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  • in reply to: Crafting Macro's #18162

    I used this one for the new 35 durability recipes (are there multiple? I only crafted Pliable Glass Fiber with this so far) and with only 1 HQ mat it was always 100% HQ:

    /ac Reflect <wait.3>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac Ingenuity <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac Ingenuity <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac Manipulation <wait.2>
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis" <wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch"<wait.3>
    /ac "Basic Touch"<wait.3>
    /echo FINISH IT! <se.2>
    /ac Ingenuity <wait.2>
    /ac Innovation <wait.2>
    /ac "Basic Touch"<wait.3>
    /ac "Great Strides"<wait.3>
    /ac "Byregot's Blessing"<wait.3>
    /ac "Careful Synthesis"<wait.3>
    /echo HIGHQUALITY! <se.1>

    MACRO – STATS USED: 2240/2255/541 Compensate accordingly with delicates according with CMS. Blood B + Cunning Syrup HQ) – 70 DURABILITY

    That’s Maria Nyan’s recommended stats. However just by adding another Careful Synthesis at the end of the second macro it still worked 100% with no good procs on Facet Crafting gear while only using the Pliable Glass Fiber as HQ mat and I had MUCH worse stats (bare minimum melds).
    My stats before food were Craftsmanship: 2183 – Control: 2035 – CP: 541 and I only used Blood Bouilabaisse HQ and Cunning Craftsman Syrup HQ, not the new food.

    in reply to: 5.1 Prelim Patch Notes #18150

    Stormblood 4.0 upgrade was processed on a completely different scale.
    ETAs from the past do not apply.

    Forgive me for being nosy when asking for clarification of this statement: does this comment imply that Miqobot team is considerably smaller now than when Stormblood/4.1 released?

    No ulterior motives for asking, truly just curious.

    [Disclaimer] Just my assumption:

    No. Back then Miqobot simply didn’t have as many features, so there was way less to fix. Back then Miqobot only had the Gold Saucer Minigames, Chocobo Racing, Gathering, Fishing, Crafting Solver, Palace of the Dead map, Desynthesis and the beta of the scenario engine as features.

    On top of that came several more crafting skills + gathering skills + spearfishing + a changed crafting math + the combat assist + squadron dungeons + several improvements to scenarios that were developed during stormblood and had to be repaired with the advent of Shadowbringers, while the Miqobot team didn’t considerably grow (at least I read Miqobot stating several times, that employing more staff would take about 6 months of training).

    in reply to: 5.1 Prelim Patch Notes #18121

    @bottingfriend: Make sure to check out the Balance and the Teamcraft Discord. They’ll most likely publish a working macro for even the minimum melds builds, which you can then put into Miqobot’s macro bar on the crafting tab, so the crafting will work consistently.

    Also, from what I’ve seen, all sub <= lvl 70 recipes will most likely be HQ craftable with either just one press of Delicate Synthesis or with Trained Eye followed by 1-3 Careful Synthesis and it's done. That's gonna be pretty amazing.

    in reply to: 5.1 Prelim Patch Notes #18097

    From a technical standpoint it will severely break Miqobot for sure.
    – The crafting solver will be unusable with the giant amount of skills removed and changed
    – Gathering will have to be rewritten to some extend, considering we can perma-stealth now and there’s no reason to ever un-stealth anymore
    – Combat will be pretty broken for some jobs (especially Ninja), since some skills have been completely changed
    – Like always with a large content patch, Miqobot will essentially be broken and undergo maintenance mode (don’t worry, the team will make an announcement and usually licenses get frozen until Miqobot’s base-functionality is repaired)

    This was kinda anticipated, but there is nothing, Miqobot can do, to prepare for this, except for waiting in the wings for the patch to drop.

    From a functionality standpoint I expect:
    – Crafting (and the solver) “might” become simpler to use after it’s fixed, since from what I’ve seen in the notes crafting actions became much simpler and more linear (with buffs that did complex math stuff like reducing rLvl now just giving flat % increases on quality progression)
    – Gathering will propably work much more consistent now, since every gatherer will now always be perma-stealthed and the need for wonky routes to safe places where you activate stealth will be unnecessary and instead the routes can be made, so they send you directly in front of the gathering node
    – Gathering will also become much easier and consistent, since there are no more out of reach items anymore and undiscovered items now aren’t hidden anymore, but will get a fancy icon as sign that you haven’t gathered it yet (and there won’t be reduced gathering chance)

    in reply to: Is there a way to start combat assist with scenarios? #18054

    Just to clarify: This survey was only to gather more information on the forum community’s opinion on certain features.
    This did not lead to Miqobot ceasing all development on any of these features. It mainly led to re-evaluation and confirmation of priorities and development plans, so features that are most demanded by the community can be released faster and more in line to public demand.

    in reply to: Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator] #17954

    Currently miqobot does not support macro for crafting, unless I’m wrong.

    Yes, Miqobot already supports Macros.
    To be more precise, it’s the field framed in red here:

    To use this field you have to untick the “use” option for the crafting solver and the field becomes accessible.
    There you put in your macro in the form of each individual keypress (e.g. ctrl+shift+# is my Byregot’s Benediction key), separated with a comma and Miqobot will execute each keypress sequentially (it is so good, that Miqobot will make sure a skill was used, so it is even lag-proof, or in other words: Miqobot macros work even better than official in-game macros, if you have a high ping).

    You can also save keypress sequences (i.e. macros) by saving it to a profile (the green framed box), so you can create a key sequence macro for every type of craft (e.g. 35 durability 2 star, 70 durability 2 star, etc.).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: New features coming? #17890

    As announced by Miqobot, the next version that is going to be released very soon (somewhere between this week an the next few weeks) is going to have the first Trust Dungeon, Holminster Switch. However, it will run them only with the level 70 rotations, that were just released.

    It might have Healer Rotations, but that’s just a possibility which I don’t know, since my conversation with the Miqobot devs is currently on hold, because I’m currently extremely busy in my university exams phase and the next key point planned for our conversation is a rather large project for the forums and I need time to come up with a large-scale plan for this upcoming community goodie.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Arc Arc.
    in reply to: Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator] #17888

    I tried it myself and I guess I did something wrong (or maybe that got fixed). The software itself ran perfectly fine, but the result was kinda off. I tried creating a scenario for one Facet Mail of Maiming to test it and the issues I’ve found with it were the following:

    1. On page 1 it told me to buy 2x Multifaceted Abrasive, 2x Multifaceted Resin and 2x Multifaceted Alchemic. However, to craft 1 Facet Mail of Maiming you need 6x Multifaceted Abrasive, because it requires 3 Tungsten Steel Ingots and you need 2x Abrasive to craft 1.

    2. Also, the scenario told me, that I need Agedeep Aethersand. It would be good, if it showed me, how much Agedeep Aethersand I need, because for the Facet Mail of Maiming (for the Grade 2 Strength Alkahest) I need 3x Agedeep Aethersand and not only 1.

    3. The recipe requires 12 Tungsten Ore. However, there is not a single mention of Tungsten Ore gathering in the whole scenario. Not even a //Failed to load grid. It simply didn’t put Tungsten Ore into it, even though Tungsten Ore is displayed in the Miqocrafter Window of needed materials. The same thing happened with Shade Quartz, which is the item that reducts into Agedeep Aethersand.

    4. It might still take quite a while until Miqobot implements the QoL feature to check for duplicate entries, when importing new scenarios, so it might be worthwhile implementing a function to load Miqobot’s presets.miqo file and check, which grids/presets/rotations are already imported into Miqobot, so the scenario doesn’t create them from scratch again, resulting in duplicate entries.
    However, if everything works out, I’ll push this change to the Miqobot devs, since Miqocrafter is a really big feature that would profit immensely from a check for duplicates.

    Also, if it’s not too much work, it would be great to have an “ignore catalysts” button, so the Scenario ignores Shards, Crystals and Clusters for the gathering chapter. I for example am sitting on shards, crystals and clusters capped on both my character and all my retainers, so gathering these via scenario is an absolute waste of time, since I have about 40.000 of each.

    I’ve also attached the scenario it created for just a facet mail of maiming, so you can double check it.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator] #17873

    If you ask me, this is a fantastic idea.
    I’m not speaking for the Miqobot devs with this post, but based on our previous debate and my personal estimation of the devs view on community work, I believe this is a highly appreciated piece of work. From my perspective it definitely is!

    I’m adding this to the Index: Scenarios and once I have more time again on my hands for my work on the Miqobot forums and reengage into more talk with the devs (currently I am having university exams)(our next topic of debate will be a pretty cool new improvement on the forums, but no spoilers so far), I will ask for this thread to be pinned (if they don’t do that before anyway).

    in reply to: Crafting and Gathering Macros #17872

    The main resource for crafting macros everyone is using is the so called “The Balance” discord server.
    It’s the main resource for everything about meta in FF XIV. There you can find Best in Slot gear lists for every job, guides for every job, guides for every encounter in the game, as well as guides for crafting and gathering (as well as the macros with several different gear options required for using those, ranging from super cheap up to premium overmelded gear).

    Since you were just asking for the macros, I’m dropping this here as a pointer:

    There you have several gearing options from cheap to the complete waste of max BiS gear and the corresponding macros. That’s the most up to date guide there is.
    If you’re looking for everything else about the Balance, I suggest making a Discord account, if you don’t already have one and join the Balance discord (googling Balance Discord FFXIV should make it easy finding it).

    in reply to: New features coming? #17864

    I don’t have the gil required to overmeld my equips to reach the stats needed to run those macros. All of them require max cp Miqo has no such requirements and will get me there as close as possible.

    Who told you, that you need to invest tons of gil into overmelding to get Max CP? All you need to overmeld, if you’re a massive cheapstake, is overmelding 1 slot in accessories with Grade 3 materia, so you can craft any item in the game:
    (that set is only proof, that you can achieve the required stats for crafting the highest level recipes and have max CP with only 1 overmeld slot at most, with cheap materia. it’s not recommended for using it to craft though).

    And that excuse, that “you don’t have the gil to overmeld” is nonsense, because you can buy all the materia with yellow and white crafter scrips, which you cap once per week, just by investing 5 minutes into custom deliveries (Z’hloe & Adkiragh). Even a massive cheapstake as Gray here on the forums who turns over every gil could get good enough gear to craft everything he wants with simple macros. If you look up his posts, you will find very good examples, of what is possible with almost zero investment, combined with macros that do their job totally fine.

    And for your information: Miqobot also needs a lot of CP melded, because Miqobot’s success is based off how much CP you can get. It’s no difference, if you use crafting solver or ingame crafting macros: For both you will want to cap your CP for getting at least a decent success rate.

    Also, you could use Miqobot for 1 hour to get enough gil to buy all the materia you need to overmeld all your crafter gear.

    So don’t feel discouraged by the fact, that you don’t have the gil to overmeld. It’s really not hard to come by, even if you have zero gil, in no time.

    in reply to: Letter from the Producer LIII – Relevant changes #17850

    Well, from what I understood during the livestream and how Yoshida explained it, people are still complaining, that crafting and gathering are too hard (from an entry point perspective), so they want to simplify things and make it, so a crafter never has to worry about hostile mobs (unless he is trying to gather in a zone, that’s out of his level range i.e. Stealth doesn’t work against mobs because they’re too high level).

    in reply to: Making gil with Miqobot #17849

    Chinese shops don’t pay more than half a dollar per mil

    Damn. Last time I checked the price was at around 1.80$/mil and only if you bought in bulk, like 50+ million at once. 1m was at around 2.50$, when I checked last. That was around patch 4.5 though.

    in reply to: Gathering question #17848

    Not yet, but scanning for buffs on nodes is a feature, that is planned for a future Miqobot release 🙂

    in reply to: Letter from the Producer LIII – Relevant changes #17820

    As for the new MSQ dungeon in 5.1, it will support Trusts.

    OMG. So eventually Miqobot will be able to farm weekly capped tomes with Trusts?? That’s the best thing to ever happen EVER! I hate running duty roulettes to cap my tomes and Eureka was the best thing in SB, since I could afk there with ACT to remind me, when to move my character and cap my tomes with an net investment of maybe 15 minutes. This however is beyond any level of laziness-aid like Eureka did.

    A: There’ll be many changes to gatherers and crafters in 5.1. For desynth, the success rate will be 100%, the see-sawing when leveling multiple classes will be removed, and in general we want you to use desynth on your extra items more. Right now it’s in a weird situation because it’s difficult to level and doesn’t give much reward, so we’re going to address that. Please wait for more details

    I’m not sure about this. If desynth is always 100%, why should you level it in the first place then? The only thing I could think of, would be that you need to level desynth to a certain level to desynth certain items in the first place, which wouldn’t solve the issue of leveling desynth being super grindy. On the other hand, that would give us Miqobotters an amazing opportunity, since we can now “reliably” make a desynth leveling scenario and with the see-sawing removed we can always desynth everything we don’t need without having to worry about jinxing our desynth levels.

    Won’t help anyway. I mean, won’t help us botters. As long as there is at least a little chance that mobs detect our toons while just they are just dismounted but not yet stealthed, we will still move dismount/stealth point miles away to make sure our toons won’t wake us up in the middle of night with login screen cutscene sound (because char have died and disconnected due to afk).

    Or simply never unstealth at all. If you can stealth while mounted, the movement penalty won’t be a problem and mobs will never attack you, since you’re perma-stealthed.

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