Newcomer's questions

Forum Forums Discussion Newcomer's questions

This topic contains 133 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Gray Gray 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Coming in patch 4.57 which is late April iirc.

    Yehoo! So I definitely arrived here just in time. Great news, thanks a lot! Now I just hope devs actually do what they promised, hehehe.

    Oh, and I hope devs don’t read this forum 8)

    Now this got me thinking. Were all speaking from a single realm point of view. But this is an RMT topic.
    If you want to cover demand for all players you arent going to pick a realm. You cant simply move gil from one realm to another. Even World Visit wont let you transfer between Data Centers. So you have to farm them all.

    It shouldn’t be a real problem, from my experience. It’s hard to farm game currency (WITHOUT hopping between some ten farm spots for ten different kinds of goodies); though, it’s pretty damn easy to sell goodies for $1000 or even $5000 a month to just several dozens of rich buyers. From what I remember, the average bill was around $20-$30, so that’s basically a hundred of transactions per month. Now take into account that some players buy twice-trice per month… I think it shouldn’t be hard to find some 30-50 buyers among 9000 players of a single server.

    But on 66 realms youre looking at 66 millions/day.
    So.. $3000/month?

    Now that I know here could be 9999 shards per listing, I’ll definitely consider this idea =)

    Exactly. That’s exactly how it works. You can only buy a whole listing all at once in FFXIV as well. So if you put a stack of 99 infusions on the market board, if anyone wants to buy from you, he has to buy all 99 infusions at once or skip your listing for a cheaper listing, where people are selling a smaller bulk.

    Well……. this sucks major @$$ – what else could I say? Devs are morons copying this market behavior from WoW rather than from EVE (where you can buy a single item out of 1000-item sell order). But oh well. I guess when I run out of listings on my char and all his “hirelings-for-$2-monthly” (or whatever it was called), I just place my stuff in bulks of 99 cheap, in hope that some amateur trader comes, buys the whole my listing, splits it into 20 small listings of 5 items each and resells at some 1.5 higher price per item. Retailers ho!

    For 2 reasons:
    1. You can only be online with 1 character per account at the same time. Once you open a second instance of the game and try to log in, your other character gets logged out, so you need multiple game accounts to with a monthly 12$ subscription to farm the mats and trade them to your RMT selling account.
    2. For mass shard farming you will need like hundreds of accounts and I doubt it is anywhere profitable to buy the game a few hundred times just for shard farming.

    What’s wrong with an account that brings me 1-3 mil/day (30-90 mil/month = $30-90/month) and pay for it $12 to gave devs without card fraud or alike rl crime? $50 monthly per each account is quite decent profit, too (assuming one have got lots of them, hehe).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Gray Gray.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Gray Gray.

    Well, I guess I choose FFXIV – by virtue of this topic, primarily 🙂 So, just to clarify a few technical things:

    1) The official site is , right?
    2) Though, download site is ? I mean, I don’t see any links on the official site to just download the client, without buying all that “Warrior of Light” stuff which I probably don’t need.
    3) Then I just register an account on the official site, pay for it (or maybe there is even a trial period?) and play?
    4) Does it require any addons to be downloaded and installed too? I mean, 109Mb is like… a bit too light for graphics I see on video.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Well……. this sucks major @$$ – what else could I say? Devs are morons copying this market behavior from WoW rather than from EVE

    Try to find someone selling a Legacy account. Google it.

    As a 1.0 player for example I’m on a Legacy account, I pay a cheaper monthly fee, 7.99/month, and I have for this price 40 characters instead of 8, and I can have 8 characters per servers.

    With 7 retainers, only one main char, and 7 mules char at lvl 1, I can list 1120 prices at the same time on the same server, by having all the mules in my Free Company to transfer the items and gils.

    This allow to list what sells when you have enough knowledge of the game, stack of 3 leveling kit fish, or 4 for some leves, stack of 15 potions, expensive ingot with high profit one by one, stack of 3 HQ meals for turn-in leveling, etc. etc.

    Those always sell faster than any giant stacks or random small stacks, because it matches exactly what the player is being asked by the game.

    Check your prices only one time a day since it’s what you are looking for.
    Since you won’t play the market, as in adjusting prices every 10 min on reset Tuesday at prime time raid, you’ll get undercut a lot, but having 1120 item/stack on sale at all time on everything relevant could maybe compensate not playing the market.

    As for the World Visit feature, don’t worry it’ll be there in a couple of weeks, and it’s only the beginning, they plan to go beyond that, it’s a step of something they started already years ago and to which they continuously added features.
    It started with a Datacenter wide duty finder, then a Datacenter party finder, then cross-world private parties/alliance, cross-world Linkshells, and now World Visit.

    For the market, World Visit relies on one big thing, a third party web site created by a notorious skilled XIV 1.0 player:

    It uses phone app to scan market, it was down for weeks recently because SE banned the accounts scanning. That 1.0 player put it back, but if it happens again, he won’t retry and give up.
    As of now it isn’t really useful, only to see the discrepancies of prices between servers.

    If it stays alive when World Visit launches, players will get used to it, and instead of checking price on the Market Board, they’ll check where is the cheaper price on this web site, and teleport there to buy their thing.
    They’ll always be lazy player, or sometimes when travelling there it isn’t worth the price difference, but it’ll definitely start a new wide undercutting war with dozens of competitors instead of 10 times less.

    This will be a priceless tool for you, as you can have the all picture of all markets in one click.

    If the web site end up shutting down cause the British player can’t keep it alive after getting his scan accounts banned again, then World Visit won’t really influence the Market, because no player will travel 10 times to check 10 Market Board, unless what they’re looking for is for example what I sell, 40M rare minions, here they better check every single server, it worth spending 5 min to save 15M.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Here is the relevant part of the official web site:

    The client booter is 100 MB, final game once done downloaded is 37 GB.

    The client is also available on Steam. Miqobot works with both, and with all 4 languages.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    And yes there is a trial version for XIV.

    And also to answer another of your question/doubt regarding the popularity of the game, it worth knowing that it is available on PC, PS4, and Mac. ALL, play together on the same servers regardless of their platform.

    They’re working on a Nintendo Switch version as well as an Xbox version (it takes time for Xbox because they want the same thing as with PlayStation, true cross-platform and not being force to pay for online playing on top of the monthly fee).

    And they’ll release a new client on PS5.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Also, you’re not forced on picking a server in EU, you can go to any Datacenter regardless of your Square Enix Account region (a EU player with a EU account can play on NA).
    You can go to NA, JP or EU, you have the complete freedom to go anywhere, and have characters on different Datacenters across different continents.

    A ping below 200ms is required for end game fights, but you don’t want to play end game fights anyway, so even 330 ms on JP server is fine for you.


    Try to find someone selling a Legacy account. Google it.

    Selling accounts is most probably prohibited by the game EULA (much as everywhere else), so I would have to learn the game first… just to learn how to avoid both bans and scamming (say, selling account to me and then retrieving it back via GMs, telling them that I’ve hijacked that account). I guess I start the first account the common (legit) way, and then I consider other ways once I decide to go for more accounts…

    If the web site end up shutting down cause the British player can’t keep it alive after getting his scan accounts banned again, then World Visit won’t really influence the Market, because no player will travel 10 times to check 10 Market Board, unless what they’re looking for is for example what I sell, 40M rare minions, here they better check every single server, it worth spending 5 min to save 15M.

    I think there will be some professional traders at each server, making their living by checking other servers of their data center for useful things put for sale at low price (relative to their “home” servers), buying them and reselling at their “home” servers; possibly doing “retail” resell. For example, this behavior is quite common in EVE. All players are in the same realm, yes; still, every space station has its own market, so hauling ammo, batteries and alike consumables from some crafting station to farming one often offers decent profits. I guess we will see such “traveling merchants” in FFXIV too, hehe.


    Also, you’re not forced on picking a server in EU, you can go to any Datacenter regardless of your Square Enix Account region (a EU player with a EU account can play on NA).
    You can go to NA, JP or EU, you have the complete freedom to go anywhere

    Well I bet… though, I already have 260ms ping to, which is kind of… a lot, from my experiences. Actually, not that I’m afraid of slow ping that much – I’d say that I’m rather afraid of transatlantic lag.

    Any way, I guess I start here, and then consider entering other areas with other accounts.


    I just place my stuff in bulks of 99 cheap, in hope that some amateur trader comes, buys the whole my listing, splits it into 20 small listings of 5 items each and resells at some 1.5 higher price per item.

    Well, this can actually work. Your profit will be MUCH lower than if you play the marketboard, but if you sell items at a really ridiculously low price (let’s say a mat worth 10k gil per piece for 3k gil in bulks of 99) you might actually be able to undercut the market so extremely hard, that players won’t really bother trying to undercut you, since they usually sell bulks of 3-10 of the same item and people tend to buy smaller amounts more frequent. However, eventually your stacks of 99 will sell and it doesn’t really matter, when they sell, as long as they sell eventually, while you keep accumulating more of that item to put up more stacks.

    It is a much less steady stream of gil income over a short time, but it could actually work long-time over the period of weeks and actually be profitable.


    And yes there is a trial version for XIV.

    Then how does one use it? I mean, I’ve downloaded FFXIVLauncher, it asked me to create account, and now it asks for registration code – without even letting me to download the client (i.e. all 37 Gb rather than small launcher)!

    Also, from what I see, I have to pay for both Starter Edition and addons. What is the usual (i.e. recommended / cheapest) way to use it? I can buy a EU Realm Reborn cd-key for about $16 (non-Steam, indeed, as I won’t be able to multi-account using Steam), and then StormBlood + Heavensward for about $23. I take it as the first key is needed to activate the account (and thus download client), while the second one can be bought later, once I reach lvl50?


    A simple google search “ffxiv free trial” would have answered your first question:

    I take it as the first key is needed to activate the account (and thus download client), while the second one can be bought later, once I reach lvl50?

    Exactly. However, once you buy the game and activate your account, you cannot go back to free trial. From that point on you have to pay the monthly sub (the first month is free). Buying the addon instantly doesn’t give you an advantage. The only difference is, that you can play as an Au Ra as additional race from the beginning. There are no racial passives in ffxiv. Races are purely for cosmetics.


    Arc, thank you – got it!

    Now an important question I should have asked before… Everyone can suffer from lag and disconnects. In case it happened while farm owner was away, can Miqobot reconnect your account (or rather, an account “designated” for this instance of Miqobot)?

    In case it can, another question related to the previous one: can it reconnect account created via Steam (or rather Steam is a major no-no for a botter, as it usually happens in most games)?


    It does not reconnect for you.

    Doesn’t matter if you use steam or otherwise, Steam just launches the normal ffxiv launcher.


    It does not reconnect for you.

    Ooh damn… so, basically, a single disconnect while you sleep / away from comp, and the whole your farm is idle until you return?

    Did someone ever ask bot dev team to do something about it?


    Yea thats right.

    Someone did ask but only once and it was a long time ago. Since we dont run RMT farms it doesnt really hurt. But i can imagine its a shitton of work. Reverse engineer the launcher, start launcher, put login/pass, imitate mouse clicks, select server, select character, identify the moment it disconnected, analyze environment, resume at the correct moment of the script. On top of that things like starting a process will make antiviruses more paranoid and some users wont be able to download Miqo anymore. So i can understand why devs prioritize gameplay features over RMT ones. Theres simply not enough demand. Maybe you can convince them otherwise.

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