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Movement algorithms in Assist Mode are used for melee DPS jobs only.
When playing Bard, movement algorithms are never triggered.Unfortunately, we can not identify your issue based on this description.
It could be caused by a keybind collision or an interfering game plugin. But without additional information and detailed analysis, there is not much we can do.
If you require technical assistance, please contact our Tech Support directly.Because we haven’t implemented this feature yet.
The feature you ask about belongs to Custom fights and Monster grind feature pack. The combat system is still in early beta and there are several critical updates that must be implemented before this feature becomes possible.In addition, Miqobot will not be able to perform dungeon mechanics until we manually implement each of them in Miqobot source code. Without additional algorithms, Miqobot will simply stand in acid puddles and AoE omens. So this feature will not allow you to farm any dungeon out of the box.
You can find more information in this thread:
Open scenario scripting engine for squadrons/combatFirst of all, we would recommend to read our main guide on Combat features:
[Beta] CombatAnd if you have any questions after that, please don’t hesitate to contact our Tech Support directly:, there is a special setting for Stun abilities.
We received a lot of complaints that Miqobot tries stunning enemies which are immune to this effect. So now this option is disabled by default and must be enabled manually.Assist Mode – Hidden Settings
There is no UI for these settings, but you can access them manually in Miqobot settings file.
- Close Miqobot.
- Open file settings.miqo in text editor.
- Find setting by its name, edit value, save file.
- Start Miqobot.
- assistallowstun.
When playing melee jobs, allow Low Blow and Leg Sweep usage.
Please remember that Miqobot is not able to identify which enemies are stunnable and which are not.
If you enable this setting, you will have to manage Stun abilities ingame by placing them on an ignored hotbar when necessary.This behavior was always present in Miqobot.
The only difference is that previously she did not use ranged abilities during combos and now she does. This is why it feels more prevalent.The reason why it happens at all is because the true range of melee abilities is not 3.0 units as the game says but a little larger than that. Miqobot follows the defined game rules and does not try to account for perfect precision.
Unfortunately, we haven’t managed to find a good solution for this issue. There are several options, but each of them creates additional problems.- Increase allowed range for melee abilities up to about 3.5.
However, due to floating-point precision there will be cases when the calculations are incorrect anyway. Sometimes Miqobot will try to use a melee ability when you are out of range and sometimes she will use a ranged ability when it’s unnecessary.
This will get even worse due to network latency when the target is moving. Your character will be in range on your screen but incapable of hitting the target on server. You will see an endless cycle of interrupted animations which looks extremely irritating. - Prevent using ranged fillers until the range is at least 5.0.
This will create cases when your character could be doing damage but is standing still instead. It will be even more obvious if you are playing a tank job, because Miqobot will be losing enmity a lot more often. - Revert changes made to range abilities in this update and don’t allow them to be used during combos.
This will also reduce damage and cause similar problems as described above. - Ignore the issue and instruct users to put ranged abilities on an ignored hotbar if necessary.
This will of course create multiple usability issues.
As you can see, neither of these solutions is capable of fully addressing this issue.
If you have a better idea, we are open to suggestions.This issue usually indicates that Auto-Face Target setting is disabled.
You can find instructions on how to enable this setting in the [Beta] Combat thread.Auto-Face Target must be enabled.
Note. It’s located under System -> Character Configuration -> Control Settings -> Target -> Automatically face target when using action.
1. Is there a way to toggle Blind Positionals other than full combat pause?
Yes, there is a special hotkey for Blind Positionals.
You can find it in Advanced Settings:Positionals Hotkey.
A shortcut to toggle Blind Positionals setting.
You can use it to control Miqobot without switching between windows.
It works the same way as Pause Hotkey. The hotkey is defined on a system level after pressing Start and is automatically undefined after pressing Stop.
When hotkey is set, an additional P+/P- status will be displayed in the top right corner of the game.2. deliverGCGear() is an awesome lazy thing to use, but it turns in even if seal capped. Any way to make it stop if my GCs are capped?
The function stops automatically, but not immediately.
It does not explicitly detect company seal limits. But after 3 ingame errors are displayed, it will stop and proceed with scenario normally.Thank you for reporting.
We have managed to reproduce your issue and confirmed a new bug.
This problem is caused by a new instance of Select String UI, which is used by certain NPCs. “Merchant & Mender” is one of them.
Previously all instances of Select String were universal, but since Patch 6.2 it’s no longer the case. As Miqobot can not identify the new instance correctly, she can not select the necessary line in the menu.We are already working on a fix.
However, it will require the implementation of new algorithms for UI navigation module, so it might take some time.In the meantime, please avoid using repairNpc() function with NPCs that require line selection, such as “Merchant & Mender”. Please look for exclusive Menders instead.
We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.We have never denied any help that was offered to Miqobot project.
This is probably the 30th time we read this kind of statement. And we have already sent all the necessary information to those who wanted to help us.Unfortunately it always ends the same.
After a few weeks of exchanging information and establishing plans they stop communicating. We don’t blame them, because they didn’t ask for anything in return. They offered help free of charge, so we can not hold them responsible for not following through. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes the circumstances change and people no longer have the resources to do the good things they wanted to do. And it’s totally fine.We are open to suggestions and you can contact us via the feedback form at our website whenever you want. We will have time for another discussion after we finish fixing Miqobot for Patch 6.2.
But after so many failed attempts, we apologize for being skeptical.
It’s unlikely that anything significant comes out of this.We will have time to talk after we finish fixing Miqobot for Patch 6.2.
You can contact us via the feedback form at our wesbite: are sorry, but this is not possible.
Miqobot is not functional because the core application modules are broken and incompatible with the new game client, therefore we have to reimplement them from scratch.Core modules are the foundation of Miqobot application. They are what allow other features to exist in the first place.
It is technically impossible to make any feature functional in any form when the core modules are broken.This is not new. It has always been this way with every previous patch.
Patch 6.2 is not an exception.As always, Miqobot is broken due to the arrival of Patch 6.2.
Under normal circumstances, a patch of this magnitude would usually take 2-3 weeks.However, August 24 is the Independence Day of Ukraine.
During this week, russian government is planning massive bombing all over our country. Because of this, we are not able to start fixing Miqobot in time. The actual length of Miqobot downtime depends on three things:- If we survive.
- If our home stays intact.
- If there is infrastructure in our city to support life.
We sincerely apologize to all our users, but this is out of our control.
There are no signs that the war in our country is going to end anytime soon.A patch of this size usually takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
However, August 24 is the Independence Day of Ukraine. During the next week, russian government is planning massive bombing all over our country. Therefore the actual length of Miqobot downtime depends on three things:
- If we survive.
- If our home stays intact.
- If there is infrastructure in our city to support life.