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you can also use a workFor(xx:xx:xx) command and it will work for real life minutes or hours or seconds you set it for. Youy can use workUntil() as well to have it continue gathering until a certain ET. Ill put a couple examples below.
I have crafting scenario setup to use food and repeat if needed.
//teleportIf(Estate Hall)
key(ctrl+=, 2)
repeatAll(1)And this is for a non timed node gsthering:
//Yanxian Parsley anytimeteleportIf(The House of the Fierce)
gather(999)this works well, I would rec taking sprint off your hotbar when running because sometimes it will use it to move to a node that is right next to the previous one which looks weird, but that is miqo in general nothing to do with this grid
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
3vo – Use the editor to move the waypoint just slightly away. It could be the mount you are using not letting you get close enough even, but a small tweak to those WP’s as I find them always takes care of it for me
I think it had to do with the idle camera coming on. I deleted the 6a/p node in the scenario and it was long enough gap for the idle to come on.. I have not had the issue since I turned it off.
Notice it will not use Empyreal Arrow (lv54) Bard ability. Any plans to implement?
As stated in the first post, stuff above 50 is not currently supported. It’ll be added in future patches.
It uses pitch perfect (52) and iron jaws (56) flawlessly as well as sidewinder(60)
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by