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  • r51093

    Could anyone help me figure out why when I change my ā€œgather by nameā€ list, it reverts back whenever I click on the Preset again? Iā€™ve changed the item names in the text file AND in Miqo herself but they never stick. What am I missing?

    for the gather presets when you click ā€œoverwriteā€ a popup window will ā€œpopupā€ asking if you want to overwrite the preset you have to click yes on the popup window or it will not save

    Note: the attached screen shot will show you what i mean by the popup window and what you have to click on to save it

    Iā€™m continuously getting stuck on a big rock ( 10.3 , 17.3 ) or being told ā€œTarget is too far below you.ā€ ( 11.6 , 17.7 )

    i apologize for the issues i will take another look at it and see if i can figure it out

    can you copy and paste exactly what it is miqobot says in the text box when it errors? the below is an example of what i mean this can help me better identify issues as well as provide me with details about the error

    (21:00:19) Going from 35 to 32 in 3 trips.
    (21:00:23) 3 trips more..
    (21:01:15) Oh noes, I couldnā€™t reach the destination in time. I guess Iā€™m stuck here. šŸ™
    (21:01:15) Time/Estimate: 52.4262/52.4086
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I canā€™t find way back homeā€¦ Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I canā€™t find way back homeā€¦ Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I canā€™t find way back homeā€¦ Falling into oblivion.
    (21:01:15) 2 trips more..
    (21:01:15) Sorry, canā€™t move. I got lost in the woods, and I canā€™t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) 1 trip more..
    (21:01:15) Sorry, canā€™t move. I got lost in the woods, and I canā€™t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Sorry, canā€™t move. I got lost in the woods, and I canā€™t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Destination reached!
    (21:01:15) Sorry, canā€™t move. I got lost in the woods, and I canā€™t find way back home.
    (21:01:15) Poking creatures in the woodsā€¦ Good night! <3
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (21:01:15) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (21:01:15) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.


    Could anyone help me figure out why when I change my ā€œgather by nameā€ list, it reverts back whenever I click on the Preset again? Iā€™ve changed the item names in the text file AND in Miqo herself but they never stick. What am I missing?

    for the gather presets when you click “overwrite” a popup window will “popup” asking if you want to overwrite the preset you have to click yes on the popup window or it will not save

    Note: the attached screen shot will show you what i mean by the popup window and what you have to click on to save it

    Iā€™m continuously getting stuck on a big rock ( 10.3 , 17.3 ) or being told ā€œTarget is too far below you.ā€ ( 11.6 , 17.7 )

    i apologize for the issues i will take another look at it and see if i can figure it out

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
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    Can you add The Diadem ( 28.4 , 15.9 ) for the Diadem Bloated Bulb Boom to the grid as well? Thanks šŸ™‚ Close to the other botany booms just a level up.

    here you go this grid now has a waypoint for “Diadem Bloated Bulb” in chapters 5, 7, 10, and 12 are waypoints for the diadem augur in thies chapters are waypoint locations listed like this “waypoint(374)” simply replace anyone of them with this “waypoint(521)” this waypoint is at X: 14.5 , Y: 15.3 this is a safer area for the augur and is populated with “Diadem Bloated Bulb” once you replace the waypoint with “waypoint(521)” it will shoot the “Diadem Bloated Bulb”

    Note: the augur feature makes you run directly to an enemy it is unable to detect if there is a rock in the way or a hole in the ground the cords at X: 28.4 , Y: 15.9 has holes in the ground that you can fall into and thus brake the scenario

    X19 Y31, stuck on south of tree if node is north side

    i found it thank you šŸ˜€ it was at waypoint 25 this one had been eluding me lol glad to finally have that taken care of

    no worries, thanks for the hardwork, weā€™re getting all these little issues eventually lol

    On that, another spot:
    22.4 11.4, lands north of the log and gets stuck on the log if the node is on the south side of that log

    thanks šŸ˜€ we will get there soon at this rate we mite have it all error-free soon lol šŸ˜‚ and its all thanks to you guys for the assist šŸ˜€

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem scenario Botany and mining #26285

    this thread can now be closed šŸ” for the latest diadem update please go to the original thread here


    X19 Y31, stuck on south of tree if node is north side

    i found it thank you šŸ˜€ it was at waypoint 25 this one had been eluding me lol glad to finally have that taken care of


    Got another stuck point on botany at The Diadem ( 26.7 , 32.6 )

    Canā€™t dismount due to tree proximity. I can PM you a screenshot if itā€™s needed.

    200,fly to lvl1 lush vegetation patch to the lower right.

    thank you i will fix this now šŸ˜€


    X28 Y5, canā€™t find directions to the Lush Patch with +5 Integrity at X27 Y5 and gets stuck.

    was a node i missed thanks for the heads up about that

    X14.2, Y15.4 doesnā€™t gather but goes all the way down to the lower tier islands and gets stuck there

    sorry about that i pushed out the error fix’s and accidently placed that waypoint off the side of the island and didnt notice, when it tried to dismount to get to the node it fell down the lower island’s i apologize for this and have corrected said waypoint


    i see thank you i will take care of thies issues


    I removed 40+ outdated waypoints


    Miqobot identifies a preset as duplicate only if itā€™s an absolute match.
    There are no heuristics involved, the algorithm compares two presets on a binary level. Even if you move a single waypoint slightly, it will be considered a new grid and can not be identified as duplicate.

    Please note, however, that importing a new navigation grid with the same name does not replace any old grids. They remain in the list as different versions with the same name, unless the user manually deletes them.
    Therefore your recommendation to delete old Diadem presets before import is correct.
    Albeit for a different reason.

    OH! good to know thank you šŸ˜€


    I believe miqobot is not updateing the grids becuse it is thinking they are duplicate’s miqobot will not update duplicate’s but insted skip them to fix this i recommend that you DELETE the old diadem scenario and grid before you import the updated version here you only need to delete the scenario and navigation grid the gathering presets can be left alone


    thank you i will get to work on those right now šŸ˜€

    (2:56:37 AM) Going from 103 to 301 in 3 trips.
    (2:56:40 AM) 3 trips more..
    (2:56:42 AM) 2 trips more..
    (2:56:50 AM) 1 trip more..
    (3:00:15 AM) Oh noes, I couldnā€™t reach the destination in time. I guess Iā€™m stuck here. šŸ™
    (3:00:15 AM) Time/Estimate: 205.4638/205.4583
    (3:00:15 AM) Destination reached!
    (3:00:15 AM) Sorry, canā€™t move. I got lost in the woods, and I canā€™t find way back home.
    (3:00:15 AM) Poking creatures in the woodsā€¦ Good night! <3
    (3:00:15 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (3:00:15 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (3:00:15 AM) Poking creatures in the woodsā€¦ Good night! <3
    (3:00:15 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (3:00:15 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.

    Received this on the lighting island
    (33.7, 12.9)

    was a vortex issue the waypoint was to close to it i had moved it further from it

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    Another spot at x23.3 y33.0.. Iā€™m trying to jump across a ravine area to get to a node lol.

    Iā€™m continuously getting stuck on a big rock ( 10.3 , 17.3 ) or being told ā€œTarget is too far below you.ā€ ( 11.6 , 17.7 )

    Itā€™s very early in the mining section of the scenario (the second and third node it heads to, iirc)

    Hmm.. still getting stuck on that giant tree at x25.3 y33.2

    Same, hereā€™s the log, starting from the previous node:

    (10:05:01 PM) My precious shiny sparkles! (10/40)
    (10:05:02 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ā€˜<anything>ā€™ *.*
    (10:05:02 PM) I see a shiny node at (128.707199, 598.354797, 87.169601).
    (10:05:03 PM) Going from 42 to 218 in 5 trips.
    (10:05:08 PM) 5 trips more..
    (10:05:11 PM) 4 trips more..
    (10:05:12 PM) 3 trips more..
    (10:05:13 PM) 2 trips more..
    (10:05:15 PM) 1 trip more..
    (10:05:17 PM) Destination reached!
    (10:05:19 PM) Not enough GP for this rotation: 190 of 400 required.
    (10:05:19 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (10:05:28 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (10:05:34 PM) My precious shiny sparkles! (11/40)
    (10:05:34 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ā€˜<anything>ā€™ *.*
    (10:05:34 PM) I see a shiny node at (178.963394, 579.868530, 87.425346).
    (10:05:35 PM) Going from 218 to 217 in 5 trips.
    (10:05:38 PM) 5 trips more..
    (10:05:40 PM) 4 trips more..
    (10:05:45 PM) 3 trips more..
    (10:05:47 PM) 2 trips more..
    (10:05:49 PM) 1 trip more..

    For some reason itā€™s dropping us off at (195.33, 587.42, 86.59) and getting us stuck on a tree opposite of the node.

    hey thanks for the hard work you put in. appreciate it!

    I missed the coordinates, but there seems to be a few points where Miqo will stand right next to the node and canā€™t detect it. Iā€™ll jot down the notes when I see it again! Thanks again for the grid šŸ™‚

    no problem šŸ˜€ thank you guys for reporting the bugs and error’s every report of said error’s and bugs helps to make the grid better and better so thank yous for the assistance šŸ˜€

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    Seem to still be getting stuck in the same spots previously reported :\

    hmmmm X, Y, Z, coordinates please?

    also when you import the scenario make sure its being imported and not counted as a duplicate miqobot skips duplicateā€™s and wont update them, if it thinks of it as a duplicate then you will have to delete the grid in miqobot then re-import the grid it will tell you in the text box in the bottom for miqobot weather it was imported or skiped as a duplicate

    in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem scenario Botany and mining #26250

    Hi thank you for this, it is however really messy to look at,is there a reason why I need to see every islands routes? Can it not be limited to the island Iā€™m currently on and so forth in the succession?

    sadly not miqobot showes the entire grid but you can turn off wether you see the grid if you want miqobot will work just fine with it off just uncheck the box “show on radar” under the navigation tab this will turn the grid invisible for you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
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