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  • r51093

    this wont work for flames right?

    sadly not the grid is only set up for in limsa lominsa, i had not received any request for any places this was just somehting i made for my self and thought id share


    i made adjustments to the waypoint’s 569, 565, 566, and 567 hopefully this will help with the above issues

    I Highly recommend all new people to this grid / scenario to read the entire post atleast once

    NOTE: Dont forget to ā€œDELETEā€ your ā€ Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± ā€ Gridā€™s AND Scenarios before you import the new version

    FFXIV 5.41 Diadem Monster Drops

    you can change the location of the augur to shoot any of thies monsters found in the diadem simply copy paste the waypoint numbers in the scenario with the numbers for the monsters you want to farm for, the augur will shoot the monsters at the location you choose

    • Monster | waypoint
      1. -Items dropped
        Mining āš’ ā€“
    • Diadem Biast | waypoint(531)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truesping Water
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Spring Water
    • Diadem Ice Bomb | waypoint(504) / waypoint(503)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Silex
    • Diadem Zoblyn | waypoint(424)
      1. Finest Rock Salt
        Truesping Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Primstone
    • Diadem Ice Golem | waypoint(526)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Ice Stalagmite
    • Diadem Golem | waypoint(406) / waypoint(403)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Artisanal Cloudstone
        botanist šŸŒ± ā€“
    • Proto- Noctilucale | waypoint(530)
      1. White Cedar log
        Wheat Gossamer
        Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Caiman
    • Diadem Bloated Bulb | waypoint(518)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Cocoon
    • Diadem Melia | waypoint(373)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Log
    • Diadem Icetrap | waypoint(525) / waypoint(529)
      1. Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Barbgrass
    • Diadem Werewood | waypoint(375)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Artisanal Raspberry

    you can make thies changes in the following chapters: 6, 9, 12, and 15 just replace the numbers with-in the ā€œ()ā€ of waypoint(###) with the numbers for the mob you want to kill

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’ with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Mining āš’ mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Botanist šŸŒ± mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ and ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±ā€ will ā€œtarget all of the mobsā€ listed above

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    Oh and this has been happening to me since version 21, and now in 22 too. The very first node I run up to gather when I start the scenario I get stuck on. The bot just moves the camera back and forth, so my screen starts swinging left and right, but it wonā€™t click the node and gather it. But like I said, itā€™s only the first time it approaches this node. So I usually have to watch for this the very first time I start it up, I click Finish, then Start again and it magically works. :O So weird it does that and works the 2nd time and then continues on just fine with no more giant hiccups. But it has happened to meā€¦ many times now lol. To the point I come to expect it every time I start running the bot heh. At least itā€™s an easy fix and happens right in the beginning.

    The node I get stuck at every time this happens is x7.1 y20.4

    thank you for the report i will look into this šŸ˜€ also what speed do you have your keybord camera turn speed set for?
    i found out that having it set too high can cause that exact issue it mostly affects the combat mode but the same can also be applied here if i recall right it should be set no higher then 40 the screen jumping around like that is miqobot trying to look at the node but over shooting it and trying to turn back… repeatedly XD good thing camera angle is not visible to others XD

    oh “that node” i am comming to hate that particular node XD always giving issues

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    in reply to: Miqobot errors #26941

    Yea exactly.

    nice!! thank you šŸ˜€

    in reply to: Miqobot errors #26937

    Huh ive actually found a way to reproduce it consistently. And yea its not related to the number of connections or the editor at all.

    It happens when you double click on grid to rename it and then quickly move the mouse away. When the grid is small double clicking takes only a fraction of a second. But with your grid it takes a lot more like 1-2 seconds and this is enough time to move the mouse around. Also it doesnt happen when you move the mouse outside of Miqo window but more like when you place the cursor on top of some other control. It seems like the position of the mouse cursor is used to determine the position of double click and the item that needs renaming. But since the two are spread out in time they get out of sync and it tries to rename something else.

    So basically: double click on grid -> renaming starts loading -> move mouse away and put it on another text field (branch distance for example) -> renaming finishes loading -> takes the current mouse pos and tries to rename branch distance -> branch distance is not actually a grid name -> crash.

    šŸ˜² so i just need to leave the mouse idle for longer!? that would be epic if it was something so simple!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    in reply to: Miqobot errors #26934

    but is there a way to find the # of connections you have? (that is if they are not talking about the waypoints above)

    Some text editors like notepad++ can count it for you. Export grid separately, open it as text file, Ctrl-F and count all entries of ā€œifromā€. Theres a Find Next button and theres a Count button.

    So what are the steps to trigger these errors? Ive been trying to reproduce it with your grid to see if I can get some more info and make a proper crash report but the editor is working fine so far. Is there something specific to do or does it happen randomly?

    my grid editor some times gets stuck in editor mode (refuses to leave it) typically this is when the errors occurs it can go days with no problem then boom it hits me out of no where’s I’ve only had to re-import my grid once so-far but the crash happens probably at least 2 times a week mostly i just lose the changes i made while i was in the editor ( it only crashes when im in the editor) iv been doing less editing as of late (i believe we worked out all the bugs and errors on the grid so i have not seen it in a little while)

    i use note++ from time to time so thank you for the info about the ā€œifromā€ i will do that its posible i added to many connection’s i try to add alot so that miqobot can always take the shortest route from where ever it is

    Edit: 1,349 connection’s are in my grid so far.
    Do you think it could be an issue with my computer? other then my GPU nothing ever runs high

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    in reply to: Miqobot errors #26927

    Why do you have so many waypoints? Isnā€™t it more efficient to have less? The most I have ever had was 30 and 2 beacons and that was because I got lazy and combined 2 navigation grids for MIN and BTN when I would usually do them separate.

    There are alot of waypoints becuse it navigate’s around trees and rocks, every waypoint in the grid was added either for a gathering node or to pull the path away form a solid object ( to prevent getting stuck) and i have a line of waypoints above the islands for more direct travel between them not to mention the waypoints for the augur there is a waypoint set up for every mob in the diadem on the lower island’s (the lower islands have alot of mobs grouped together you can easily empty your augur on an entire mob if you wanted too and the mobs are always there and theres not alot to get stuck on either), i also have a second area mapped out in the ferment so that it can auto join and turn in the diadem items with how the grid is set up it is huge yes, but it has been to extensively tested that it is now rare to find a single spot that miqobot gets stuck or can not travel to.

    When the new diadem came out the grid already hit all the existing nodes and a vast majority of the new nodes the grid was already preped for the new diadem we were only stuck wating for miqobot its self to update and with extensive testing by the comunity we had every new node and objects maped out in the first few days that miqobot was updated (miqobot did not recognize the diadem and so would not work becuse of it) this grid dose not get stuck anymore most issue reports i get now are all from user errors sometimes i get one where miqobot cant find a node becuse of the view angle and so i have to add yet another waypoint so that miqobot and the game can see the node from the correct view angle

    beacons are a bad idea in my opnion the bot waste alot of time treaveling back or to one of the beacons when it could head right to the next node but if you dont have the entire place maped out then beacons are needed otherwise miqobot would get stuck trying to find a node on another island that it cant get to

    this grid travels the entire Diadem not just one or two island’s like some of the other grids partly why it is so big

    i apologize this is a book i typed out long story short every waypoint is need for the nodes/ travel/ and to avoid obstacle’s

    Edit: oh and it also hits all of the islands for the weather node’s while miqobot dose not normally seek them out you can make her do so with manual input and with out stoping the scenario detail’s of how can be found on the latest version update of “The Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±” grid here

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    i always check out bot reports and check them against my grid for problematical locations and nodes

    FYI: the two bots are still bugging out well over 10min now XD

    lmao damn that is funny but gosh that sucks for them im glad miqo has a kill switch to prevent stuff like that. Better safe than sorry.

    my sentiments’ exactly

    in reply to: how to craft #26924

    You got your answer but yeah I pretty much view the scenario as the meat and potatoes of what you want to do, and the other tabs are just background reference the scenario pulls from. Though Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t already know about the ? scenario button with your massive Diadem work.

    yeah XD, i knew about the ? i just could not find what i was looking for in it till i closely examined it they have things spread out and i did not understand the way they had it set up till miqobot just explaned it it just looked a mess to me but now that i know how things are setup in the ? that will make things easier to find now


    i always check out bot reports and check them against my grid for problematical locations and nodes

    FYI: the two bots are still bugging out well over 10min now XD


    fixed a waypoint position at the same spot two bots were found bugging out i do not belive they were useing miqobot but i moved and ajusted the waypoint anyways becuse it happened to be in the same spot as my waypoint for the two nodes i dont belive it is miqobot becuse they would have timmed out and been “AFK” insted of still running back and forth

    I Highly recommend all new people to this grid / scenario to read the entire post atleast once

    NOTE: Dont forget to ā€œDELETEā€ your ā€ Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± ā€ Gridā€™s AND Scenarios before you import the new version

    FFXIV 5.41 Diadem Monster Drops

    you can change the location of the augur to shoot any of thies monsters found in the diadem simply copy paste the waypoint numbers in the scenario with the numbers for the monsters you want to farm for, the augur will shoot the monsters at the location you choose

    • Monster | waypoint
      1. -Items dropped
        Mining āš’ ā€“
    • Diadem Biast | waypoint(531)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truesping Water
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Spring Water
    • Diadem Ice Bomb | waypoint(504) / waypoint(503)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Silex
    • Diadem Zoblyn | waypoint(424)
      1. Finest Rock Salt
        Truesping Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Primstone
    • Diadem Ice Golem | waypoint(526)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Ice Stalagmite
    • Diadem Golem | waypoint(406) / waypoint(403)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Artisanal Cloudstone
        botanist šŸŒ± ā€“
    • Proto- Noctilucale | waypoint(530)
      1. White Cedar log
        Wheat Gossamer
        Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Caiman
    • Diadem Bloated Bulb | waypoint(518)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Cocoon
    • Diadem Melia | waypoint(373)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Log
    • Diadem Icetrap | waypoint(525) / waypoint(529)
      1. Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Barbgrass
    • Diadem Werewood | waypoint(375)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Artisanal Raspberry

    you can make thies changes in the following chapters: 6, 9, 12, and 15 just replace the numbers with-in the ā€œ()ā€ of waypoint(###) with the numbers for the mob you want to kill

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’ with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Mining āš’ mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Botanist šŸŒ± mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ and ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±ā€ will ā€œtarget all of the mobsā€ listed above

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Sad to report that another bot has not one but two (2) bots have bugged out in the diadem at the same location (have been buged out for over 10min now) and has been reported by a large number of people, the bot’s are obviously not useing miqobot, becuse miqobot has alot of safety features to prevent such issues.

    I used to hate miqobot for the “saftey features” i thought they were stupid at first but now i am more thankful then ever for them so i also wanted to give a shoutout to the miqobot team and say thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the safety of the users

    just another reminder to please stay safe out there and try not to leave your bot unattended


    for those looking for the latest up date that would be Ver.21 here

    Note: must scroll to the bottom of the post, while it is not necessary to use the grid / scenarioo i highly recommend reading the entire post especially for new people


    sorry for the delayed response

    Question on the gathering nodes i see slot 4 nodes have 3 stars next to them what does that mean? Also for points for the ranking is it best to only gather lvl 80 stuff the scenario I see gathers lvl 60 stuff to?

    level 80 stuff is best for points i am also useing this grid and preset so its also uploading the changes i make to the gahtering presets sorry XD the level 60 stuff is jsut stuff that sells on my server

    The stars indicate difficulty. So a 3 star lvl 80 will be harder to obtain than a lvl 80 with no stars. Its sorta of like a mini level system. The 3 star stuff is used for expert recipes in the Diadem.

    this is correct also side note level 80 gatheirng gear can only get “spiritbond” in the diadem from level 80 materials for those also trying to farm materia.

    By downloading this one will blacklisted nodes be cleared?

    all black listed nodes are cleared when you resart miqobot; miqobot will only black list them during the session it is active once miqobot is restarted all black listed nodes are also reset.

    How are people getting 100k points or close to that in gathering im running mico practically 24/7 and not getting close to that

    Pentamelded gear, and a very optimized path that only gathers from nodes with stat bonuses most likely.

    this is true, by gathering special nodes that give you +5 hits, or +1/+2 yeald you can get alot more items off of one node ( more items = more points)
    for the +5 hits you need 858GP
    for the +1/+2 yeald you need a certen amount of perception / gathering (i dont recall the exact number anymore)


    Fixed: issue with node not being clickable becuse of view angle

    NOTE: Dont forget to ā€œDELETEā€ your ā€ Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± ā€ Gridā€™s AND Scenarios before you import the new version

    FFXIV 5.41 Diadem Monster Drops

    you can change the location of the augur to shoot any of thies monsters found in the diadem simply copy paste the waypoint numbers in the scenario with the numbers for the monsters you want to farm for, the augur will shoot the monsters at the location you choose

    • Monster | waypoint
      1. -Items dropped
        Mining āš’ ā€“
    • Diadem Biast | waypoint(531)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truesping Water
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Spring Water
    • Diadem Ice Bomb | waypoint(504) / waypoint(503)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Silex
    • Diadem Zoblyn | waypoint(424)
      1. Finest Rock Salt
        Truesping Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Primstone
    • Diadem Ice Golem | waypoint(526)
      1. Gold Ore
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Bluespirit Ore
        Artisanal Ice Stalagmite
    • Diadem Golem | waypoint(406) / waypoint(403)
      1. Gold Ore
        Finest Rock Salt
        Truespring Water
        Mineral Sand
        Artisanal Cloudstone
        botanist šŸŒ± ā€“
    • Proto- Noctilucale | waypoint(530)
      1. White Cedar log
        Wheat Gossamer
        Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Caiman
    • Diadem Bloated Bulb | waypoint(518)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Cocoon
    • Diadem Melia | waypoint(373)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Log
    • Diadem Icetrap | waypoint(525) / waypoint(529)
      1. Primordial Resin
        Gossamer Cotton Boll
        Artisanal Barbgrass
    • Diadem Werewood | waypoint(375)
      1. White Cedar Log
        Primordial Resin
        Artisanal Raspberry

    you can make thies changes in the following chapters: 6, 9, 12, and 15 just replace the numbers with-in the ā€œ()ā€ of waypoint(###) with the numbers for the mob you want to kill

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’ with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Mining āš’ mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ will ā€œonly target Botanist šŸŒ± mobsā€ from the above list

    scenario ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ and ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±ā€ will ā€œtarget all of the mobsā€ listed above

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