested above πŸ˜€


    OH snap, I was waiting to know if you were going to add Twin Adder support to this.

    I am so down to try it out and check for issues and thoroughly test it, lemme know once you have the Squadrons up and running!

    thank you i can’t wait for your feedback πŸ˜€ , only thing holding me back is the GC transfer cooldown as soon as thats done in 7? (i think it’s 7 more days now πŸ˜…) and i will make a working squadron scenario πŸ˜€ for the twin adders.

    NOTE: EVERYONE please feel free to make any scenario / grid request should any of yous have one, and i will do my best πŸ˜€


    πŸ˜… freaking forums like multi posted this im sorry πŸ™
    miqobot team please delete this πŸ˜…


    πŸ˜… freaking forums like multi posted this im sorry πŸ™
    miqobot team please delete this πŸ˜…


    πŸ˜… freaking forums like multi posted this im sorry πŸ™
    miqobot team please delete this πŸ˜…


    πŸ˜… freaking forums like multi posted this im sorry πŸ™
    miqobot team please delete this πŸ˜…


    Thanks again for all your work on this.
    Is there a way to have it not to to the repair vendor at all so that round trip doesn’t happen and just have it go from the barracks door to the vendor?

    yes to do this add the following commands in chapter 2 with this // right before the commands repair(), waypoint(3), and repairNpc()
    like this //repair(), //waypoint(3), and //repairNpc() or you can just copy and paste the section below into chapter 2 of the scenario just highlight from repair() all the way to repairNpc() then CTRL+V to paste it

    //will repair equiped gear
    //must have repair icon on
    //hot bar and must have
    //sufficient dark matter for
    //the repairs




    NOTE: adding // will make miqobot skip the line and is better then deleting a line becuse it can be easily undone for when you want it later on

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #27237

    also on another note in “Sohm Al” when doing the dungeon with miqobot (squadron) i get stuck on this wall X:-299.1 Y:246.84 Z:-8.65 miqobot dont time out or kill switch but insted just keeps trying to go through the wall, not kill switching is an issue as its just squads its eh im not sure if they are monitored or not *who knows SE keep’s track of your every move kinda creepy πŸ‘€ * but anyways iv goten stuck on that wall alot now, once i didnt relize it and was booted from the instance becuse the dungeon timed out ( i know becuse of the chat log) XD thats a long time to be running into a wall right at the start of the instance….

    i get stuck alot in The Stone Vigil as well though i dont have any XYZ cords yet i just found this thread not long ago XD

    in reply to: Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback #27221

    Ever since the update for “Miqobot v1.3.40” my waypoints have been off.

    Before the update my Miqobot went to exact Waypoint destinations (ALWAYS stopped right on top of the waypoint) i had set out but since the update miqobot only goes to the general vicinity of the waypoint sometimes being so far away that it won’t interact with the GC delivery NPC ( sometimes its close enough to work ) and i have the waypoint as close as possible i even tried using the “Notepad++” to move the waypoint right onto the NPC’s XYZ() but this only succeeded in making miqobot not reach the destination and kill switching,
    is there anything i can do to bring my miqobot back to going to the exact waypoint location’s?

    NOTE: I have had others report this issue before in my Diadem grid/scenario but i was never able to replicate it till now; now its happening all the time, in my most recent scenario i made i have a waypoint set for at a bench and to sit() before joining the Trust Dungeons and it was sofar away form the bench that when it sit() it sat on the ground… the waypoint is right on top of the bench i can’t move it any closer!


    Also is there a way to have the scenario(this one or your gathering one) to do like 5 cycles then wait for 15 or 20 min so that I can run it overnight and not look like I am running it for 6-8 hours straight?

    yes you just have to change the afkfor(00:00:00) command in miqobot at the end of chapter 2 before the repeatChapter(##) command the snapshot below will show you what do to in Immortal Flames ♾️πŸ”₯Squad/Trust
    Note: dont make the afkfor(00:00:00) command too long or the game may log you out for being AFK

    for the didem scenario in chapter 16 as showen below do the same thing
    Note: dont make the afkfor(00:00:00) command too long or the game may log you out for being AFK

    Below is how the afkfor(00:00:00) is setup

    When I try to run the new flames version I get this error
    (2:51:04 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (2:51:04 PM) β€˜Squadron ♾️πŸ”₯20-53’
    (2:51:04 PM) Chapter: 1
    (2:51:04 PM) ERROR (Chapter 2, Line 56): Syntax error. Expected format: function(arguments)

    the only thing i can think of is that icon(3,7,2)command for useing food that some how the #,#,# in icon(3,7,2) got erased some how or was improperly altered, for the icon(#,#,#) to work it needs hotbar number (from 1 to 11), followed by icon – slot number (from 1 to 12), third number is “optional” how long to delay for things that trigger the global cooldown (GCD) the numbers need to be separated by a coma ,

    Note: i am not sure how long the auto kick timer ⏲ is for the game (i think it varies depending on how populated the server is and if anyone is in que to log in or not)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
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    Out of curiosity, and it’s possible I overlooked a post on this already, can I change the list of dungeons to the level appropriate dungeons for the GC command missions? or will that affect how it runs?

    this is explained in the scenario here is a snapshot of it

    Squadron Dungoens:

    Trust Dungoens:

    the dungoens listed in the scenario are all the ones that miqobot suports if it is not listed then miqobot dose not suport it you can check the dungeon levels by either going into the duty finder, going to the “Squadron Sergeant” and looking there or by looking at the Squadron dungoens under the combat tab of Miqobot (both squadron and trust dungeons are under this tab in the squadron dungeon drop-down menu

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    Hey guys for you gather’s out there I recommend this gathering preset for getting collect ables from gathering nodes

    It uses the find by name function along with a macro rotation (saved to the preset) for gathering collectables


    Hey guys for you gather’s out there I recommend this gathering preset for getting collectables from gathering nodes

    It uses the find by name function along with a macro rotation (saved to the preset) for gathering collectables


    Oh you know I’m trying these suckers out! Your Diadem scenario’s were a god send. Cheers man.

    Thanks 😊 I’m glad to hear it, it’s people like you from the community that helped to make the diadem grid what it is with advice from the community and all the help with the error and bug testing, as always any issues or errors please post here πŸ˜€ and I will take care of it as soon as possible

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