Priority Voting for Features

Forum Forums Discussion Priority Voting for Features

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Am I the only one that wishes there was a more transparent/easy to find way of how to vote on features, see what’s currently in priority and other people’s feedback instead of digging through old forum posts :(?


    There is no feature with an active voting period at the moment.
    There are several feedback threads which are used to collect opinions on whether a certain feature should be considered in the near future. The threads are:

    We don’t think that a simple poll would be enough when it comes to defining development priorities.
    We prefer to see live constructive feedback that will give us better understanding of the community demand.
    When we notice that one of these threads gains enough feedback to represent the majority of user opinions, we will initiate a new voting period. In this case, it will be visible at the top of the Discussion forum.

    Until then, we prefer to stay focused on the current roadmap:

    Upcoming Features

    Each feature pack on the roadmap has accumulated a few hundred requests and some of them have been postponed several times already, therefore they stay at maximum priority.

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