Forum › Forums › Discussion › Best Job(s)/Class(es) for Combat Assist?
This topic contains 74 replies, has 42 voices, and was last updated by pussyfoot 3 years, 9 months ago.
May 8, 2020 at 11:12 pm #21863
/micon “Cascade”
/macroerror off
/ac “Flourish”
/ac “Saber Dance” <t>
/ac “Cascade” <t>Just be sure to replace/re-type the quotation marks if copy/pasting from here
Do you guys have any other macros that can be used for ranged?
May 9, 2020 at 7:40 am #21864/micon “Cascade”
/macroerror off
/ac “Flourish”
/ac “Saber Dance” <t>
/ac “Cascade” <t>Just be sure to replace/re-type the quotation marks if copy/pasting from here
Do you guys have any other macros that can be used for ranged?
The other ranged dps doesn’t need macros in their current state. Machinist is hands-free and bard only requires you to use Apex Arrow yourself.
May 12, 2020 at 10:10 pm #21889I’ve got most classes to 80 and have used miqobot in dungeons/trials/raids including savage and left it running on target dummy in 480 gear so my comments below should cover a wide range of situations. Within each category they are ordered roughly in order of my preference for combat assist.
Couple notes and things I want to expand on as an Amaro-rider having raided on all classes at 480-485.
Just as you said, does the job as well as a regular person, with mild hiccups.DRK
I feel like you’re confusing the class here, there isn’t any mana-dump phases, and isn’t an optimal time to use living shadow, you just use it when it’s up. Considering how miqo flawlessly keeps your mana both always ready for TBN and never capped, it’s about as perfect as gunbreaker, with the exception of blood weapon. It’s near impossible to get 5 attacks under blood weapon, because miqo will always push it early in a weave, rather than late, causing even skill speed builds to only get 4. All things considered, it’s on par with GNB/WAR. Fun fact, make a <t> macro for salted earth, and miqo uses it!PAL
Yeah dogshit.WHM/SCH/AST
I’ve experiemented with all of them in dungeon and trial content, but no savage raiding. Near flawless in all cases, aside from a few hangups. AST sometimes throws cards to whatever role it feels like, but to be fair, I do the same manually if I just want that divination. The biggest issue is they all cast reactively, which obviously would be a pain to try and implement considering how many attacks and abilities would have to be included to watch for. Granted you can sometimes override it by manually clicking a spell to force a cast, and hoping the timing works out, but it’s the main reason I wouldn’t take it to savage. Generally always tops the HPS with the least overheal, while putting out considerable healer dps. Little too eager to hardcast res every bad that dies repeatedly.Ranged Phys:
MCH ~14-15k
Perfect. Push tab to win.Bard ~13-14k rdps
Same as machinist, only apex arrow needs pushed, and rarely at that. Adps is closer to 12-13k.DNC ~12-16k
A bit more high maintenance, as you need to push both devilment and flourish when tech step goes off, flourish when the 1 minute cd ends, and saber dance as espirit fills. With how dummy stupid it is to play, having dashes to compensate for even the slowest of players, it isn’t too big a problem. Bigger issue is baked into the class, very shitty low personal dps based on proc chance, with a potentially huge raid contribution, based on dance partner and raid group skill. There’s a reason it’s the only ranged phys top tier raiders use, and also a reason pugs and PFs think it’s the worst class.Casters
SMN ~15k
The ruin II/III issues are holding back a lot of potential. It likes to use R3 just for fun, and doesn’t have them up for bahamut phase, nor for movement heavy moments, leading to a lot of lost wyrmwaves and too many R2s. Despite that, it’s still better than most players.BLM ~… Don’t.
Uses stormblood rotation. Doesn’t xeno/despair. Doesn’t know how to leyline/triple properly. Just don’t.RDM ~14-15k
Very competent. If you’re comfortable with weaving in dashes manually and pushing flare, it executes almost optimally, aside from its use of oGCD being timed poorly. Acceleration sometimes gets used just after a melee phase starts, which loses 2 if not all 3 uses.BLU (Because lol)
Water cannon + toad oil. Or, 1k needle spam. It really helped tolerate the grind to level it.Melee
Quick caveat about melee and positionals, I didn’t use legacy controls to let it auto-position, both as I want full control of movement at all times and because it’s manageable to deal with using true north, or just anticipating the rotation. Will explain in each class.MNK ~14-15k
It’s still stuck in the era of perfect balance openers, and doesn’t realize there are four GL stacks, but aside from that it’s pretty clean. Raids are generous when it comes to global aoes, giving you easy RoE uptime, meaning standing on the bosses ass and bootshine. Even without RoE, or even true north, the -VAST- majority of monk damage comes from autos, dot ticks, and bootshine crits. Just sitting on the bosses rear only loses 10 potency per GCD, which amounts to about 3% of your damage. Most of that can be salvaged with true north/riddle, but in reality, they’re better used to ensure you’re getting bootshine crits during hectic movement phases. Of course you could try to predict the rotation based off buffs and the dot to self-position, but it’s not worth it if it makes you miss a boot. Mantra-panic-spam heavy.DRG ~13-14k
Like dark knight, if you set up a macro for your dragon sight, it’ll use it, and on somebody who isn’t a healer. Rly Miqo?
So this is a serious mixed bag. The positionals are predictable, and easy to manually adjust for. Buff cooldown use is perfect. Jump use is perfect.
Anyone who’s dragoon’d knows every jump is how they will die, and Miqo is a perfect dragoon in that regard. It’s extremely disappointing, because the rotation is nearly perfect aside from geirs/life use, which is about as minor as monk positionals. While I’m on life of the dragon, she doesn’t intentionally stagger life procs to give nastrond/stardiver buffs, but can be managed by mash clicking geirs to force the stagger. Also, stardiver needs manual activation, even with jumps active, but that’s okay. Jumps unfortunately need to be done manually, the risk isn’t just a risk, it’s a certainty. Miqo will jump you into a glorious death. This leaves you with four jumps, optional geirs mashing, and handling positionals (which, honestly, are also kind of ignorable if you just stick on rear, it’s 18 potency per GCD lost, true north helps, but still try to hit them just so you look ‘real’). A bit more babysitting than most, for mediocre output/raid support, but very do-able if you love dragoon.SAM ~15k
Easy. Set up a macro to add/remove Senei, or it’ll blow its load immediately with no buffs, waste of 1100 potency. Sitting on the bosses ass gives 50 kenki, moving to the flank on shifu for kasha gives an extra 5. Both ignorable, and easy if you feel like maxing output. Be mindful of iaijutsu having a cast bar, it’s very easy to miss a higanbana, which leads miqo to continuing the rotation, potentially missing a LOT of uptime on your dot. Manual buttons are shoha mash, tsubame-gaeshi mash, and meditation. I’d recommend putting third eye on a blank icon macro to mash yourself, but Miqo will use it any time there’s a free oGCD open, damage inc or not. Also of note, properly weaving shoha before TG to manage meditation stacks is ideal, but don’t try to if you aren’t hitting the TG. It’s far more important to get that CD rolling off a midare than to get a bonus meditation stack.NIN ~12-13k
Worst performer of the melee. Doesn’t use Hyosho at all, a 400 potency loss during trick. Doesn’t use most mandatory abilities during trick, often misses a raiton, shadow fang dot is rarely inside the trick window. If you don’t do your opener manually, trick is the first thing Miqo does, making your raid think you’re an idiot. Manual use of bunshin and meisui are needed, but combined with Miqo’s tendency to use mudras at random times, leads to many rabbits, making your raid think you’re an idiot. TCJ has random use timings, leading to botched uses. Positionals are the least of your worries. The raid getting visual indication that Miqo has no idea what it’s doing, and in turn making it look like you have no idea what you’re doing, is far more problematic.What to raid with:
Tank – Not Paladin.
Healer – Not advised.
Range Phys – MCH ideal, BRD is fine. DNC if there’s a 505 weapon to dance with.
Melee Phys – SAM ideal, MNK is fine. DRG if you get bored easily, NIN if you want to get blacklisted.
Casters – SMN for full auto, RDM for mild activity, BLM if you want to get blacklisted.May 14, 2020 at 6:31 am #21928I’ve got most classes to 80 and have used miqobot in dungeons/trials/raids including savage and left it running on target dummy in 480 gear so my comments below should cover a wide range of situations. Within each category they are ordered roughly in order of my preference for combat assist. Note this is accurate as of writing on v1.3.33 of miqobot. Some of the changes are so minor and seemingly so easy to implement (e.g. scorch on RDM) that I expect they will be fixed in the next major release. Some jobs however like BLM, MNK, DRG and AST I would never recommend using miqobot for anything other than casual content until some kind of specific raid module is included. Note also that the dps I have quoted is without any interventions, expect it to be a bit higher if you do the interventions I mention.
[Huge job blurb]
Actually AST handles cards very well in a party. Will fish for divination perfectly, though not always placing cards optimally. Then it’ll use lord/lady once seals are up. Star management has to be manual. As well as CU. But for anything other than savage it’s worked well. A couple custom macros here and there for Horoscope/Aspected Helios and it works very well. Biggest problem is, like all heals, it’s only reactive. So would not recommend if you have to Nocturnal.
May 14, 2020 at 8:24 am #21929BLM needs a little more babysitting than some classes, but it’s far from unusable. With 2 macros to handle despair and xeno, it has a solid rotation. I manually do my opener just because miqo pops manafont way too soon, but even then if you just cast fire 3 after the thunder cast during the opener it still mostly works fine.
Here are the 2 macros I use, the first one just uses the icon for foul but casts xenoglossy. I keep foul on a seperate bar and swap out foul or the macro based on if I’m fighting trash or a boss
/micon “Foul”
/merror off
/ac “Xenoglossy” <t>Then this second one replaces blizzard III and will try to cast despair first if there’s mana for it. Miqo has a habit of using transpose to swap elements, so it’s not perfect, but it works pretty well.
/micon “Blizzard III”
/merror off
/ac “Despair” <t>
/ac “Blizzard III” <t>For savage raiding, I move ley lines to another hotbar and manually use it since optimizing positioning become so important. Though miqo gets super confused sometimes when ley lines is available but it can’t use it, so again, a little babysitting will fix that and get it back into a rotation. BLM is definitely not set-it-and-forget-it like some classes, but a little effort makes it totally usable in most content.
May 15, 2020 at 4:38 am #21973@shallowsteve what’s the macro for SAM? To add and remove senei?
May 21, 2020 at 1:28 am #22100Just wanted to add that I’ve now done all verse savage on SMN using miqobot combat assist. I start with the optimal opener for the first 30s or so then I switch over to using miqobot for the rest. I’m around 389 ilvl and do roughly 16.5-17k dps in the raids, which typically puts me near the top, sometimes even top especially on e5s/e6s so I’m far from being carried.
June 24, 2020 at 12:28 am #22478June 24, 2020 at 4:48 am #22481June 24, 2020 at 9:26 am #22482June 27, 2020 at 7:49 pm #22502For Miqobot v1.3.34
patch notes: notes:
– (BLM) doesn’t use Xeno on single target instead uses foul – still keep the xeno macro with foul icon and switch when needed
– (BLM) (suggestion) still keep leylines on a blank macro and use it manually
– (PAL) able to use atonement/holyspirit/enh req \o/I don’t have max level on all the other classes but..
I’d like to hear about other people’s thoughts on the improvements on SAM, NIN, DRK and what skills stills need to be manualCheers
June 27, 2020 at 11:52 pm #22503August 27, 2020 at 12:39 am #23565August 27, 2020 at 2:50 am #23567August 27, 2020 at 7:14 am #23569 -
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