Yes, you can safely use Miqobot on as many computers as you like.
A license code is not bound to a computer, so there is no violation. You can even share the code with your friend 🙂
The only restriction is that you can’t run several instances of Miqobot simultaneously. When you start a second instance, the first one will be automatically disabled after 5 minutes. Running several instances on different computers is essentially the same as using a Multibox solution.
You can read about Multibox here: Monitor and Multibox Support.
Also, we don’t recommend copying catnip.license file.
This file stores your code in encrypted format. Nothing bad will happen if you do, but Miqobot won’t be able to decrypt it on another computer, because encryption method depends on the hardware. When you launch Miqobot on another computer, you will have to input the license code on Catnip tab once again.
You can find more information about this in Catnip Guide.