Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

Forum Forums Discussion Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

This topic contains 1,142 replies, has 259 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #22474

    Hi, I was rebinding my keys, and I ran into these issues with the combat assist:
    “Uhoh. I don’t know where is key ‘0xA3’ for action ‘Hotbar 1, Slot 12′”
    “Uhoh. I don’t know where is key ‘0xA4’ for action ‘Hotbar 1, Slot 11′”

    Those are my Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 buttons respectively.

    Previously, I had them on Hotbar 3, Slot 12 and Hotbar 3, Slot 11 respectively, and the assist didn’t seem to have any problems with them. Is there a fix for this, or is it an issue that’s baked into the way Miqo processes and issues keyboard commands?

    Miqo cant use mouse commands. You’ll have to rebind those to a hotbar if you want miqo to use them.

    We are sorry, but in order to emulate mouse buttons we would have to seize mouse control and you would not be able to use it.

    However, please note that the game allows two different keybinds for each action.
    Please follow this solution:

    1. Assign any keyboard shortcut to Key Setting 1.
    2. Assign (M3) or (M4) shortcut to Key Setting 2.

    This way, Miqobot will be able to activate actions via keyboard while you can continue using mouse button shortcuts.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by LutBot LutBot.


    Yo i am so hype for the big crafting overhaul update soon.

    Will we get an option to use delineations in the crafting solver? Preferably with a setting of how many can be used per craft, 0-3. They’re pretty cheap to get and popping one before a byregot’s could up the success rate of difficult crafts, or maybe popping one on a Good condition could lead to an early finisher with Byregot’s.
    I heard (but haven’t tested) that they also work on expert crafts.


    No, delineations will not be supported.
    First we have to verify that Crafting Solver receives better feedback than it did in Stormblood. And then we will consider working on additional tweaks.


    Yo i am so hype for the big crafting overhaul update soon.

    Will we get an option to use delineations in the crafting solver? Preferably with a setting of how many can be used per craft, 0-3. They’re pretty cheap to get and popping one before a byregot’s could up the success rate of difficult crafts, or maybe popping one on a Good condition could lead to an early finisher with Byregot’s.
    I heard (but haven’t tested) that they also work on expert crafts.

    They do yeah, but good luck on finishing early xD Basically you’ll only finish an expert synth early if you get lucky with A LOT of procs. Otherwise better get used to 50+ steps =)


    Ran into a weird issue with RDM with mana gauge management that popped up today.

    Was running Mt. Gulg (79 dungeon) and there was a group of a few enemies together, with over 80/80 on mana gauge. Miqobot chose to do the AOE melee attack first, pushing both to below 80. The enemy died, then she chose to do the single target melee combo, but there wasn’t enough mana to do the full thing, which loses DPS since you can’t Verflare/Verholy or Scorch. She didn’t try to use the 3rd part of the single target combo and just went back to the normal magic casts after. Just something to note.


    Thank you for reporting.
    This issue is most likely caused by a lag spike which delayed the display of mana gauge. We will investigate the issue further and will think of a way to prevent it.



    PvP rotations are not disabled in Miqobot. They are simply not implemented due to a very low demand.

    Since Assist Mode is an attended activity, there is no reason to restrict it. But PvP rotations support would require the same amount of work that was invested in PvE rotations. We don’t think that premium subscription can justify postponing other more popular features.

    We have plans for PvP rotations in the future, but only after the core combat system is complete.

    For what it’s worth, I’d love to see PvP implemented soon, but I do understand that the team has other higher priority tasks in the backlog.

    Still, one can hope. 🙂

    Thank you and your team very much for the work you’ve put into making Miqo as great as she is now.



    I’ve noticed on MCH combat assisst that Miqo usually delays using Reassemble to pair it with drill/air anchor, which is great.

    But the bot messes up when starting the battle. It opens with Drill (great!), but THEN pops Reassemble and essentially wastes it on one of the two oGCD attacks (usually ricochet) when they’re up, which they usually are at the start of a battle.

    Would it be possible to adjust Reassemble usage so that it either pops it before the first GCD drill when initiating battle (0.5 second clipping be damned), or alternatively delay the usage to right before air anchor? Either way, just something so it’s not wasted on a oGCD.

    I’ve been popping Reassemble manually just before pulls to get around it (which is good practice anyways) but i don’t always catch it after some longer phase changes in boss fights where both Reassemble and Drill are back off cooldown.


    Would you please clarify, why do you consider Reassemble wasted?
    Reassemble affects weaponskills only. If another oGCD attack is used, it does not remove Reassembled buff and the next weaponskill is still a critical direct hit.



    Is it? I admit i haven’t been using it (or MCH for that matter) for long and it’s just something i noticed out of the corner of my eye during heated battles. If Reassemble doesn’t apply to oGCDs, you are free to call me a dumbass and move on.

    Sorry for wasting your time 🙂


    Apologizes if this is wrong place for it. I was wondering if it would be possible to get combat assist for PVP as just a assist and not tied to the scenario this way you must be present for it. On certain classes pvp can just be too difficult compared to others.


    We are sorry, but PvP rotations support will require the same amount of work that was invested in PvE rotations. It’s not an easy thing to do.

    We have plans for PvP rotations in the future, but only after the core combat system is complete.
    Thank you for your request!



    Hey so I’ve been playing around with optimization and I think for PLD the level 80 rotation would be done better opening with Goring Blade combo, then going into the Requiescat combo instead of Royal Authority. Since Atonement refreshes MP it feels like a lost DPS opportunity to not use Requiescat. 🙂


    There is no such concept as “opener” in Miqobot.
    Assist Mode is based on the seamless list of rules that Miqobot follows regardless of the rotation phase. If you wish to optimize your DPS output, you have to perform the opener manually.

    Regardless, we continue working on adjustments for every new version.
    And we can accept your request as soon as we understand the theory behind it.

    At the moment Miqobot prioritizes Fight or Flight over Requiescat, because it allows more high-potency GCDs within its window and is usually a more popular choice. In addition, Confiteor is currently not supported by Miqobot which makes it impossible to maximize Requiescat potency.
    Would you please clarify, do you ask for Requiescat to be a priority choice in all situations?



    Playing around with ACT the current Miqo rotation with Confiteor averages 8.2k dps on i482 while utilizing Goring Blade and then the Requiescat rotation was averaging 8.5k dps. Pretty much negligible now that I have ACT and can look at it better. My thoughts were just the idea that using the Atonement rotation while capped on MP felt like a wasted opportunity.

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