Forum Replies Created
Considering your actions in the past, we have reason to believe that you will attempt to blackmail us or to conceal registration data once again. Therefore we can not agree to your request.
We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.
So to summarize, you have no evidence and continue to assume that I am someone else. Glad to know I was correct in this matter. I’m going to take my win and move on.
Thank you for your persistent interest in Miqobot project.
After carefully reviewing your data, we have discovered irrefutable proof that you are indeed the user @ryoushin / @ry0ush1n. Therefore all your accounts are now linked.
We are not able to reveal this proof in public, because it contains your personal data. Your privacy rights will be respected regardless of your suspension status.If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.
If you do have proof, you have my contact information. Send me this so called “proof.” Be advised though, you’ll more than likely be violating that users privacy rights. If you are indeed wanting to protect user’s data. I’ll let you take that gamble though. Face lawsuit for sending that persons data to me because you, Miqobot and the rest of the white knights, assume that that user and I are the same individual.
To think, as a new member wanting to use a digital product, only to be accused of being someone I am not. All this nonsense over a $10 digital product, which to be honest I would have only used for stockpiling crafting mats. All the other features are moot to me. Either way, I’ll await that email @miqobot.
Your manner of speaking and persistence are identical to that guy. You type dates the same way.
And your habit to emphasize words with caps is still there.
I never USED miqobot.
and having received NO RESPONSE.
Thats a coincidence too?
You must be that type of person whom likes to stir the pot when its not even boiling. Given that:
1: Your neither a moderator nor admin. Otherwise you would have responded to my post stating some generic response and then would lock the post from future responses.
2: My responding to you was purely to give some context to the matter in which you speculated and now accusing me to be someone that I am not.
3: My post clearly was intended to catch the eye of @miqobot to show that I, again Im repeating myself now to indulge your behaviour, that I took the steps required of me to set matters straight in regards to the email I received upon asking why I was refunded.
4: To indulge your behavior some more, many people write dates out in different ways depending how they are taught in elementary school. Would you prefer I write out my dates using 4/28/2020 or 4/28-2020 (as this is the manner in which my job requires us to write out dates on our paperwork).
5: My emphasis on using caps is just that. or would you prefer I use the Bold feature of the forum to emphasize my point?Whats next your going to imply that Im a republican and/or democrat?
At this point all your doing is showing that you have nothing better to do then to assume with no logical or factual data to back up your accusations. I.E. You must be the “troll” oh wait .. let me do this right .. troll .. of the forums.
With that said, @miqobot , I await a proper response either via support email or posted here. Because at this point, I’ve proven that I did nothing wrong in regards to the transaction, so I await either a reinstated key, which I paid for. Or the ability to purchase a fresh key.
Given that has no links to proper forum etiquette, I can only presume that when miqobot support/staff have done something wrong that the white knights have to come out and defend in all thier glory. Given the information I pulled from the linked post. Which again, to me neither side seemed correct in any action. but that is neither here nor there. That matter was clearly between that user and miqobot.
The date on your screens shows Apr 28, 2020…
That was the date I received a response from both Miqo & paypal, but I was also inquring about if an account was created using my email address. Given that again, in my last post, given world events and I cant believe I need to add this, I have a life outside of this forum and anything else. So to followup with what I said before:
Am I suppose to hover and stalk the forums?
At this point you seem to be trying to divert from the issue at hand, using the date in the screens I provided. Which need I remind you that since I did submit those screens to miqobot support on 4-28-2020, and having received NO RESPONSE. My next avenue was to post here. So as a civil thing knowing full well that Im not the only one who could be reaching out to miqobot support, I granted what I believe to be the appropriate time to await a response from support. After receiving none, as stated, this is the next avenue I have available to have the matter resolved.
Why did you wait almost a week to post this?
I dont see how thats relevant? Am I suppose to hover and stalk the forums? But if you must know, between waiting on communication from paypal both via twitter and email, it has taken time to get the info I requested. I am not the only individual that is reaching out to paypal for help. I thought that would be common knowledge that when reaching out to any business support that it would take time to receive a response. Especially given current world events.
@lyfox, for the miqo team to insinuate or assume that just because the email address matches that of an individual’s user name or w/e, is purely coincidental. That I am in no way the individual(s) of whom you mentioned. The miqo team can speculate and assume but at the end of the day, the images attached, al-be-it this forums file attachment process is crude compared to other forums that see more fluid and modern.
In any matter, I did my part and at this junction all the miqo team is doing now is turning away a paying customer. As previously mentioned in a prior post, these images, without the redacted info, have been sent to miqo support and thus far I have not had a response from support. Yet reviewing the forums, “miqobot” seems to have time to respond to other posts, but has not stepped in to respond to my post.
I have been very civil in the matter, as I glanced over the post you linked Lyfox, while to my opinionated response to that post is that neither party showed any validation in w/e the claims were, as far as I can tell. To which I am providing screenshots to show that at the end of the day, as I previously stated, that a system error occurred on paypals part.
To summerize, if Miqobot still remains silent, given I did my part to have the issue looked into and rectified, then Miqobot apparently doesnt want me as a consumer using their digital product. Which again, in my defense, would be based on pure coincidental assumption that I am the user associated with the post you linked Lyfox.
I remember only one user who got suspended from buying Miqobot for his behavior. Its this guy:
Are you him?
Im not sure I understand what your asking? All im trying to do is alert Miqobot support that I have done my part in regards to rectify an issue that paypal looked into, per miqobots support request. That the end result was a system error as far as im understanding it, according to paypal. That the information provided to me by Paypal has been forwarded to support. As well as in case Miqobot admin’s or whomever oversee’s the support email to be on the look out for my email. So that the matter can be resolved and I be able to purchase/renew and support miqobot.
EDIT:: I can only presume you are implying that I am banned? At which i cant understand how given that I had to create this account today, so I can post on the forum. Since I never had a miqobot forum account before. The only reason I have gone this far in the matter is because of a technical issue. If the matter waa a LEGIT issue and there was indeed a fault that again isnt a technical issue, then until the end result was made clear and paypal could determine the issue and comeback and say “yes your account indeed preformed said action” or something of the sort. Then All I am asking Miqobot to do what I believe is the right thing.
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This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by