Forum Replies Created
There are two components:
– scenarios (instructions)
– grids (coordinates and logistics)The grids are just points of actions (node, fly, mount, walk, sprint) connected by lines or paths (which can also be set to one-way paths).
Scenarios are basic scripts which guide your character along the grid. The scenario “story” should start with selecting a grid that is loaded into miqobot. Then it tells it to go to say… “point 44”. Miqobot will then detect the shortest route to get to point 44 using the instructions of each point your character passes/interacts with. It can only travel the lines conencted to the points using the instructions of each point and each line. You can hide the grid and show the grid. I recommend hiding it for this particular one because theres a million points. When the script says to gather, it will stop at the point instructed and then find the nearest connected node to gather from, from that point. So let’s say you go to point 44 and the nearest node is actually at point 55. Your character will run all the way to point 55 and then gather at the node connected by the branches from point 44 to the nodes within a certain radius – gather and then go all the way back to point 44 again to continue the script. This is why most points are located directly next to nodes to make scripting easier.
Basically if you know which points you want to gather from you can construct your own scenario using any premade grid quite simply. The hard part with this grid in particular is that it does not have efficient pathing for focusing particular nodes.
There is an editor mode and honestly people are just way too lazy to give it half an hour to figure out – then you can make your own custom grids and tailor scenarios without having to be stuck relying on others.
I’ve made some subtle changes, but from here on I will be adding my updates to google drive and updating the spreadsheet with new information. I will post here when there’s an update here but it will just be in the format of:
Update: 11/05/2024It’s just so much easier for me to be able to control the information I share instead of this messy forum crap, as well as not being able to edit posts or sticky updates to the front page.
I’ll mostly just be using this thread for suggestions/questions.
If you have issues with pathing I can attest that I have used every grid to gather 999x of every single item. So my answer is: I do not know how to fix your issue specifically – open up the navigation tab, turn on the editor and move the waypoints to suit your needs.Update:
Added a new chapter (25) and grid for gathering Yellowish Rocks and Crystal Clusters.
Link to index spreadsheet.-
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by
You must be logged in to view attached files.Here’s a link to the new spreadsheet:
Will update with items in time.
Here’s a screenshot as a preventative measure in case I delete google again.As I progress to rank 20 I will add the new stuff.
You must be logged in to view attached files.It finally clicked why there has been confusion regarding why the scenario chapters don’t connect or loop. In the first post I hadn’t properly outlined that the chapters are utilized as individual “scenarios” to keep the files clean. Each chapter is a micro scenario dedicated to 11 or 12 nodes for efficiency.
What I should have said is that each CHAPTER begins outside the comfy cabin. You can’t just start at chapter 1 and leave it to run through all chapters. You also can’t just start a chapter willy nilly in the middle of the map. You HAVE to use isle return back to comfy cabin. You find which item you’d like in the corresponding chapter (nodes are clearly stated at the top of each script) and then initiate that chapter. As stated above it will repeat that specific chapter 999x – capping out on items on around loops 80 to 90 or so. This is where Miqobot ceases to function and you need to islereturn and initiate a new chapter for a new item to gather.
I apologize for this confusion, this forum won’t let you edit posts after like half an hour or something passes and I never looked back.
For example:
Chapter 2 is Apple Trees.
Start chapter 2 and it will go through a loop of Apple trees until 999 of all items are gathered OR when you decide to quit.
Once you are satisfied, stop running the script and use isle return.
You may now want to gather from Mahogany Trees, which is chapter 3.
Start chapter 3 from outside the comfy cabin and you’re on your way.
Gather till satisfied, islereturn, select new chapter to start, rinse repeat.DO NOT let this try to run chapter to chapter. All chapters have a dedicated and separated grid – they do not connect as a massive spider web. The reason for this choice was because the ones that were already made that had every node as a giant spider web was laggy and ineffective for pathing due to the PC trying to figure out the best route.
The only way you can allow this to run chapter by chapter is to remove the repeatchapter line one each chapter scropt and replace it with a line that uses a key input for isle return. This is the only way they would be connected and it’s not efficient whatsoever due to returning and traveling a long starting pathway.
I wish I had clicked on to this nearly a whole year ago.
I’ve returned to the game to make some progress before dawntrail, so I’ll have a look into what’s broken here and see what’s going on. In the time I’ve been gone I also deleted my google account which explains why the spreadsheet went missing ๐คฆ.
The first thing I am seeing is that people were using these as full map cycles. These were never intended to be used to cycle the entire map, they were item-focused. I don’t know why some people were encountering issues on vertical axis and intercepting objects. I used these myself about 1000x and never encountered any issues, but it could be to do with resolution or dpi settings? Really odd.-
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by
Hi all,
Just gotta say I likely won’t be on XIV from here on so it’s hard to help and fix stuff.
Hey Mewo,
My Char is not Using Isle Sprint ever, it is assigned to a hotbar with a hotkey (1 in this case)Secondly in Scenario 6 of Post-Flying and Cave-Access: Mound of Dirt.
You collect 13 Nodes in Total, 2 of them completely out of the way in the northwest (see screenshot)
As the scenario is collecting 13 Nodes you can just skip the 2 on the B waymark and can still loop it.
This would make the loop much faster, as you donโt need to Fly to the north west and then fly the whole way back to the southeast.Also when flying away from the B waymark the char is flying a long time against a wall, and sometimes getโs entirely stuck there.
For the isle sprint, I’m not entirely sure how Miqobot follows procedure. All I did was insert Duty actions on to my currently active hotbar (removed regular sprint) and she selected it. There’s not much more to it other than that and it has nothing to do with scenarios or grids.
As for the re-routing, for the reasons above I won’t be rectifying things like that for a while. Because this whole thing is rather automated I wasn’t going for clear cut quickest farms every time. Realistically a lot of it becomes rather arbitrary anyways, saving marginal time and gathering unnecessary quantities. I do vaguely remember making this and thought eh those are kinda out of the way but why not – we’re flying it’s not that much time.
I don’t know much about hitting the wall on the route. From my experience I never hit the wall ๐. I feel like I can see how that happens but I’m wondering if it’s the DPI setting and accuracy of following the waypath. I remember adjusting the waypoints a few times because I was actually running on the land occasionally due to angles. Never hitting a wall though.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Thanks for that Mewo! question though, thereโs about 7 marbles to gather around the waypoint for your scenario / nodes (Smooth White Rock), once all 7 has been gathered my character just stands there and just waits for it for more nodes to spawn. is it meant to be that way?
Sorry it took a while to reply, new job, very tired LOL.
I’m trying to answer from memory… Which scenario set are you using and which chapter? I assume you’re using the scenario “- foot” but if you’re using “- flying” and don’t have flying unlocked, you probably will just fart around doing nothing because I do believe there is an actual flying waypoint that one uses. If you’re using “-foot” the issue may be that you gathered the “bluish rock” node that is next in the sequence. From memory I believe it goes smooth white rock x7, then Bluish rock x7. On all of these scenarios, you definitely need to make sure that you haven’t actually gathered anything in that vicinity recently. The best solution is to go to like… the other side of the island and gather 11x before starting. Since this chapter has excess of 11 nodes because it has 14 nodes, I cant imagine you actually running into this issue of standing around doing nothing.
I’ll hop on the game this weekend and have a look if you haven’t got it working by then.
iโll try and delete the scenario and add it again and see if its work
Hopefully this is all working now. When in doubt gather 11x at random places and then run the scenario back at the comfy cabin.
Hi there, is the spreadsheet outdated? i dont see Raw Island Garnet on the list? Also, it seems some of the grid also doesnt work, iโm just getting โ(9:13:46 am) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like โ<anything>โ *.*โ
yea same for me it does need some update for both old and new ones i think ๐
Raw Island Garnet is not from nodes, that is from the granary outside the comfy cabin. Neither is silver ore etc.
As for scanning for shiny node errors, it is possible that you have gathered the nodes previously and have accidentally caused the scenario order to fail.
A lot of these scenarios are a perfect 11x node cycle – because 11 nodes resets the first node you gathered from. If one of those nodes are missing, you will encounter an issue because my grids only have the branch distance of like 5 – 20. Miqobot cannot gather “off-grid” when using my grids because they are far more strict than most people’s. If the branch distance was set to say…. 50 she will just gather from anything within that range of distance to whatever many times you asked her to do it. So if you’re going to like “waypoint 10” and there is no node there, she will just stop.
Lastly, it is also possible that you are executing the chapter in my scenario and then possibly swapping the grid if you’re clicking on the gather tab and messing around there. I doubt this is the cause but it can be an issue if you’re trying to do something in there.
hey again mewo i tried removing the line repeatchapter999 and its failing everytime i start the chapter its like miqo doesnโt recognize the new line which is isle return i also tried to mark duty action still didnโt use it iโm kinda lost with this i would appreciate the help if someone can tell me how to do it thank you in advance ๐
Ah yeah this is what I tried to explain before but it’s kind of confusing.
As you know there are two types of “return” abilities here.
Return and Isle Return.
Isle Return is actually “Duty Action II” and is likely not recognized by miqobot that simply – even though miqobot recognizes Isle Sprint for some reason.In your game you need to go to actions and assign “Duty Action II” to a hotbar
– Remember where in the hotbar, which key etc (For example, if you put Duty Action II on F12).Instead of using the line return(), use the line sendkey().
Inside the parenthesis of sendkey(), type in the key that you have assigned to “Duty Action II”
– Using the earlier example of using F12 for “Duty Action II”, you would use sendkey(F12).Hopefully that works out for you.
This is a direct copy from the help Miqobot has on sendkey:
sendKey( key, seconds )
Send key into the game.
If seconds specified, it will delay scenario flow by given amount.Supported:
– alphanumeric keys
– punctuation keys (except comma and diacritics)
– F1-F12
– Num0-Num9
– Num-, Num*, Num/, Num.
– Ctrl / Alt / Shift (must be combined with ‘+’)
– cursor control keys (must be enclosed in {})Maximum delay is 10 seconds.
For longer delays use afkFor().
key – what to send
seconds – [optional] how long to delay
key(ctrl+alt+num9, 2.5)
This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by
hi mewo thanks for the good scenario u are my new island hero ๐
=u= Thank you!
is there a way to repeat all the scenario from the start if there can u tell me how been trying to add return and repeat all from scenario functions but nothing works
I would personally not script an automated return in the chapters. The chapters are designed to loop certain focused nodes effectively. Unless you’re trying to have the scenario run chapter to chapter to gather everything from the island… Then you would have to remove the line repeatchapter(999) on every chapter and replace with a return line.
I’m not sure if miqobot identifies “isle return” because standard “return” will take you back to your home aetheryte rather than outside the comfy cabin. So you may need to instead hotkey “duty action 1/2” to a key and have miqobot use that key specifically instead. I would help craft this properly but my license expired and I’m not really in need of miqobot for the time being.
This is great, have used to get all those dumb laver and copper that Iโm always low on.
LOL I’m not even sure how you get low on laver since it’s a forced gather from seaweed! I had to keep selling the stuff.
Hey! So Iโm super new to this entire concept (MiqoBot, that is) and I would LOVE to utilize the scenario feature to farm materia, but Iโm completely at a loss in regards to how to make this work. For scenarios, would I just copy the text files people have uploaded and paste them straight into a new scenario?
I attempted to do that, but Iโm wondering if the โtxtโ file Iโm opening it with might be distorting and ruining the formatting, making it fail to run in the bot for me. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!
I personally haven’t used the scenarios etc discussed here, I just randomly decided to visit your reply. What you need to do on miqobot is click share and import the txt file. I think this is probably what you are asking lmao.
New thread to keep it all clean. go there from now. c:
If you ever have time/the desire. Updating your post above to include what items you can get for the rock descriptions would be helpful. For example, I need rock salt, but didnโt realize โcrystal banded rockโ meant that one until I got there.
Here’s the first part. Lmao I decided to revert back to nodes cause the scenario titles were way too long tbh. I’ll do the other two indexes tomorrow.
Pre-Flying: Island Sanctuary โ Foot
Chapter| Description
1 | Apple/Palm/Mahogany/Tualong Trees
| Collects from of each tree type 3x (12x total trees)2 | Submerged Sand
| Tinsand/Sand3 | Mound of Dirt
| Clay/Sand4 | Bluish/Smooth White Rock
| Copper/Limestone/Stone5 | Mountain Ore
| Quartz/Iron/Leucogranite (3:5:5 ratio)6 | Agave Plant/Crystal Banded Rock
| Salt/Stone Hemp/Islewort7 | Cotton Plant
| Cotton/Islewort8 | Sugarcane
| Sugarcane/Vine9 | Southeast Ocean
| Jellyfish/Coral, Laver/Squid10 | Northwest Ocean
| Clam/Fish, Laver/Squid11 | Cabbage Seeds
| Also gathers tinsand for the 11 reset – get rid of all your Sand to farm effectively12 | Parsnip/Popoto
| Get rid of all your Islewort to farm effectively13 | Pumpkin Seeds
| Self explanatory.Attachments:
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This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by