Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

Forum Forums Discussion Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

This topic contains 1,142 replies, has 259 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #18640


    Macro mode do not register that the 8th step is registered and will try to spam it. The log is stuck on step 8.


    Would you please clarify, what crafting actions have you assigned to steps #8 and #9?



    First macro, step 8 and 9 are Final Appraisal and Delicate Synthesis, for the second macro they are Ingenuity and Innovation.

    Extra information, I use them to grind Isgard turn ins and craft them in Firmament.


    Final Appraisal does not advance the synthesis step and may indeed break your macro.
    However, there is a simple workaround for that. Please create the following ingame macro and put it on your hotbar instead of Final Appraisal:

    /ac "Final Appraisal"
    /ac "Delicate Synthesis"

    This macro will execute two actions at step #8.


    Just had this error happen.

    It happened after finishing a GC squadron, i left the room and then teleported to Mr Dhona, whilst the zone was loading that error popped up before the zone had full appeared on screen.

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    Can you add support for the new Gorilla mount? Miqo doesnt recognize it and wont mount if its the only mount of hotbar

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by  uwu.

    Is there any workaround to deliverCollectables() in firmanent at the moment?



    You have to manually sendkey() the key strokes. I have a scenario with the sequence, based on default numpad controls of 0 for enter 8/2/4/6 to navigate u/d/l/r and * to select item.


    Ahh… Sad that we don’t have module for user custom-sendkey-functions for some code reuse =)


    Just had this error happen.

    It happened after finishing a GC squadron, i left the room and then teleported to Mr Dhona, whilst the zone was loading that error popped up before the zone had full appeared on screen.

    Thank you for reporting.
    We will analyze your issue and will make the necessary adjustments to prevent this error message in the future.

    Can you add support for the new Gorilla mount? Miqo doesnt recognize it and wont mount if its the only mount of hotbar

    Of course, we are already working on that.
    In the meantime, please use a simple workaround by creating a macro with an icon of another mount.

    /micon "Fenrir" mount
    /mount "Ufiti"

    Is there any workaround to deliverCollectables() in firmanent at the moment?

    Ishgard Restoration is not supported by deliverCollectables(), it requires a new scenario function. We are already working on it and will try to push this feature into the next version.
    Thank you for your request.



    Hello MiqoBot,

    I love your Bot. I am amazed by what it is able to do and i fully support the world of botting whatever people can think about it.
    I know the limitations of the Crafter Solver and will make my most important High Level Craft manually if needed.
    Here i have again a mysterious behavior where the Bot uses the same Calculation for 3 different recipes.
    Those recipes have the exact same difficulty so the bot is brilliantly, thank you for this, reusing his calculation.
    But as you will see on the third item he decides to go full Synthesis ….

    Again i am not complaining, i want to participate not only with money to this marvelous work of human intelligence.
    For protection and making the calculation easier maybe the use of the fantastic skill that shields the synthesis to one less than the maximum could be cool.

    Long Live the MiqoBot !

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    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    I think I requested that already a very long time ago, when you guys Miqobot devs just started to share your plans about a future combat system, I asked if you we could get a feature to switch from single target to AoE manually.

    I requested this way before you created such a cool automated AoE system where Miqobot detect on her own enemies in range and switch alone to AoE, making her so accurate and efficient.
    I wasn’t expecting you guys to create such a useful system, I thought we would have to switch on our own manually.

    This system is fantastic, but, I know I don’t teach you anything, there’s still moments where we would need to turn off momentarily AoE, to prevent killing/damaging targets where fight mechanics require to handle them in a specific way, such as the current new Alexander Ultimate, where players must take care of linked dolls without killing them, as well as taking care of keeping the Living Liquid and Hand Liquid within the same HP percentage, etc.
    Miqobot is too efficient there, she destroys everything, it’s beautiful, but deadly. And if Alexander is later anything like A8S, I see where we would have to handle the 4 robots by keeping each of them at different HP percentage in the same area.

    I know nothing is easy, and that you likely had that planned already for the Raid features, but since Miqobot already knows how to do AoE and Single target, if it is possible to implement in advance a feature similar to the Pause one, where we can set up ourself a keybind to go from Default (the current mode where Miqobot herself choose when to use AoE) to a forced Single Target mode, that would be awesome.

    I realise we’re asking too many things currently, and I think I know you guys prefer to add features in the right order, but I thought it worth a shot to ask, in case it turns out more or less easy to implement, but I really know nothing is easy.

    In the mean time, I’ll continue proging Ultimate while turning on and off Miqo when necessary, she’s a blessing for this prog, the mechanics are so difficult to unscramble and puzzle out that being able to focus on sight-reading every clue, save hours.


    I agree with Carl. Sometimes we shouldn’t use AoE even when there are multiple enemies for mechanics. So far I always paused miqo and do it manually but it would be nice if miqo can do as Carl’s suggestion.



    Better control of cooldowns via hotkeys would be nice too. I would like for Miqo to not dump cooldowns on the trash pull prior to a boss.


    I know the limitations of the Crafter Solver and will make my most important High Level Craft manually if needed.
    Here i have again a mysterious behavior where the Bot uses the same Calculation for 3 different recipes.
    Those recipes have the exact same difficulty so the bot is brilliantly, thank you for this, reusing his calculation.
    But as you will see on the third item he decides to go full Synthesis ….

    Yes, this behavior is caused by the same issue as already mentioned in the previous posts.
    The Crafting Solver hasn’t adapted the new math and may perform unpredictably.
    Please refer to this post for detailed explanation: Shadowbringers – Miqobot Status

    The reason why it happened only the third time is because the first two cases were affected by Good condition procs as indicated by Precise Touch. Crafting Solver rotations are dynamic and every proc affects the entire synthesis sequence.
    In your particular case, the problem is caused by the combination of Ingenuity and Rapid Synthesis. Please keep in mind that there is no guaranteed solution at the moment, but we would suggest temporarily removing Rapid Synthesis from your hotbar.

    For protection and making the calculation easier maybe the use of the fantastic skill that shields the synthesis to one less than the maximum could be cool.

    Yes, Final Appraisal is also planned for implementation.
    Thank you for your request.

    This system is fantastic, but, I know I don’t teach you anything, there’s still moments where we would need to turn off momentarily AoE, to prevent killing/damaging targets where fight mechanics require to handle them in a specific way, such as the current new Alexander Ultimate, where players must take care of linked dolls without killing them, as well as taking care of keeping the Living Liquid and Hand Liquid within the same HP percentage, etc.
    Miqobot is too efficient there, she destroys everything, it’s beautiful, but deadly. And if Alexander is later anything like A8S, I see where we would have to handle the 4 robots by keeping each of them at different HP percentage in the same area.

    I know nothing is easy, and that you likely had that planned already for the Raid features, but since Miqobot already knows how to do AoE and Single target, if it is possible to implement in advance a feature similar to the Pause one, where we can set up ourself a keybind to go from Default (the current mode where Miqobot herself choose when to use AoE) to a forced Single Target mode, that would be awesome.

    I agree with Carl. Sometimes we shouldn’t use AoE even when there are multiple enemies for mechanics. So far I always paused miqo and do it manually but it would be nice if miqo can do as Carl’s suggestion.

    Yes, a setting to disable AoE rotations is planned, but it’s not a trivial one and we won’t be able to implement it for the current Ultimate race.
    The only solution you have at the moment is to remove AoE abilities from your hotbar, and Miqobot will have no choice but to perform a single target rotation. But if the fight requires constantly switching AoE on and off, then of course it will not suffice.

    There is another workaround.
    You can create two hotbar manipulation macros. One will remove AoE abilities from your hotbar and the other will quickly put them back.

    /hotbar remove 9 1
    /hotbar remove 9 2
    /hotbar remove 9 3
    /hotbar action "Quick Nock" 9 1
    /hotbar action "Rain of Death" 9 2
    /hotbar action "Shadowbite" 9 3

    This example assumes that you’re playing Bard and your AoE abilities are placed on hotbar 9 in slots 1 / 2 / 3 respectively. Please adjust them to your own hotbar setup.

    We understand that this is an extremely unnatural solution, but it’s the only one we can suggest at the moment.
    We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.

    Better control of cooldowns via hotkeys would be nice too. I would like for Miqo to not dump cooldowns on the trash pull prior to a boss.

    Precise cooldown customization is planned as well, but it will take more time to implement.
    If you wish to temporary disable a certain ability, please use the workaround described above.

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