Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario BotanistšŸŒ±, Miningāš’, and FishingšŸŽ£

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario BotanistšŸŒ±, Miningāš’, and FishingšŸŽ£

This topic contains 934 replies, has 247 voices, and was last updated by  Gamerboi 2 weeks, 4 days ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 935 total)
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  • #26334


    I was wondering if there was a way to have it prioritize the Clouded nodes? Whenever I tell it to use Gather Node “clouded” it’ll go to those, but ignore the other nodes when the clouded disappears šŸ™


    I was wondering if there was a way to have it prioritize the Clouded nodes? Whenever I tell it to use Gather Node ā€œcloudedā€ itā€™ll go to those, but ignore the other nodes when the clouded disappears šŸ™

    sadly i have also been wanting for that but no Miqobot dose suports that you can only either gather everything or specify one node name

    Note: i am off to bed šŸ› finally i will see you all in a few hour’s then i will resume work on the grid,
    again i would like to thank you all for your help and assistance with the bug and error reports every report helps to make the grid and scenario better and better so thanks again šŸ˜€


    So with the scenario… you start outside the diadem with that number 1 spot and it automatically moves through all the numbers on its own?

    Cause here I totally thought you just picked a number for what you wanted to do and it’d only do the things in that number, i.e. the diadem boom.

    XD still learning so much about about the gathering aspect of miqobot lol, since I just started using it



    Found another stuck point.

    Botany, ī‚»The Diadem ( 16.3 , 11.7 )

    Approaching from the north you get stuck on the tree trying to get to the node that is immediately south, Lush Vegetation Patch.

    Need a break, I’ll continue later. Thanks for all the updates!


    Welp, attempting to run it while afk and at work. I know Iā€™ll run into something at some point so weā€™ll see if I get in trouble or not lol.

    If I do who knows, maybe I can say I stayed up all night and fell asleep at my keyboard while auto running lol. XD

    Iā€™ll head home on my lunch anyway cause by then the timer in the instance will have run out and I need to go back in for 2nd half of work. Iā€™ll download any new updates for that. You guys are working so fast to fix all the issues, thank you for your hard work!

    Be careful about running it AFK, since the ranking season is up right now people are particularly vicious about witch hunting and reporting bots so if you by chance get stuck on something people will definitely see you and point it out and may spell punishment. Stay safe, would feel horrible to get banned for trying to get some scrips lol


    O_o Tried the 14th and 16th updates and they’re both activating the kill switch for me…

    (11:16:18 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:16:18 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:16:18 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:16:18 AM) I see a shiny node at (-714.231384, -48.271660, 271.928802).
    (11:16:18 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:16:18 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:16:18 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:16:40 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:16:40 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:16:40 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:16:40 AM) I see a shiny node at (-736.624817, -60.290508, 272.007507).
    (11:16:40 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:16:40 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:16:40 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:17:02 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:17:02 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:17:04 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:17:04 AM) I see a shiny node at (-736.624817, -60.290508, 272.007507).
    (11:17:04 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:17:04 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:17:04 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:17:49 AM) Old presets backed up to: C:\Users\ssaku\AppData\Local\Temp\miqobot\presets039.miqo
    (11:17:58 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:17:58 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:17:58 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:17:58 AM) I see a shiny node at (-736.624817, -60.290508, 272.007507).
    (11:17:58 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:17:58 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:17:58 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:18:05 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:18:05 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:18:05 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:18:05 AM) I see a shiny node at (-736.624817, -60.290508, 272.007507).
    (11:18:05 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:18:05 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:18:05 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.
    (11:19:04 AM) Old presets backed up to: C:\Users\ssaku\AppData\Local\Temp\miqobot\presets040.miqo
    (11:19:08 AM) Importing data.
    (11:19:08 AM) -> Importing scenario: ‘The Diadem āš’šŸŒ±’
    (11:19:08 AM) -> Duplicate gathering rotation: ‘Yield +1’
    (11:19:08 AM) -> Importing navigation grid: ‘The Diadem āš’šŸŒ±’
    (11:19:08 AM) -> Duplicate gather preset: ‘Mining āš’’
    (11:19:08 AM) -> Importing gather preset: ‘botanist šŸŒ±’
    (11:19:11 AM) New presets were imported from the selected files.
    (11:19:11 AM) Scenarios: 1
    (11:19:11 AM) Navigation grids: 1
    (11:19:11 AM) Gather presets: 1
    (11:19:11 AM) Duplicates (skipped): 2
    (11:19:35 AM) Gathering started.
    (11:19:35 AM) Max node count: 999
    (11:19:39 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (11:19:39 AM) I see a shiny node at (-736.624817, -60.290508, 272.007507).
    (11:19:39 AM) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (11:19:39 AM) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (11:19:39 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.


    Aw, restarting miqobot seemed to help fix the issue. Or at least it’s working now lol.



    How do I make it use the botany side of things?



    How do I import the newest diadem grid to miqobot?


    How do I make it use the botany side of things?

    Delete all references to mining in the scenario



    Is there a way to alter the waypoints for the boom so it has an easier time finding melia, protos, or icetraps? I typically boom those three but Miqobot ends up just standing there for 20 minutes waiting for a monster to come by on that list.


    okay guys im back im going to start working on the grid soon and again i thank you’s for your help reporting error’s and bugs šŸ˜€

    So with the scenarioā€¦ you start outside the diadem with that number 1 spot and it automatically moves through all the numbers on its own?

    Cause here I totally thought you just picked a number for what you wanted to do and itā€™d only do the things in that number, i.e. the diadem boom.

    XD still learning so much about about the gathering aspect of miqobot lol, since I just started using it

    miqobot will navigate through all the waypoints takeing the shortest / quickest posible route to reatch the destination wether that be a node on the other side of the map or a specified waypoint think of the way points as intersections ā›¶ of a road the all the blue lines connecting them as roads miqobot acts like Google maps or a TomTom it picks out the shortest route / road for you to take to reach your destination that is just the grid part though which is only part of the gathering process but is needed to reach the desired destination i hope this helps with your understanding of miqobot and how it works šŸ˜€

    Is there a way to alter the waypoints for the boom so it has an easier time finding melia, protos, or icetraps? I typically boom those three but Miqobot ends up just standing there for 20 minutes waiting for a monster to come by on that list.

    that is odd miqobot should go to a set waypoint on the lower islands for the augur are you useing the latest update? or the correct grid? according to miqobot and thier explanation on how the import feature works it will import the new grid/scenarios but it wont delete or overwrite old ones as explained below

    Miqobot identifies a preset as duplicate only if itā€™s an absolute match.
    There are no heuristics involved, the algorithm compares two presets on a binary level. Even if you move a single waypoint slightly, it will be considered a new grid and can not be identified as duplicate.

    Please note, however, that importing a new navigation grid with the same name does not replace any old grids. They remain in the list as different versions with the same name, unless the user manually deletes them.
    Therefore your recommendation to delete old Diadem presets before import is correct.
    Albeit for a different reason.

    so its always a good idea to delete any old grids/scenarios so they dont get mixed up only thing you should be able to leave behind is your gathering preset’s the list šŸ“ƒ of items you want miqobot to farm if you customized it

    latest update can be found here as well i will also be posting another update soon after i read through the post and fix the reported error’s / bug’s


    How do I import the newest diadem grid to miqobot?

    click here for info on importing grids / scenarios


    Found another stuck point.

    Botany, ī‚»The Diadem ( 16.3 , 11.7 )

    Approaching from the north you get stuck on the tree trying to get to the node that is immediately south, Lush Vegetation Patch.

    Need a break, Iā€™ll continue later. Thanks for all the updates!

    can you send in the X, Y, Z, cord from miqobot? with them i can have miqobot take me to the exact location unfortunately i am nmot able to see any obvious issues at this location ( 16.3 , 11.7 ) but i will keep looking the image below is how and where to find the cords in miqobot outlined in the red square ā¬œ miqobot uses a more detailed X, Y, Z, then final fantasy dose

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.
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    Welp, attempting to run it while afk and at work. I know Iā€™ll run into something at some point so weā€™ll see if I get in trouble or not lol.

    If I do who knows, maybe I can say I stayed up all night and fell asleep at my keyboard while auto running lol. XD

    Iā€™ll head home on my lunch anyway cause by then the timer in the instance will have run out and I need to go back in for 2nd half of work. Iā€™ll download any new updates for that. You guys are working so fast to fix all the issues, thank you for your hard work!

    Be careful about running it AFK, since the ranking season is up right now people are particularly vicious about witch hunting and reporting bots so if you by chance get stuck on something people will definitely see you and point it out and may spell punishment. Stay safe, would feel horrible to get banned for trying to get some scrips lol

    this is good advice everyone do please be careful, as said above people are on a witch hunt with the rankings being active and all

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 935 total)

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