Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status

Forum Forums Discussion Shadowbringers 5.58 – Miqobot Status

This topic contains 109 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #19400

    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 5.18!

    Download Miqobot

    All active license codes are extended with bonus time.
    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!


    Run As Administrator

    Due to changes in the game installation process, the client is now always elevated by the game launcher. In order to connect to the game correctly, Miqobot requires additional privileges granted by Administrator account. She will attempt to enable them herself, but they must exist in the first place. This is possible only if Miqobot is running as Administrator.

    Therefore from now on, Miqobot must always be Run as Administrator.
    Please refer to our Help section for detailed guidelines on how to activate this mode: Run as Administrator

    EDIT: A new solution has been implemented in Miqobot v1.3.31.
    Administrator privileges are no longer required, unless your game client has been explicitly elevated by the launcher during the installation process. Please read about Miqobot v1.3.31 for details.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Miqobot Miqobot.

    A reminder about antiviruses.

    Since this is a new version of Miqobot, it may be flagged by your antivirus as False Positive because its signatute is not yet known. As it is stated in our FAQ section, Miqobot is not a virus but antiviruses are usually trained to sic at anything that tries to interact with other programs. Miqobot will make no attempt to fight your antivirus.

    Please remember to whitelist your Miqobot application after download. Thank you!


    Miqobot v1.3.30 – Patch Notes

    The next major upgrade is still in development, but this version contains several minor improvements.

    • New mounts are supported.
    • The Firmament zone is supported.


    • Fixed a rare issue, wherein Assist Mode would stop working if the Cast Bar remained active after being interrupted by a cutscene.
    • Fixed an issue with Ninja rotation, wherein Suiton would not be performed when TCJ is available on hotbar.
    • Fixed an issue with Astrologian rotation, wherein Lord of Crowns and Lady of Crowns would be triggered immediately as soon as they appear on hotbar.


    • Stealth is fully replaced with Sneak in all UI elements.
    • Toil, Clear Out of Reach, and Elemental Wards are removed from Rotation Designer.
    • Twelve’s Bounty is added to Rotation Designer.


    • Function deliverCollectables() supports Ishgard Restoration.
    • When Collect and Ignore Quality settings are enabled at the same time, a confirmation warning will be displayed.

    Miqobot v1.3.31 – Patch Notes

    Download Miqobot

    Note: This version does not contain any critical updates.
    It will not trigger the “New version available” message.

    If you have no issues with Miqobot v1.3.30 running as Administrator and don’t need the Starlight Minigame support, you don’t have to download this version.

    Fixed Issues

    An alternative solution for game interaction is implemented.
    Miqobot no longer requires Administrator privileges to connect to the game client.

    However, we haven’t been able to test the new solution on all possible Windows installations, therefore we can not guarantee that it will work for everyone. Please keep an eye on the message log in case this issue occurs again.

    Starlight 2019 Minigame is supported

    New scenario functions are implemented.
    Full documentation is available directly in Miqobot. Press ? button to open it.

    1. npcStarlight() – Perform the starlight rhythm minigame at the closest NPC.
    2. setStarlightReward() – Set reward pattern for the starlight rhythm minigame. Default is 3.
    3. setStarlightAim() – Set performance aim for the starlight rhythm minigame. Default is great.
    4. npcQuestStart() – Accept a quest from the closest NPC.
    5. npcQuestComplete() – Complete a quest at the closest NPC.

    Note: This is a bonus update for the ongoing Starlight Celebration event.
    New scenario functions allow farming the starlight minigame for unique housing rewards.

    The algorithm is by no means perfect and may accidentally miss some of the rhythm diamonds, but since the event is time limited we don’t think that perfection is required. In addition, performance aim is slightly randomized and additional settings allow you to control the randomization factor.

    • critical – Miqobot will try to align input perfectly with each diamond.
    • great – Miqobot will randomize input by hitting diamonds at Great or Critical.
    • good – Miqobot will randomize input by hitting diamonds at Good, Great, or Critical.

    Please be careful and try not to interrupt Miqobot’s performance with your own input, otherwise the inner pattern tracker may get out of sync and fail to complete the minigame.


    As always, we are making the necessary preparations to fix Miqobot for Patch 5.2 as fast as possible.
    According to the patch notes, there are significant changes to all features. Miqobot will be broken and we will have to reimplement the broken parts from scratch.

    Due to the amount of changes introduced by the patch, we expect at least 72 hours of complete Miqobot downtime.

    All active license codes will be automatically extended in order to compensate for the downtime.
    The bonus time will be credited at the moment Miqobot comes to life again, and it will cover game maintenance and Miqobot maintenance both.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Why it happens.


    The recovery process has passed the 75% milestone.
    It will take another 24 hours to complete.


    The recovery process is almost complete and we are now performing the final testing.
    Miqobot will be revived within the next 3 hours.


    Miqobot is alive!

    Download Miqobot

    All active license codes are extended with bonus time.
    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!


    Miqobot v1.3.32 – Patch Notes

    • New mounts (8) are supported.
    • Ocean Fishing location is supported.
    • New bait (4) and new fish (113) is supported by Scenario Engine.


    • (Lv71) Holminster Switch support.

    In order to use Miqobot in Trust Dungeons, please put a Trust icon somewhere on your hotbar. You can drag it directly from the Duty menu. Alternatively, you can assign a shortcut for Trust in your keybinds.
    Additional information is available in the main beta thread: [Beta] Combat

    • A separate setting to open coffers is implemented.
      If you’re not interested in any dungeon loot, you can disable this setting.
    • A corresponding scenario function is implemented:

    New abilities are supported:

    • (Tanks) Reprisal.
    • (NIN) Ten Chi Jin.
    • (AST) Celestial Opposition.
    • (AST) Cards management (Draw / Play / Redraw / Divination / Minor Arcana / Sleeve Draw).
    • (MCH) Bioblaster.
    • (SMN) Firebird Trance.
    • (SMN) Fountain of Fire / Brand of Purgatory / Enkindle Phoenix.


    • (SCH) Emergency Tactics priority is increased.
    • (SAM) True North is not activated when below level 52.
    • (SMN) Egi Assault charges are triggered earlier for better Trance alignment.
    • Fixed an issue wherein Assist Mode settings would not save if Pause Hotkey is not set.

    Crafting Solver

    We have managed to implement a bandage hotfix for the basic logic, but it’s extremely unstable.
    Veneration is not supported.
    Please do not attempt to craft any expensive recipes with this version.

    During the next few weeks we will focus on the necessary upgrades for Crafting Solver and will try to make it compatible with 80+ content.


    As always, Miqobot is broken due to the arrival of Patch 5.21 and we are working to fix her as fast as possible.
    The changes are minor and should take only a few hours.


    Miqobot is fixed for Patch 5.21!

    Please restart your Miqobot for the changes to take effect.
    Thank you for your patience very much!

    Please keep in mind that new content is not supported.

    • Diadem support is scheduled for release in several days.
    • Expert recipes are under research and will be implemented in several weeks.

    Please do not attempt to use Crafting Solver for Expert recipes. It will not work and will most likely crash Miqobot.


    Miqobot v1.3.33 – Patch Notes

    Download Miqobot

    • Diadem location is supported.
    • New mounts (3) are supported.
    • New bait (4) is supported by Scenario Engine.


    New abilities are supported:

    • (WAR) Chaotic Cyclone
    • (WAR) Inner Chaos


    • (Healers) Esuna is used to remove Slow debuff in Trust Dungeons.
    • (Healers) Esuna is used to remove Burns debuff in The Great Hunt (Extreme).
    • (RDM) Scatter priority is adjusted.
    • Fixed an issue, wherein Miqobot would not avoid certain AoE omens in Holminster Switch.


    New abilities are supported by the Rotations Designer:

    • (71) Stickler
    • (74) The Giving Land
    • (77) Pick Clean
    • (78) Mind of the Mountaineer / Pioneer
    • Favors support is removed.

    Scenario Engine

    New scenario functions are implemented.
    Full documentation is available directly in Miqobot. Press ? button to open it.

    1. diademBoom() – Release a blast of Aetheromatic Auger.
    2. setGatherSlot() – Set slot number for gathering.
    • Function deliverCollectables() supports Diadem Resource Inspection.
    • Function deliverCollectables() has a new deliverIshgard() alias.

    Please remember that Diadem is an area of high player congestion. Please be careful when leaving Miqobot unattended, especially if you are using public presets for farming Diadem.

    Miqobot does not enforce any limits on your activity, but we encourage you to play wisely.

    This version will not trigger the “New version available” message.


    As always, Miqobot is broken after Patch 5.21 Maintenance and we are working to fix her as fast as possible.
    Thank you for your patience very much.

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