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1. It is an alternative way for crafters to level, because completing their daily quest rewards quite a lot of exp at close to zero cost of gil (unlike levequests, where you have to buy mats, if you can’t gather them yourself).
I wonder why would we (botters!) care about it 🙂 There is an universal way to level since 51: put bot on some mats, gather 300 (takes half a hour), craft collactables, turn in – voila, you’ve got 5 levels without spending a single gil or single allowance!
the second is buying from a Namazu NPC with the currency awarded from the Namazu beast tribe quests.
Hmmmmmmm… interesting, thank you! Now I wonder: can Miqo farm these quests in its current state, or we have to wait for combat etc features to be released for that?
Miqobot traverses beacons in increasing order of their waypoint numbers.
Oh damn it %) I would never expect waypoint numbers have any meaning, hehe! Well, too bad you can’t change waypoint numbers, but I guess next time beacons will be the last waypoints I create…
Thanks bunch for the explanation!
Do your Custom Deliveries every week.
Yea, I’ve considered this idea, but the problem is: I don’t have many enough weeks 🙁 I want to learn everything about crafting and gathering before ShB is released, and I want to be among the first players who get their DoH skills up to 80 once it’s released (for obvious reasons). Well anyway, all my DoL skills are 70 now, I’m building up my set of gathering grids, so it should be ok rather soon, even without deliveries 🙂 Still, thanks for advice!
Might work, gotta try it… which, still, does not fix the occasional problem of travelling from A right to C. Either way, I’d really like to hear the Miqo representative answer: how does Miqo choose the next beacon to travel to? Something tells me that it calculates linear distance, ignoring routes, let alone one-way settings… which is quite wrong tactic.
(at least the non-crafter)
Out of curiosity: why would crafter need beast tribe quests? I mean, yes, there are beast tribe housing items, but they are available by default, without any questing?
Well… as I’m a newbie (just 7 weeks of playing FFXIV), I doubt my voice counts for a lot, but still… I play FFXIV much the same way I’ve played everything before. While the game is new to me (and thus fun), I do lots of things manually. For example, I’ve leveled my first DoW class to 70 manually only, because combat is a thing I play for. And yes, combat in FFXIV is complicated, and thus fun! Though, I’m not really a patient person, so I’m using bot for grinding DoL skills up to 70. DoH skills are fun while you seek for an optimal sequence and solidify it in form of script, then it becomes boring again, so I just let scripts handle it from that moment… until 5 more levels and next craft. Maybe it changes when I gather enough scrips and unlock master recipes, though.
I’m not sure it it works, but I’d rather see a voting pool rather than simple thread (not sure if forum engine supports it, though). I.e. I’d like to know how many Miqo users use it [mostly] for gathering, how many for grinding mobs, how many for fishing, for crafting, for squadrons, for gaining advantage in dungeons, etc, etc, whatever Miqo can do. This way it could be easier to realize what does majority of people actually demand. Not that I believe in democracy within a commercial project but… worth a try?
We dont question your ability to find a decent job do we?
Well you can, and I won’t feel insulted. I’ll answer as it is: after certain event which took place many years ago my mobility is limited, office job is out of question, while freelance is obstructed by Chinese/Indian coders who accept any tasks for any price. This is why I concentrated on botting only since then.
We all tried to help you. From the very start we warned you that RMT is not really a thing here. But still we tried to help. Explained how the game works, gave you ideas, shared knowledge. Yet all we got in return was a shitton of insults towards us, towards the game, towards Miqo, and the dev team. Now at this point youre clearly just trolling.
Not really… Actually, I was first in the topic who took the bait – one skillfully cast by Carl Arbogast. I should have just kept my opinion on this subject for myself, much like I did during previous two months on this forum. I apologize… And yes, I appreciate your help (especially personally your, Lyfox!)
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
One. Single. Button.
For everything.
Every situation.
Flawless.This is what you can do with macros, too. One button to load certain macro in memory, a click to switch to game window, then another button to launch hour long handsfree crafting.
2 buttons and a click.
Every situation.
Flawless.But, indeed, first you have to set up these macroses.
It’s ironic to read your chapter where you explain you had to change gear many times, switch macros, wasting time on all this, while everywhere else on the forum you beg for fully automated thing from A to Z because your goal is to win money while not spending time to earn it, and yet here you are, wasting time with macros, stats, gears and switches, while Miqo has a one single button for all of it.
You are wrong. It’s never as easy as you say. I earn my money by setting up scripts (be that macros scripts or Miqo scenarios), then I make my comps to use these scripts to grind money for me. In case of Miqo you can’t even pretend that you can just download grids from the corresponding forum section (most of them are flawed – for example, running on foot instead of using mount), so this way or that you HAVE to set up things first. This is how automation idea works since beginning of computer era.
I would find it satirical, because you’re after money, and with Miqo down, you would completely miss the money train of August Savage, regretting to have called Miqobot solver something not worth the effort.
Gimme a break, pretty please… There is just one and only “station” where “money train” starts: one allowing a bot to run 12 hours a day, then allowing farm owner to come, put everything farmed on market (during some halfhour or so of manual play), and (NB!) be sure that everything gets sold until the next day comes. This is NOT what you describe. If you try this in FFXIV (using bot or not), then 1) you run out of retainer slots, 2) you get some dozen or two sold, while the rest will be outbid by other crafters. And, well, I don’t see why would you need a bot to craft two dozens items per day… it’s not like you can’t do it manually!
For the deciphering and learning steps. Because when you can focus yourself entirely on the party and mechanics instead of your DPS, you can learn the fight way faster, and create working strategies way faster.
Three years ago, it was the goal of Miqobot team when they started to talk about making a Combat feature, it was again to help users by saving time, learning faster, saving countless of wipes, alleviating the stress, in a game where the true end-game is an acrimonious firework of completely obscure mechanics.
Yoshida talked about it last week, stating there’s maybe only 3 people on earth capable of creating such fights, if that doesn’t make anyone want to challenge those, then what could?Clearing Savage on week 01 with the lowest item level is quite challenging, DPS checks and healing checks are super tights, close to Ultimate ones, to the point you have to execute perfect DPS and synergy with the party, something current Miqobot can’t do (yet), snapshotting raid buffs, synchronising them with the party, using all your kit to support the party because every single digit counts at this stage, and it’s always a matter of 0.1% everywhere.
Sorry, I just feel like I have to make a short summary for ya. You are slow leaner, lack APM, can’t handle moving, combat rotation and party management AT THE SAME TIME, yet you want to make other people think that you are actually skilled player. So you buy a bot, and make it handge at least combat rotation (and maybe some more, once advanced combat system is out). Yes I bet this tactic will fool many other clan members… but THE question is: can you fool the most important player using this tactic – one you see in a mirror?…
NB! This was an abstract “you”. I dunno, maybe you, Carl Arbogast, will really learn it manually (before updated bot is released), and THEN automate it, once you get bored with completed content. Though, most of player’s won’t. They will just use bot to complete challenges instead of them. This makes me wonder: is it actually intention of Miqo team? To wonder if they work hard to cover needs of skillless casual players who want to look like real pro?
Clearing Savage on Week 01 can easily take 40 hours. Clearing an Ultimate fight take 200-250hours, whether you’re in the world race and can squeeze that in 10 days, or span it over 2 month, it’s still 200-250 hours, for likely among the hardest fights (if not the hardest) ever created in a video game.
You tell me about it… Yes, I don’t know FFXIV [yet]; but yes, I know WoW, which WAS quite similar dozen years ago. Dude, I still remember old Naxxramas, when it was 40-man hardcore raid (40!!! beat that, FFXIV!) rather that current casual 10-man instance. Just 5% of WoW playerbase actually managed to attune for it before Burning Crusade (the first content patch) was released, LET ALONE complete it! And yes, I was among these 5%. And we did it manually, raiding 6 hours every day, after RL work. You tell me about “200-250 hours”, lol… it was more like thousand of hours.
But saying that Miqobot users clear raid while just running around, is quite insulting for the users, it’s showing how little knowledge you have about FFXIV, and how much you underestimated its end-game raids.
To be honest, I struggle hard to NOT spit out actual real insults. I can justify using bots to make real money – it’s like “nothing personal, just business”. Though, I just can’t justify using bot to complete challenges and blend into community of elitist skilled players. Maybe that’s because I’m an old school player myself… And finally, bot dev team which prioritizes needs of such players over making settings for fine-tuning of their bot, and notifications for avoiding bans – is just far, FAR beyond limits of my understanding, yes.
Who knows, you might even find that FFXIV is cool after all.
I’ve never said it is not cool. Well, MSQ is boring piece of s**t, an errand boy/girl sim… but trials and some dungeon bosses are fun enough, I fully agree. Though, as I’ve said, automation takes this fun away from you. It just becomes too easy, and stops making you feel great.
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
Yeah I’m sure, Crafting Solver was released during HW where crafting through macros weren’t a thing, it only became a thing later on in SB; from 2010 to 2017 crafting with macros were not a thing.
I got all DoH skills up to 70 without single use of Miqo (I use it for grinding only atm). Though, this is not built-in macros I’m speaking about – it’s external script, which allows WAY more freedom. Yes it was a bit hard to craft stuff with these macros while jumping from quest-granted woolen set (ilvl43) to crafted Archaeoskin set (ilvl65), and even harder while jumping from quest-granted Ramie set (ilvl100) to crafted Bloodhempen set (ilvl180). In the latter case I had to create a temporary normal quality Bloodhempen set, equip it and then craft HQ set. Still, I managed… without even being close to running out of gil. So I repeat my question: are you REALLY sure crafter solver was worth the effort, even in the HW content?
Don’t take me wrong, btw. I’m professional programmer, specialized in automation and optimization, so I clearly realize that Crafting solver was a task of great difficulty, a real check of programmers’ skills. I doubt I would have managed to make it solve as fast myself (moreover, I doubt I would accept such a trial at all, unless someone promised lots of coins). My point is, though: it could have waited, IMHO. The bot as it is now lacks just too many little-but-vital features at this moment, to spend Miqo team’s time on something as complicated + as low impact as Crafting solver… IMHO, again.
The soonest Combat Assist is released, the more time it saves for users in their mechanics learning for Extreme, Savage and Ultimate.
Kek =)
Know what… There were times when I was young, and actually played games rather than used them to earn money. And yes, I’ve spend countless dozens of hours raiding in WoW. And yes raids were THE thing we were coming for: to test our abilities – if we manage against bosses or we don’t. We managed, and it made our hearts warm.
Now, you play FFXIV for fun, while I don’t play it at all (rather, I prepare accounts for farm). So, out of curiosity: what’s the fun to make bot play instead of you? Does it make you to feel any better after you complete some raid while just running around, and letting bot perform combat rotations instead of you?…
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
you have to deal with alot of Miqo instances anyway.
This is exactly the reason! Imagine: 8 windows of the game, plus 8 windows of Miqo, plus 8 windows of ACT on top of that, just to handle tells from GMs – I just run out of Windows taskbar space %)
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
UI, QoL, and minor features have been mostly pushed beyond major core features, because as player themselves, and as players ourselves, what we needed most was those major core features.
Are you sure? I mean, look at the above mentioned Crafter solver. Granted, it can produce better results than simple macros. Maybe it can make some 9 HQ items out of 10 sets of materials where macros makes just 8. But then again, implementation of the solver took LOTS of time, right? During said time it was possible to add a hundred little features, I bet… part of which would have improved gathering performance by some 20% or so. This would basically allow us to gather more materials per given time, while accepting the fact that bigger part of these materials will go to waste because of poor macro performance. Though, in the end it would make more HQ items per given time just due to having more mats! This is why I second that dude who said “little effort, decent impact” several days ago. My botting experience (and I make my living by MMORPG botting since 2007) tells me that a simple bot with LOTS of settings for fine-tuning performs better than a bot based on heavy math, but without much flexibility.
And this is the reason I ask Miqo team: please, once you finish your current project, start implementing little features which are easy to add AND which offer decent impact on performance – rather than starting yet another grand project, which occupies you for several more weeks! Please!
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by
Hmm… btw, does ACT read log of all instances of the game, or just a single instance? I mean, in case of single instance you will have to launch not just as many instances of Miqo as you’ve got farming accounts running at the same time, but also as many ACTs. This is the reason I’d rather really like to see this feature built-in the bot itself…
This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by