Altanative RebornBuddy

Forum Forums Discussion Altanative RebornBuddy

This topic contains 78 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  Elle 2 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #37029

    I had a short experience with Minion when I wanted to get an alt character past the msq and to get some annoying vistas while I worked at home, Personally it felt a bit too much for what I wanted. I don’t like applications with the ability to touch anything server side, teleporting my character ect. ( even if I can turn it off it still has the ability to do so ).

    It did have some very attractive plugins but I just never felt safe using it personally.

    Overall though I guess I don’t want a bot give me an inhuman advantage or showing skill I don’t have, that’s different for other people though so I can’t say Minion is bad at all its built very well and does work, just take care with it.

    I’ve never tried any other alternatives, Rebornbuddy never seemed like it was updated still but I guess I was wrong on that?
    thenn I dont know of any others, ive been happy with Miqo so no real motivation to look around other than my curiosity.



    I don’t like applications with the ability to touch anything server side, teleporting my character ect.

    To avoid misinformation, teleporting in FF is achieved through memory, not server-side even remotely. To the server your client says “I’m here” and the server replies with “I believe you”. That’s why it’s so easy to teleport in XIV.


    @andylynyn Thank you for the correction! I did not mean to spread any misinformation.



    @andylynyn Thank you for the correction! I did not mean to spread any misinformation.

    All good, that’s why we’re a community 🙂



    I guess as long as you only teleport to places where teleportation is already in place it should be safe.

    Otherwise all that square needs to do is to check the teleportation to a list of teleportation address. If you teleported where is not possible that’s enough proof to ban you. Of course, it would require someone else to report you are square won’t likely bother unless a player reported it.

    Teleportation is just too visible, irrelevant if it starts on the server or the client. The server end up knowing about it.



    My assumption is “How many times” because if it happens not too frequently you could just be having issues connecting to the server and you either get the rubber banding, or (to other people) you teleport places.

    Lets say I disable my connection without Windows knowing immediately, like a lagswitch, I would technically be able to move about the world and then resume normal connection. To everyone else I would’ve teleported, in my screen, I would’ve walked there normally.

    This to say that Square can’t willynilly ban someone on some random occasions of the server thinking your character coordinates don’t add up, but I’m assuming if it becomes regular or happens way to consistently, they might yoink you.

    (This is pure speculation from a software design point of view, everybody knows that we honestly know VERY little of how Square actually polices the game, and what tools/methods they use.)



    Surprised to see this here, but ya my good friend is the one who has been updating the dungeons like Zot, Babil, and Dead Ends. He was having trouble with the final boss of Legacy so I don’t think we’ll see that one sadly.



    I have switched to minion at the start of Endwalker and have found it to be very good. As for the people complaining about the cost….in two years it costs you LESS then Miqo and it offers so much more dungeon and combat wise. I never had to uninstall anything from my computer, and it installed in about 15 minutes so I have no idea what the person who claimed it makes you delete stuff and takes hours to install did wrong but it was obviously something. If you don’t want to teleport…TURN OFF THE FETURE….it’s really just that easy. Yes the start up is more up front but it is actually cheaper in the long run. Honestly if you just want crafting/gathering, gold saucer and very basic, get you by combat and don’t mind waiting for updates after major patches (obv when the devs are safe again) then Miqo is amazing for that. But if you want up to date combat routines and a bot that’s back up in hours even on major patches then spend a little more for Minion.

    Cost Breakdown:
    Minion Bot key – $60 per year
    Combat arc (profile) – $10 – $15 each Low end will parse you purple, high end will parse you orange in savage
    gather/craft – $44 for the (what I feel) is the best gathering/crafting combo
    gold saucer – $13
    Dungeons that are updated FAST (usually 3 days) when a new one comes out (this will also add positional assistance on screen for melee jobs) $60
    Total cost for everything Miqo gives but much better dungeon options (it has ALL SHB and EW dungeons plus many more squad dungeons for leveling and has way better combat management, updating rotations within hours or days of patches if needed based on what the Balance recommends. It’s always been up within HOURS of all patches, was back up in 3 days form the new exp.
    Start up (6 months key) $157 (or $162 if you want orange arcs)

    Yearly miqo key- $120
    yearly minion key- $60

    2 years miqo – $240
    2 years minion $187 (start up included in this)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  Theonething.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  Theonething.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  Theonething.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  Theonething.


    Are you sure you’ve got your figures straight?
    $120 for base Minion for 2 years, plus the addons you’ve listed, does not add up to $187.

    Am I missing something?


    Is it really fine that people who dont use Miqobot anymore come advertising other products? I thought it was a place to discuss temporary alternatives. And now this turns into a mess again.

    This is a territory of Miqo community. And it kinda makes me sad having to read this. Especially when the facts are dishonestly distorted. Am i the only one?



    Once Miqobot is back up, there won’t be nearly as many people discussing alternatives. And even if you think it’s wrong, it has now been allowed by the owners. It’s pretty clear what the subject of these threads are. Just don’t read them if they bother you. Thankfully, Miqobot will be returning within the day.



    I finished enjoy using reborn…It was very time consuming to set up plugin and profies. I spent much more time on setting up enviornment than actually using bot lol.

    Reborn had let me know how Miqo is simple and cost effective.



    I don’t think that is necesarrily true.
    Today the servers go down for maintenance, either way since the restriction of discussing other bots has been lifted people are gonna keep talking or “advertising” as Lyfox likes to keep saying. Even though as soon as Miqotbot is fixed I will be using it and don’t plan on using any other bot that doesn’t change the fact the devs are in a periless situation and don’t have the time or ability during the war too extensively update Miqobot and none of us expect them too) for Endwalker level 90 endgame dungeons/raids/classes etc etc, so people will im sure still keep talking about minion or another bot. Granted I don’t like Minion and I never have it’s a extensively greedy bot.

    It is what it is and I love Miqobot.

    Lyfox I think you’re a bit too crestfallen on this whole thing. Try to cheer up man.


    And even if you think it’s wrong, it has now been allowed by the owners.

    The owner said that the community can decide its own fate. Are we really going to show disrespect towards developers just because they agreed to tolerate it? I think that we as a community can at least have a discussion about this and decide for ourselves whether its right or wrong. Dont you agree?

    Just don’t read them if they bother you.

    This is not constructive. This is the same when people said ‘If the rules established by Miqo bother you then just leave’. I have the right to talk about things that bother me. Especially when they concern the peace and spirit of the community.


    I honestly would use minion. Sure it costs a bit more upfront, but it has quite frankly, far superior features overall.

    I don’t use it because it can’t be used with Dalamud plugins and XIVAlexander. That’s the only unfortunate downside. If it wasn’t for that, I’d be using minion.

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