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Not true. Most synthesis/touch skills require 3s delay, so it’s way over 1 min. Crafts which take 1 min or less should be of max 22-23 keystrokes.
Wow. 1 minute and 9s. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over 1 minute. Almost 2 minutes.
And that’s the long 70 durability macro:
(23:28:41) Crafting step 1 -> key ‘alt+shift+5’
(23:28:43) Crafting step 2 -> key ‘2’
(23:28:45) Crafting step 3 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+7’
(23:28:47) Crafting step 4 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+2’
(23:28:48) Crafting step 5 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+4’
(23:28:51) Crafting step 6 -> key ‘alt+shift+8’
(23:28:53) Crafting step 7 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+8’
(23:28:56) Crafting step 8 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+8’
(23:28:59) Crafting step 9 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+4’
(23:29:02) Crafting step 10 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+8’
(23:29:05) Crafting step 11 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+8’
(23:29:08) Crafting step 12 -> key ‘alt+shift+3’
(23:29:10) Crafting step 13 -> key ‘alt+shift+5’
(23:29:11) Crafting step 14 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+2’
(23:29:13) Crafting step 15 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+4’
(23:29:16) Crafting step 16 -> key ‘alt+shift+8’
(23:29:18) Crafting step 17 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+4’
(23:29:21) Crafting step 18 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+4’
(23:29:24) Crafting step 19 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+3’
(23:29:26) Crafting step 20 -> key ‘alt+shift+6’
(23:29:29) Crafting step 21 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+6’
(23:29:32) Crafting step 22 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+3’
(23:29:33) Crafting step 23 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+2’
(23:29:36) Crafting step 24 -> key ‘alt+shift+8’
(23:29:37) Crafting step 25 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+7’
(23:29:40) Crafting step 26 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+shift+3’
(23:29:42) Crafting step 27 -> key ‘ctrl+shift+#’
(23:29:45) Crafting step 28 -> key ‘alt+shift+6’
(23:29:48) Crafting step 29 -> key ‘ctrl+alt+5’
(23:29:50) Yes, crafting SUCCESS! (1/10)Hmmm… and what level actually is 80**? %)
You can look up the recipe level of every craftable item on garlandtools.
How do you make it work for the first time? It rotates its “spinner” for two hours alrealy, and generally looks like hung up… Tried on both comps (both Win7 and Win10, both Firefox and Chrome) – nothing changes.
That’s really weird. Also never had an issue. Maybe your firewalls or something?
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
o_O Now you made me curious… You always reserve CPs for Reuse, so macro can press it in case it’s available, but just waste them otherwise? Or you’ve found a way to put these extra CPs into a good use (say, to increase quality) when Reuse is not available?
1. You cannot increase quality after Reuse procced or didn’t proc either way, because reuse can only proc the moment quality reaches 100%.
2. If you meant durability though, there would be no other alternative, because Reuse costs 60 CP and even the lowest durability increaser costs 88 CP.
3. Yes, you can make a macro that uses another action instead, if Reuse doesn’t proc, by putting the other action (that only gets used if Reuse doesn’t proc) instantly after reuse without wait, like this:
/ac “Byregot’s Blessing” <wait.3>
/ac Reuse
/ac otherskill <wait.2>If Reuse procs it gets used after the 3 second wait of Byregot’s Blessing and it puts you into the animation lock, which prevents the other skill to be used (saying “action is not ready yet”) and the macro only executes that wait.2 command. If Reuse doesn’t proc, it still tries to use it (saying action is not usable) and instantly uses the other skill trying to press the reuse button.
These rotations are waaaay too long 🙂 Why don’t you use Preparatory Touch?
These rotations are only the preliminary rotations the Balance Discord came up with. The real optimal rotations are a matter to be released later and I didn’t bother making up any, since these ones work for me at bare minimum stats and under 1 minute per craft.
Though, the most interesting question is: what the hell, are you going to say that some crafting site is updated up to 5.05 crafts already?? o_O Goddamned site I’m using for crafting still barely added 5.0 abilities, and it still shows wrong values of progress when you back up your synthesis actions with Ingenuity 🙁
Yes. Teamcraft is. They have super quick devs and both their site / app have literally everything you want. They even have a fuckin Desynthesis recommender (not that this would interest you in any way).
What’s pretty handy though is for example their crafting lists (was one of their first features to be implemented). Basically you can make a list of items you wanna craft and it gives you the full list of all needed mats, where to get them, how to get them, where they can be gathered, when they will pop next time (with alarms), in which slot, in what order to craft what, with a checklist after every mat that also works in reverse (e.g. you already have some of the final mats, you can check them and it removes the needed base mats from the list above), etc. etc.They’re not updated to 5.05 recipes, but all the skills are already implemented and you can set up custom recipes there, where you can set all values (recipe level, progress, quality, required stats, etc.).
Here, enjoy: the way, I’m using this for 70 durability recipes:
And this for the 35 dur mats:
Both with HQ Blood Bouilabaisse and HQ Cunning Craftsman Tea, minimum stats and max CP. Thank the Balance for these rotations. They’re just the 1st draft though and nothing final.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Everyone super excited for Reuse… I.Dont.Get.It.
It usually gives back a useless mat
I wouldn’t call a Scarlet Tailfeather or a Hive Forewing or a Nidhogg Scale or a Byakko Mane or heck… an Enchanted Elm Lumber that currently costs 8 million gil on my server a useless mat (for instance I got that one back when I crafted a Magicked Bed mount yesterday). Reuse always gives you back the most expensive material (I’ve tested it – it doesn’t always give you back the first slot’s item, but the rarest, since on one recipe I’ve crafted the most expensive mat was in the 4th slot and I got that one back).
Also, its proc rate isn’t too bad. On my first day of having all crafters maxed I’ve made 10 Suzaku bardings from 1 Suzaku Tailfeather, 5 Byakko bardings, 5 byakko thrones and 6 Byakko Cubs from 1 Byakko mane and 3 Seiryu Bardings + 3 Seiryu Sideboards from 1 Seiryu mat. Wouldn’t call that “It never procs”.
The main purpose of Reuse is to get back that super expensive material on crafts that have these mats, not for some generic Kudzu Cloth or Dwarven Mythril Nugget.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Damn, I should have asked it before 8pm GMT, when Rowena updates %) At the moment I’ve checked shops tonight, prices for best collectable have gone up already, hehe (but I still bought enough materials). Half a day of crafting collectables incoming, I guess…
I’ve just crafted 80 Growth Formula Iota via Miqobot in like 40 minutes and that was enough to get me all books.
I said that ones who bought it at 500-600k a piece are morons 😀
Oh, just you wait a few hours. Materia prices will shoot up again, because now people realize, they need more stats and they will buy a lot of them.
Actually, at our cluster prices have stayed at this level (250-260k/materia 8) for 5 days or so (since 24 Jul), so once message about maintenance appeared, I bought some 10 each materia before prices started to rise again. Not sure if I use it or just resell… once I understand which books I should buy first and which items to craft, I’ll try to manage using materia 6 overmelded with 4, much like before I melded mostly materia 5 into Onishi, and overmelded with 4.
I believe you’re better off, just melding your gear normally with grade 8 materia and overmelding grade 1-3 materia into the first overmeld slot. That’s enough for now.
Yup, 1 Master Crafter Book bought for 1200 Yellow Scrips each this time again.
And well well, Gray. Who laughs last 😛 ? You simply cannot craft the new recipes, if you don’t have at least slightly overmelded HQ new white gear + buff food. The minimum stats are extremely high. So much for all the dumb people that overmelded their gear.
Just to recap: You need 2140 Craftsmanship + 1990 Control to even attempt the recipes. Even with a full set of crafted HQ gear you don’t reach this cap. Melding every slot barely reaches it and you will end up having barely any CP to work with. If you max your CP you need to overmeld to reach the stat requirements.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Combat assist still doesn’t work with scenarios yet. That’s a planned feature, everyone is looking forward to.
And even if we had that, there is no way yet for Miqo to scan which FATEs are up and automatically go to the nearest. Scenario scripting only works on specific routes and FATEs (except for FATE chains) pop up randomly in an unspecified order.What will the bot do if it keeps running for an extra minute or two after you’ve successfully purchased it?
It will just keep clicking the placard on and off. Also you can make an ACT Custom Trigger that gives you an alarm, once the plot is purchased.
July 26, 2019 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Feature Request: Gathering-Style Crafting Macro generator #15923Correction: if (condition == “Excellent”) {Byregot’s Blessing} else {Great Strides;Byregot’s Blessing}
Otherwise, I second your idea!Correction #2:
if (condition == “Excellent”) { Byregot’s Blessing; }
else { Great Strides;
if (condition == “Poor”) {
Byregot’s Blessing;
} else { Byregot’s Blessing; }
}I had a Poor proc ruin way more HQ crafts than not using an excellent proc doing so.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
though not even close to 1-20 mil you promised before 😉
That was mainly because of a major letdown from Square Enix. Usually since Heavensward they released craftable glowing primal weapons (they could’ve at least released the ARR and HW craftable weapons) for the new jobs which were the major gil earning machine, however with Shadowbringers they went full maximum laziness mode with that and didn’t implement ANY craftable primal weapons for the 2 new jobs, which made me extremely angry, since I already had stocked up on primal mats for this.
On Stormblood launch I crafted Ifrit Katanas, Ramuh Rapiers, Thordan Katanas, etc. and every single one of them sold for something like 5-20 million gil – and I managed to sell at least 2-3 per day.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
If you want to be helpful, just answer to newbie questions (given that you are 90%+ sure Miqobot representative would give the same answer) – like Lyfox, Arc, Carl and LutBot do, for example… you don’t need any special status for that.
First of all, I feel honored getting mentioned in the same line as Lyfox, Carl and LutBot 🙂
Now towards your question of what that would do?:
I think the main benefit of having forum moderators would be, what you just said: Close/delete topics, edit/delete postsBasically what kontu said. Just closing repetitive questions with an answer would already be more than enough, since then Miqo wouldn’t even need to look at that anymore and save a lot of time.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Now THAT’s “time is money”!
It’s not “time is money”, it’s “I have to spend 20 less seconds on the one craft I do once per week”, which people want.
to overmeld materia which costs 35k per item
No, it doesn’t cost 35k. It costs 0 gil. It costs 250 scrips.
I know what you’re getting at, that you could make 35k gil from it, but I don’t sell materia by default. If I wouldn’t overmeld, I wouldn’t farm for that materia in the first place, so I didn’t waste 35k, because if I wouldn’t have the need to overmeld, I wouldn’t waste my time gathering for it in the first place.
did I got it right: once you meld materia 8 into safe slot, there is just 40% chance to take it back
Yes, but you get thrown at with so much materia (when the new custom deliveries and new crafter beast tribes get released), that I don’t care. If I get the materia back, it’s just a neat bonus. Before Stormblood you couldn’t get materia back at all. You could only destroy it from the slots.
Hrrm… are you sure? Chimerical Felt was the first lvl60 gear set – wasn’t it supposed to be analogue of current Swallowskin / Dwarven Cotton set, which arrived right together with basic addon? Maybe it was Carbonweave that arrived in 4.5 months, and Ironworks in 7 months?
Ah yes. I remembered that incorrectly. But the rest is correct.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by