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I honestly do not know if this is a new problem or not, but Reclaim doesn’t seem to work on Collectibles. I have it set for Q < 4400, and I would expect it to use Reclaim at last move before going CP < 55, but it never does. Attached is the log.
(7:23:46 PM) Step 13. Recommended skill: (Steady Hand II)
(7:23:48 PM) Step 14. Recommended skill: (Hasty Touch)
(7:23:51 PM) Step 15. Recommended skill: (Precise Touch)
(7:23:54 PM) Step 16. Recommended skill: (Innovation)
(7:23:56 PM) Step 17. Recommended skill: (Tricks of the Trade)
(7:23:59 PM) Step 18. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
(7:24:01 PM) Step 19. Recommended skill: (Reclaim)
(7:24:02 PM) Step 20. Recommended skill: (Hasty Touch)
(7:24:06 PM) Step 21. Recommended skill: (Hasty Touch)
(7:24:08 PM) Oh no, crafting FAIL! 🙁Not sure if you know how reclaim works… but the synth has to fail for it to get a chance to trigger.. and In my experience, the chance to trigger is rather low. By your own logs, it seems miqo is doing exactly as instructed “Recommneded skill: reclaim” seems to be using it and then proceeding to break the synth, which is exactly how reclaim works.
Yeah the ilvl for retainers to bring max yield/time is i425
How the heck (2)? The best craftable combat gear atm is ilvl415. Mkay, you can receive one set of blue gear via a quest. I’d never let my retainer have it, as I need it myself; but ok, you can do it. But then again, how do you equip 9 retainers in ilvl425 eq at THIS moment?…
Dump the i430 set on your retainer, go talk to the guy again, ??????, profit.
Those numbers look kinda random. My retainers already bring me 10. Raid gear is not even released yet. And my actual profit is of course much higher than you calculated.
But ok i dont pay your sub.
Wow I legit Lol’d at this haha.
Yeah the ilvl for retainers to bring max yield/time is i425, nowhere close to raid gear (and certainly achievable atm).
My retainers already bring me 10.
How the heck?? We are talking about endgame (Sea Swallow) skins, right?
Current trash tome (goeatia) Gear is i440. Furthermore, you can get a free i430 set from the job trainer if you already completed his quest.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by LutBot.
So I already have a single ingame macro that allows me to craft collectables
You don’t even need Miqo for that. Google this: AutoHotKey. Learning might be a bit troublesome at begin unless you are programmer or at least scripter, though.
Miqo uses skills in faster succession, makes sure abilities go off in case of lag, allows for collectable activation deactivation, implementation in scenarios and starts new crafts faster.
I fucking love how miqo does this Lol my internet is at times spotty, and using a regular in game macro would surely break the synth. But If I set miqo to do it, then she spams the skill until it goes off and before she moves on to the next. Extremely useful.
I looked into the AHK stuff awhile back and while it does work, it does require some effort to set the scrip to work.
Oof. Retainers are far FAR from being useless. My 3 DoM/DoL/DoH retainers keep my crafting inventories very well stocked. Fuck grinding cotton/dimythire/flesh for synths Lol.
I suppose as the xpac starts to die down (in a couple of years) then yeah their use will be largely minimized.. but atm they’re fairly critical.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by LutBot.
Any chance you could make a 550 collectibility/800 GP version? Having it ignore the sharp vision requirements and go for maximum gather.
I havent messed with this scenario yet, but you can edit the rotations to fit your needs. Go to the gathering tab and find the rotation the scenario uses, remove field of vision and add another Discerning Eye or what not, then save & overwrite.
800GP rotation every node doesnt seem feasible tho, even with HQ cordials. Might have to delay the timers.
Put your macro on a hotbar, instruct miqo to press it every x amount of seconds (depending on how long it takes for the synth to finish). I believe you still have to add “,” into it after the macro button because thats the only way miqo can tell time.
Altho I dont see why you wouldnt just put the whole macro in miqo, seems a lot better and failsafe to me, but thats just my opinion.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by LutBot.
It’s ok, don’t worry. By doing the squadron, you obtain more GC seals than what is required to launch it with the squadron. The other choice is to run the Red script scenario (yellow script now ?). With the gathering red script scenario, you can buy gathering lvl 60 ring, worth 1k GC per item (and you can have 20k or something GC seals per hour of gathering)Have you done this post ShB? There were reports that the LandKing rings were no longer tradable at GC HQ.
Check this thread:
Then scroll down to macro combat. Not sure if it supports ShB content yet, but it works on older areas.