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  • in reply to: Chocobo Racing #826

    Well no not really.
    I’m assuming then your stats are 4 stars in everything. Then just max out Speed Stam and get some acceleration and endurance training in there then I’m sure you’re fine.

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #823

    First off, it depends on if you mean Ultimate R300 racer or the ‘R240 Ultimate Bird’.

    From what I’ve experienced and what Lyfox and the guide told me, you can actually focus on stars whenever really.
    But suggested do it after you reach P9.
    I would suggest going back through these pages on this thread and reading mine and Lyfox convo, as I started with basically 0 knowledge, and now I get it.

    First I have to say, do the choco challenges AS YOU GO, doing this will not only give you a increased in MGP but you unlock choco ability books to buy!
    So now I’ve got my P9 and know it abit. I would focus on stars asap tbh.
    If you can afford it, I would breed every choco with a G9 slip from GS. (I bought about 10 slips each time! Yes you’ll spend alot, but its worth it) – This way they have higher stats and better abilities.

    So this is basing off my choco experience.
    The stats I would focus on getting 4 stars are;

    Stamina – is a MUST, you need that 4stars.

    Max Speed – is also a MUST 4 Stars.

    – ignore completely. Just let that role whatever, don’t even train it.

    Acceleration – obviously good, I had 4 stars in it on my final bird but only got it to around 395 in points as yes you will start slower but, you will take over.

    Endurance – okay so this stat on my final choco actually finished with 1 single star. I thought I was screwed. I trained it to max as much I could, because otherwise the Stamina bar just drained SO FAST. I also countered this problem by using Increased Stamina III. – I got Endurance in the end to 380 points, and that with 1 single star I think it pretty damn good!

    Use this as much you can: https://ffxivchocoboracing.wordpress.com/
    About the R240 Ultimate Bird: https://ffxivchocoboracing.wordpress.com/2015/06/03/advanced-the-r-240-ultimate-bird/
    My final choco stats: https://gyazo.com/a5ba00710271964ae5a5589bffcd9922
    (My choco is no way the best, but I can say I can come 1st place in R300 7/10 times. I have also beat all the Challenges.)

    I hope this helps everyone.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Goblin.jpg Goblin.jpg.
    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #815

    I dont think a breeding calculator would work exactly? I mean breeding has alot of RNG involved and %’s depending on parents stats etcetc, tbh it’s not super hard to figure but then I just chose the highest star chocos after buying like 10 slips at a time from GS.

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #810

    Yeah 😀 Thank you!
    Still thats not bad!
    I couldnt have worked this out proper without your help though, so thanks so much, I did get really lucky though! haaha
    Ah that sucks ><
    6 hours is a ball wait..
    I just dont think we need a bot for the challenges really, but a breeding bot, hmm, i dunno.
    Good Luck to you whatever you decide! 😀
    I’ll try help if you need me.
    But I would do the Choco Challenges as you go! They unlock all the Abilities! I have access to all the III ones now!
    Only one i didnt see on it was HeadStart 🙁

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #806

    I’ve found that making your own waypoints in choco racing once you’re happy with your stats etc is the way to do it.
    Becuase as you’re leveling of course your stats are changing constantly.
    I just used the waypoints given with miqobot and ones found on this thread. 🙂

    Lyfox, been running my bot for the last few hours.
    Heres a line of my winnings, Im happy with it 🙂
    I know its not SUPER consistent, but I think thats just the difficultly and rng of R300.

    So, for now, IM DONE WITH BREEDING!
    I beat the final Choco Challenge too!
    (Really Miqobot, no need for Challenges in the bot, I wouldnt bother)

    I love the Choco racing bot, and hopefully the little additional things coming will make it even better!

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #802

    Thanks!! 😀
    Im very happy with this Choco, and I might just stop here to be honest, I’ve just got very lucky!
    I actually can beat R300, and get first place easy, yet to try it on miqobot.
    At the moment, im having trouble beating the final Choco Race Challenge.


    And wow great! I didnt know you could breed more then one!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Goblin.jpg Goblin.jpg.
    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #788

    Hey Miqobot,

    Not sure if this has been said, but would be really nice if the bot knew when to use certain abilities.
    ATM I have Choco Cure III. (Which is great) But no use using it at the start of a race!

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #784

    This is Him! 😀
    Pretty happy?!

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #783

    Thanks for the reply !
    That all sounds good to me! 😀
    TBH making the 240 bird sounds like hard work! :O
    Right I think i totally understand the locking on stats now!
    But I really have no idea if there is any easier way.. aha.

    I just picked up my first G9!
    Ended up with pretty awesome stats! (I think)
    But if i ever retire it, i cant ever race it again right? :/
    But I guess I can just breed it again.

    This is my lastest Choco, obviously I know this will get into the R300’s 🙁

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #765

    Hey Lyfox, and all
    Sorry to bug you again, but i’m still a little struggling to get my head around this stuff, I have read the guides too..

    So, I now nearing my final breed to get my first ever P9 choco.
    I want to aim for a very good R240 choco for end game, because from what i’ve read R300 sounds painful and hard!

    So am I correct in saying this should be my steps..

    Buy a blank 2star choco, MALE AND FEMALE
    Rank to 40,
    Buy slips from gold saucer and get a 4star in the stat im focusing on.
    Breed the R40 + Slip 4 star Choco together,
    Hope the baby has the 4 stars in that stat.

    rank up that 4star stat baby to R40.
    also do that for the other gender.
    (So now ill have two 4 star chocos in ‘stat’)
    Once they are both R40, breed them together,
    This way THAT baby will have 4 stars in ‘stat’

    Rank that new 4 star baby to R40.
    Breed the 4 Star baby to my P9 choco.
    My P9 choco will then have that 4 star stat

    -Then work on my next wanted stat!

    I hope this is correct coz its really starting to confuse me 🙁
    If i’m totally wrong and you wouldnt mind helping, IF its easier, we can email/skype if its easier so I can show you all my slips I have (alot) and all my chocos ive retired.

    Thank you lots in advance!

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #741

    Alright cool! Thanks guys! 😀
    Hopefully I’ll have enough info to get a BiS choco!
    So first work on getting perigree 9. Then work on stars, then lately stats correct?
    Sorry for being super noob about this. :3
    I think I want Head Start and Choco Calm III at the end. But we’ll see. It’s still early on 🙁

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #735

    Oh god that sounds like a lot of breeding! :O
    I didn’t know it would be like that!
    All i’ve been doing so far is leveling, buy a bunch of G9 slips from the seller and choosing the best ‘i think’ then breeding that.
    then repeating.
    This is the child I just got.

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #730

    Yeah it’s a lovely colour! 😀
    Okay so I’m currently leveling this one up.
    But what about the stars? I need to get more acceleration in there right?! But how without loosing other stars :/
    Going to breed this today hopefully!

    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #722

    Thanks Lyfox! This helps alot! I think i’m getting the jist of it now!
    Any thoughts on this?
    This is my last choco I just made.
    Currently leveling him up, he is level 16 with Hereditary choco dash II 🙁

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Goblin.jpg Goblin.jpg.
    in reply to: Chocobo Racing #717

    Thanks so much for this grids!
    I’m just starting out choco racing, currently on pedigree 4?
    I’ve NO IDEA if im raising the choco correctly.
    Anyone know short easy guides? Or have any tips?
    Ive seen one guide but its super intense!

    Do i have to feed EVERY pedigree choco max training?


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