Forum Replies Created
January 25, 2021 at 4:06 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27172
When will she look for Umbral nodes? I will be on MIN and a special MIN node comes up, but she ignores it. it is something I need to change? thanks!
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
January 24, 2021 at 9:29 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27153You don’t even need to do all of that for copying the names of items. The items all appear in the gathering log and if you right click on the item there, you can copy the item name straight out.
I personally prefer doing it as posed above but yes this is another option for copying the names 😀
January 24, 2021 at 8:48 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27141Hi! Thank you for the scrip/scenario! I am very new to this and I am having a hard figuring out how to set the bot to gather only the items in slot #4, is that possible? Thank you!
yes it is possible first you have to remove the names from the gathering preset for both Botanist 🌱 and Mining ⚒
here is directions on how to modify the gathering presets you must do the same thing for both the Botanist 🌱 and Mining ⚒ gathering preset
Erase any names in the the list that you dont want to gather by clicking on it to highlight it then del or backspace till it’s gone then you just have to click off of it
in the orange box with yellow text set the number slot you want to be farmed
when you change the slot # or anything in the gather presets you have to click “overwrite” when you click “overwrite” a popup window will “popup” asking if you want to overwrite the preset you have to click yes on the popup window or it will not save
Note: the screen shot will show you what i mean by the popup window and what you have to click on to save it
Note: Slot#1 when gathering starts at the top of the gathering list like below
Note: Miqobot will always look for a name on the list before going to the slots i recommend keeping the names of the items from the special weather nodes as they are always slot#1 and miqobot can get stuck trying to hit an empty slot, thies pitcures were intended to show people how to modify and add items to the list i left this out as it did not pertain to your question but incase you dont know how to copy an item name and copy it here is how below
make sure you are not copying the “Approved” items Miqobot is picky about names XD none of the items in the gathering nodes are “Approved” untill it go’s through the “Inspector” in “The Firmament”
You must be logged in to view attached files.January 24, 2021 at 7:43 am in reply to: Maelstrom 🏴☠️⛴, Immortal Flames ♾️🔥,Twin Adder's 🐍🐍, Eulmore 🏰 Squad/Trust #27138i revamped the whole thing and added the Immortal Flames ♾️🔥Squad/Trust GC
It could be adjusted to run just one squadron run before each turn in cycle to minimise the seals loss with duplicate uniques. At that point it’s easy to spam food. Sure you will overlap some time but boiled eggs are cheap if all you want is the exp buff for leveling. My squadron scenario ate two eggs each squadron run. If people are wanting fancy foods or things like spiritbond potions then yeah that gets harder to time.
i can do somehting like that for the higher level ones (trust) as the seal count for the gear would be worth it but the lower level ones (squadron) would not be worth running out to turn in seals after every run but i can split the dungeon runs as you suggested for food before each dungeon, squadron preferences should only have to be set up once so i can make that work
I havent yet added the above suggestion but please let me know how it works 😀 and as always please report any bugs / issues
latest update can be found here on page 1
January 22, 2021 at 2:28 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27100Just ran this one today and it works flawlessly! Thank you for building this script up, have a nice day! Good work!
thank you, the community worked hard on this grid and scenario 😀
January 22, 2021 at 1:59 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27076I notice sometimes it get clipped into islands (being above you) but maybe I have a older copy if there been updates lately? Anyway not being a huge deal since I run it monitored, and can just hit space a few times to allow it to get to proper fly height.
You were right the new connections i made i had not realized that they went through a solid object when you were talking about the islands i thought you ment you were ending up under them and not getting stuck under one of the rock formations on the island so i apologize for this confusion, you can find the fixed grid here 😀
and thank you for your report 😀
January 22, 2021 at 1:50 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27075Oh I’m sure they have a lot on their plate. Never hurts to send in suggestions though, especially if it gets put into a “ToDo” list.
indeed 😀
IMPORTANT GRID UPDATE 22, 2021 at 12:44 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27069This was just a thought and sadly requires a feature request from Miqobot, but it may be possible to go after the clouded gathering points when the weather changes by providing an optional argument on the gathering command or option on the grid grid to say go after legendary/clouded/time nodes when they come available. That way you wouldn’t need to track the weather so long as Miqobot turns on both MIN and BTN version of Truth of Mountains, she’ll head towards those nodes when they come available assuming the grid provides a way to get there.
i would love if miqobot would do that but sadly i do belive that falls under the QoL (Quality of Life) updates and miqobot has alot to do before they get to that part of updates for Miqobot.
Another posible more simple option is to have miqobot prioritize “truth of mountains” / “truth of forest” over “Prospect” and “Arbor Call” a reprioritizing of skills used when gathering would all that would be needed as the special weather nodes use “Truth of Mountains” and “Truth of Forest” for detection on the minimap
NOTE: I seriously just sent this to the miqobot team as an official request to reprioritize the gathering skills used
January 21, 2021 at 11:19 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27065Hey hey, this looks really helpful but I keep hitting a snag:
(17:18:16) (SCENARIO) Started: (17:18:16) 'The Diadem: ⚒ with collectable turn in's' (17:18:16) Chapter: 2 (17:18:20) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: 'The Diadem ⚒🌱', Waypoint: 442) (17:18:22) Sorry, can't find path sequence from 565 to 442 :( Maybe grid is not connected? (17:18:22) Sorry, but I can't find the way to the next trip :(
And I can’t seem to pinpoint the issue other than the grid missing a link somewhere, potentially?
start the scenario outside of the diadem in the ” The Firmament ” this is where the scenario starts and will auto join the diadem on its own
To continue on this one, you could create your own navigation grid in Foundation and put it before all this scripted code. But otherwise Just teleport to Firament and it will work on it’s own.
that is a good idea but sadly 😔 that would not work below is the resons why
- with the
function it would keep teleporting back to the Foundation becuse The Firament is not technically “IN” the Foundation - cramming it all into one chapter to use the
insted to prevent the first issue would lead to another issue i dont know about you all but i frequently stop the scenario to reply in chat and/or to manually gather weather nodes and resumeing it would force you to restart the entire scenario regardless of how much time you have spent in the diadem (the senario is maped out so that it spends the maximum amount of time in the diadem leaving a safe error of about 60min for unexpected interruptions). - if all put into one chapter, starting over after spending some time (around 60min or more) in the diadem will brake the scenario as the timmer would run out before the scenario finishes and Miqobot would kill switch due to the unexpected zone change (as would happen if a GM force teleports you – its safety feature) and brake the scenario so cramming it all into one chapter is a no go
- there is the
buttion i am aware it will skip a line in the chapter but clicking though it mulitple time’s… (its a big scenario augur x4 times) just to get where you left off at is time lost and a not needed stresser for the user, as where when ending a scenario the chapter you left off on remains selected so it is quick and easy to pick up from where it has left off at
I notice sometimes it get clipped into islands (being above you) but maybe I have a older copy if there been updates lately? Anyway not being a huge deal since I run it monitored, and can just hit space a few times to allow it to get to proper fly height.
you mite be useing a really old grid i havent heard of any elevation errors in a long time can you link the X,Y,Z, cords so i can check this out? please and thank you 😀
From now on the latest update for the Grid / Scenarios can be found here in the first post of the thread
January 21, 2021 at 10:59 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27062Thank you very much, that worked wonders.
Good stuff on the Scenario btw, it’s impeccable.
thank you i appreciate the comment 😀 and i am sure evreyone else does too, it took alot of work form the community to bug test everything and to make sure it was error-free every bug / error report helps to make the grid and scenario better and frankly the grid would not have been half as good as it is with out thier help and assistance 😀
January 21, 2021 at 8:13 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27054Hey hey, this looks really helpful but I keep hitting a snag:
(17:18:16) (SCENARIO) Started: (17:18:16) 'The Diadem: ⚒ with collectable turn in's' (17:18:16) Chapter: 2 (17:18:20) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: 'The Diadem ⚒🌱', Waypoint: 442) (17:18:22) Sorry, can't find path sequence from 565 to 442 :( Maybe grid is not connected? (17:18:22) Sorry, but I can't find the way to the next trip :(
And I can’t seem to pinpoint the issue other than the grid missing a link somewhere, potentially?
start the scenario outside of the diadem in the ” The Firmament ” this is where the scenario starts and will auto join the diadem on its own
January 21, 2021 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27039January 21, 2021 at 7:19 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27034Ver.26
made some adjustments to the grid and also fixed landing error at X,Y,Z,-486.911407, 386.522186, 331.256989
I Highly recommend all new people to this grid / scenario to read the entire post atleast once
NOTE: Dont forget to “DELETE” your ” Diadem: ⚒🌱 ” Grid’s AND Scenarios before you import the new version
FFXIV 5.41 Diadem Monster Drops
you can change the location of the augur to shoot any of thies monsters found in the diadem simply copy & paste the waypoint numbers in the scenario with the numbers for the monsters you want to farm for, the augur will shoot the monsters at the location you choose
- Monster | waypoint
- Diadem Biast | waypoint(531)
- Diadem Ice Bomb | waypoint(504) / waypoint(503)
- Diadem Zoblyn | waypoint(424)
- Diadem Ice Golem | waypoint(526)
- Diadem Golem | waypoint(406) / waypoint(403)
- Proto- Noctilucale | waypoint(530)
- Diadem Bloated Bulb | waypoint(518)
- Diadem Melia | waypoint(373)
- Diadem Icetrap | waypoint(525) / waypoint(529)
- Diadem Werewood | waypoint(375)
-Items dropped
Mining ⚒ –
- Gold Ore
- Truesping Water
- Bluespirit Ore
- Artisanal Spring Water
- Gold Ore
- Finest Rock Salt
- Mineral Sand
- Bluespirit Ore
- Artisanal Silex
Finest Rock Salt
- Truesping Water
- Mineral Sand
- Bluespirit Ore
- Artisanal Primstone
Gold Ore
- Truespring Water
- Mineral Sand
- Bluespirit Ore
- Artisanal Ice Stalagmite
Gold Ore
- Finest Rock Salt
- Truespring Water
- Mineral Sand
Artisanal Cloudstone
botanist 🌱 –
White Cedar log
- Wheat Gossamer
- Cotton Boll
- Tortoise
- Artisanal Caiman
White Cedar Log
- Primordial Resin
- Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Tortoise
- Artisanal Cocoon
White Cedar Log
- Primordial Resin
- Wheat
- Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Artisanal Log
Primordial Resin
- Wheat
- Gossamer Cotton Boll
- Tortoise
- Artisanal Barbgrass
White Cedar Log
- Primordial Resin
- Wheat
- Tortoise
- Artisanal Raspberry
you can make thies changes in the following chapters: 6, 9, 12, and 15 just replace the numbers with-in the “()” of waypoint(###) with the numbers for the mob you want to kill
scenario “The Diadem: ⚒ with collectable turn in’s” will “only target Mining ⚒ mobs” from the above list
scenario “The Diadem: 🌱 with collectable turn in’s” will “only target Botanist 🌱 mobs” from the above list
scenario “The Diadem: ⚒🌱 with collectable turn in’s” and “The Diadem: ⚒🌱” will “target all of the mobs” from the above listJanuary 21, 2021 at 7:03 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27033Curious, why doesn’t this grid utilize the tornado transport pads to shoot you from one island to the next? Kind of a dead giveaway its a bot no?
that is a good question i originally made the grid useing the vortexes bugt had alot of issues with them when it came to shooting to island’s higher then the vortex see when you use the vortex you have to make a waypoint right on it so that miqobot will go onto it the following are reasons why i scrapped the idea
1. placeing said waypoints on it is hard to do XD with out triggering the vortexes but at the same time makeing sure miqobot dose (at the time i did not use Notepad ++ )
2. when useing said vortexes miqobot would think that it overshot the waypoint at the vortex and would try to fly back to said waypoint
3. going from an island on a higer elevation to a lower one was easy going from a lower island to a higher one not so easy as miqobot would just fly right up to the waypoint with out triggering it and manually flying this is bad if your useing the vortex because the vortext shoots you up to a designated location on top of the islands when miqobot trys to fly up manually it will get stuck on the underside of the island and no placeing waypoints along the trajectory of the vortexes dont work either miqobot will think it miss those points (on the occasions that it triggered the vortexes and fly back down to them
4. they are a headache to try and deal with XD too many bugs and errors were occurring and the struggle out weighted the need for them
Ive been farming Diadem manually on the first day and i never used tornados. Its such a drag watching your character slowly dropping in a straight line locked in the animation without being able to cancel it. Flying towards your goal is much more satisfying.
this is also true with out useing them miqobot and you have more control over your toon at all times
January 21, 2021 at 2:49 am in reply to: Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣 #27029With version 21 I ran into this error twice yesterday… why can’t it dismount? I also ran into an error with it once where it couldn’t get to the NPC and I wasn’t at my computer and my mouse was turned off, so I now it wasn’t me moving my mouse that time. xD
(3:16:20 AM) 1 trip more..
(3:16:20 AM) Destination reached!
(3:16:20 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
(3:16:20 AM) I see a shiny node at (-486.911407, 386.522186, 331.256989).
(3:16:21 AM) Going from 5 to 5 in 1 trips.
(3:16:21 AM) 1 trip more..
(3:16:33 AM) Sorry, can’t dismount 🙁
(3:16:33 AM) Oh yay, I wanted to sleep anyway! Ni ni. :3Anyway, gonna upgrade to 22 and see if that helps any for now.
Edit: Oh, also adding in the fact that usually when that happens I also come back disconnected from the game entirely as if I lost internet connection (has happened 3 times already tonight!! 3 TIMES! I’m going to live on an energy drink tomorrow to survive work, since I keep waking up to restart the game), though the can’t dismount thing doesn’t happen every time I disconnect, so far only a couple times. Think it has anything to do with the game lagging out?
sorry i just saw this post, it could be a lagging out thing it happens to me sometimes as well i thought it was just my game though this may require more looking into if its happening to others
also the area were you could not dismount is it the same as the
x7.1 y20.4
cord’s you gaive in the previous post? miqobot uses a more detailed X,Y,Z cords then the game doesMiqobot X,Y,Z cords
-486.911407, 386.522186, 331.256989
Final fantasy X,Y,Z cords
x7.1 y20.4
sorry for the delay i finally go time to work on the issue at
-486.911407, 386.522186, 331.256989
and thank you, thies X,Y,Z cords from miqobot help alot with finding the exact area that needs to be fixed i wish FF would incorporate thies more detailed X,Y,Z cords -
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by