Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

Forum Forums Discussion Shadowbringers 5.58 – Issues & Feedback

This topic contains 1,142 replies, has 259 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #31716


    Are there any plans for a feature to use the assist tool to farm mobs in a set area in the world?
    Possibly to set a radius and farm mobs within said radius?


    Assist Mode is not designed for automatic activities, therefore it’s not possible to use it for farming monsters.
    The feature you ask about belongs to Custom fights and Monster grind feature pack. The combat system is still in early beta and there are several critical updates that must be implemented before this feature becomes possible.

    For additional information about open-world combat, please read this thread:
    Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User Protection

    Thank you for your request!



    Im having issues with using miqobot with XIV launcer (The plugin for marketboard and undercutting etc) WHen i try to use miqobot it says switch to legacy mode which i already have. Any one know why or how to solve thìs


    According to our logging system, you are trying to use Miqobot without a license code.
    If you have misplaced your license code, please contact our Tech Support and we will resend it to you:

    Please note, however, that Miqobot was not tested with third-party game client modifications and does not support them.
    We will not be able to provide technical assistance for applications that are not a part of Miqobot.

    Nirvana Flame
    Nirvana Flame

    Quick question: Is it possible to adjust the PLD rotation so Fight or Flight is used after Riot Blade?
    At the moment I have an issue where Miqo uses FoF too early and therefore misses the 2nd Goring Blade within the FoF window.

    Thank you. 🙂


    All right, we will try to implement your suggestion.
    Thank you for your request!



    Just a small thing, but would you be able to implement the option to play an audio notification when finishing a task? Even if it was just being able to link a local mp3 or something, unless I’m paying attention at the time its easy for me to miss the popup when it appears on my second monitor.


    Yes, sound notifications have already been requested and planned for implementation.
    Thank you for your request!



    Question: While running as a tank on Brayflox’s Longstop, it seems the bot doesn’t move the tank back so that Aiatar is out of the pool, allowing him to regenerate life. Now, he still dies eventually, but the healer assist tends to take too long healing sometimes, and the less time it takes to kill the boss, the less chance you will die.

    All other roles do a good job of pulling the puddle, but as a tank, you need to move him out because he drops it on the tank. Is that possible?


    Yes, we tried to implement this tactic, but unfortunately it turned out to be less effective.

    If Miqobot moves the boss out of puddle, it will force squadrons to run after it but since they have no sense of danger, they will often end up standing in puddles themselves. When squadrons take extra damage, your healer is torn between keeping everyone alive and fails to heal you in time for the next puddle drop. And so in addition to constantly moving the boss, Miqobot has to keep an eye on squadrons as well and reposition them too.

    The only way to reposition squadrons is via Disengage command, but during this time they of course do not deal damage and do not heal. In addition, pulling the boss out of puddle forces you to run out of melee range and deal less damage as well. Overall, this tactic extends the fight by approximately 10-15 minutes and makes everything extremely hectic.

    The regen on Aiatar is in fact very slow, so allowing everyone to keep burning the boss results in a much faster clear. This is why the only thing Miqobot worries about is baiting puddles away from party members, in order to minimize the damage on squadrons and to keep the healer focused.



    Found a small bug with Combat when paired with an XIVLauncher feature ‘XIV Combo’. With Red Mage it works great in the Squadron Dungeons in combat with XIV Combo enabled, however when using Assist Mode paired with XIV Combo it will only do the first Enchanted Riposte then flip backwards (Displacement)– I believe this is because the features scan for available hotbar icons at different times. Can the skill lookup delay be merged between the two so it’s waiting the same amount of time or scans at the same phase for the available skill on hotbars? XIV Combo saves a ton of room on the screen so I would like to be able to keep it and not have to set up a separate UI for assist mode 🙂



    Found a small bug with Combat when paired with an XIVLauncher feature ‘XIV Combo’. With Red Mage it works great in the Squadron Dungeons in combat with XIV Combo enabled, however when using Assist Mode paired with XIV Combo it will only do the first Enchanted Riposte then flip backwards (Displacement)– I believe this is because the features scan for available hotbar icons at different times. Can the skill lookup delay be merged between the two so it’s waiting the same amount of time or scans at the same phase for the available skill on hotbars? XIV Combo saves a ton of room on the screen so I would like to be able to keep it and not have to set up a separate UI for assist mode 🙂

    While I don’t speak for the team I think classifying this as a bug is incorrect.


    We are sorry, but this would introduce a significant performance penalty.
    Since we do not use code injections, hotbar rescan is a very expensive procedure and it can be performed only once every 3 seconds. While we can try looking into your issue, this is still a third-party game client modification and we can not make any promises regarding its support.

    We are afraid that the only way workaround you have is to place all combo abilities on a separate hotbar and assign keybinds for Miqobot to use. If the plugin you mentioned allows excluding certain hotbar slots from automatic icon replacement, this might be enough for Assist Mode to perform properly.

    If you wish to hide certain hotbars from view, please use recommendations described here:
    Keybinds and Icons Recognition – Hidden Hotbars



    So does the Combat routines just assume the move is there, and assist mode scans for them? Or what is the major difference?



    Is there any plans in the future to toggle using Provoke for the combat assist feature? Using the bot to play tank in fights that require tank swapping has proven next to impossible because it wants to use provoke off cooldown when you are not the first in the aggro table. Unless I am missing some way to turn it off?

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