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  • Cirno#9

    My thoughts on it haven’t changed from when this topic was brought up prior.
    Bots live and die by their ability to hide in plain sight.

    Automated Quest execution / Automated Main Scenario Quest execution:
    Bots live and die by their ability to hide in plain sight. Nothing screams “bot” better than static routines.

    Eureka Support:
    This one even more so with the “hiding in plain sight” except now instead of an open world where you might be seen, now you’re in a instance with people and very visible.

    FATE grind:
    See the previous two answers.

    Materials Hunting:
    See the previous three answers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.
    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24708

    Miqobot does not support housing minigames.
    If you don’t play minigames on Minion Square, several algorithms will be broken. Double down timer is one of these algorithms.

    Ah, good to know. I’ll change up what I’m doing then.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24701
    (22:39:06) [48.08% - Good]
    (22:39:10) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good]
    (22:39:13) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:17) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:21) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing]
    (22:39:24) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:28) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 0.68% - Nothing]
    (22:39:32) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 0.68% - Nothing, 0.26% - Nothing]

    So it seems Miqobot is getting stuck on the top most point of the Out on a Limb game routinely on cactuar, morbol, or titan settings as of today for some reason.

    It also will sometimes doubles down after the designated 15 second stop time as well occasionally.

    Setting a double down stop point of 20 seconds has helped mitigate the problem for some reason. Drops the reward a bit, but it’s not a big enough difference to matter.

    Edit #2:
    Nevermind. Double down timer is just straight up broke. It’s only sometimes obeying the set time.

    Hm. Can only edit post twice, I guess.

    So double down function on Out on a Limb is pretty busted. I’ve observed it doubling down past the set time and also not at all on the first win.

    in reply to: MGP farming doesn't work on housing machines #24697
    (22:39:06) [48.08% - Good]
    (22:39:10) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good]
    (22:39:13) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:17) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:21) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing]
    (22:39:24) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing]
    (22:39:28) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 0.68% - Nothing]
    (22:39:32) [48.08% - Good, 39.98% - Good, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 2.65% - Nothing, 2.66% - Nothing, 0.68% - Nothing, 0.26% - Nothing]

    So it seems Miqobot is getting stuck on the top most point of the Out on a Limb game routinely on cactuar, morbol, or titan settings as of today for some reason.

    It also will sometimes doubles down after the designated 15 second stop time as well occasionally.

    Setting a double down stop point of 20 seconds has helped mitigate the problem for some reason. Drops the reward a bit, but it’s not a big enough difference to matter.

    Edit #2:
    Nevermind. Double down timer is just straight up broke. It’s only sometimes obeying the set time.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.

    Bots live and die by their ability to hide in plain sight.

    Granted, there is only so much you, as a developer, can do to prevent detection on the end-user’s part and there is a large responsibility on the end-user’s part to use the tool in a safe manner that would prevent suspicion.

    How much do the Miqobot developers care about protecting their end users? My initial take is more than most developers considering this discussion post even exists.

    That being said.. I tend to take a safety leaning approach when it comes to these sorts of things. My general preference would be option 1. Minimal visibility is the best kind of safety net a botter can hope for.

    MSQ execution:
    Do we /really/ need an automated MSQ or Quest execution? Nothing shouts “bot” better than static routines, plus it would need to involve doing duties and that gets really sketchy when you’re involving unrelated people from a social and programmatic standpoint.
    Even that aside, in most cases people will buy a skip potion to jump to the latest expansion anyway.

    Quest execusion:
    Same as the MSQ execution.

    FATE grind:
    There are a few instances where FATE grinding is useful. Especially if you’re achievement hunting or looking for specific things, but given the huge resurgence in all of the alphabet soup named bots people are currently very sensitive to the presence of questing and mob hunting oriented bots.

    Materials Hunting:
    This is one I’m pretty torn on considering leatherworking requires a /lot/ of mats from mob drops, but there are in-game solutions for this via the retainers bringing specific materials back. It’s not ideal, but it does work well enough.

    Eureka Support:
    This one even more so with the “hiding in plain sight” except now instead of an open world where you might be seen, now you’re in a instance full of people and very visible. And this is coming from someone who still needs to slog through Eureka because I want some of the stuff from there. I prefer to not be seen and while I could just simply not use this feature if widespread usage from others adds to an existing problem it has the potential to put everyone in the line of fire.

    To that end though, I would rather support dev time being used instead for improving other “core” features. Aside from improvements to things that are already in development like 71+ support, trusts, and squadrons. It would be nice to have:
    An “advanced” mode for scenarios that allow for an if/then/else structure with comparison operators for Eorzean time, or the ability to utilize such a system to tell the Scenario routine to change to the next chapter or a specified chapter if certain criteria are met.
    Inventory space detection. If full, doAction or proceed to specified chapter and so on.
    Built-in retainer support so we can stop relying on sendkeys to manage them.
    Automated solo Palace/Heaven support similar to Squadrons.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.
    in reply to: Complete Gathering Grids Import? #15860

    So I’m guessing there is not a better method other than either making my own or piecing together stuff through trial and error from the Index?

    What I ended up doing was writing a quick python script to read all the grid files, sort them based on job and level then write a new file to import that had everything sorted.

    Grid naming needs to conform to either MIN##, BOT##, or BTN## for it to pick it up.
    Ex: MIN5, MIN30, BOT5, Btn15

    I’ll more than likely edit it later to account for grids that have spaces in the name like “Bot 5” or something, but for now~

    Grid Sorter
    It’s currently using Mochi’s grid pack as an example.
    If you need to add more grids click the add file button, give it a .txt name (min35grid.txt, etc.), save it, go back to and hit run.

    The sorted grids are dumped out to sorted_grids_import.txt.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.
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