New features coming?

Forum Forums Discussion New features coming?

This topic contains 103 replies, has 49 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #17829

    Is here the place I can give feedback on the alpha version combat assist?

    This thread is created by the community, it is not monitored by developers.
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    devs wasting time on crafting solver is stupid. crafting macros at 80 are extremely simple to set up and require no effort. you press 1 button and it works 100% of the time. please google how to craft at 80 instead of begging devs to waste time on crafting solver



    I would love for the crafting solver to be updated so that I don’t need macros. I love creating scenarios that use the crafting solver. In it’s current state I can’t do that anymore so a lot of what I use Miqobot for has been taken away and I can’t play the way I enjoy playing. I’m not saying it needs to be updated right away but at least have it higher up on the list than dead last or never.


    I.Just.Want.PickClean.And.Identical.Gig Lol Dont really care much for the solver as mentioned before, 20 ish step macros are typically fool proof.

    Thanks for keeping us updated!



    I would love for the crafting solver to be updated so that I don’t need macros. I love creating scenarios that use the crafting solver. In it’s current state I can’t do that anymore so a lot of what I use Miqobot for has been taken away and I can’t play the way I enjoy playing. I’m not saying it needs to be updated right away but at least have it higher up on the list than dead last or never.

    And why exactly can’t you use macro crafting in any scenario?



    There are tons of ways to do exactly what you’re asking for that ALREADY exist.



    You do realize you can use your own macros for gathering such as pick clean, right? That’s ALREADY in miqobot.


    You do realize you can use your own macros for gathering such as pick clean, right? That’s ALREADY in miqobot.

    I cant say that I’ve used macros for legendary nodes so far. I do have the bot using macros with pick clean for regular, untimed nodes, but havent cared enough to mess with the timed nodes. Identical Gig is what I mostly want, tho at this point (pots are selling for peanuts), not really fishing for sands much.



    I don’t have the gil required to overmeld my equips to reach the stats needed to run those macros. All of them require max cp Miqo has no such requirements and will get me there as close as possible.


    I don’t have the gil required to overmeld my equips to reach the stats needed to run those macros. All of them require max cp Miqo has no such requirements and will get me there as close as possible.

    Who told you, that you need to invest tons of gil into overmelding to get Max CP? All you need to overmeld, if you’re a massive cheapstake, is overmelding 1 slot in accessories with Grade 3 materia, so you can craft any item in the game:
    (that set is only proof, that you can achieve the required stats for crafting the highest level recipes and have max CP with only 1 overmeld slot at most, with cheap materia. it’s not recommended for using it to craft though).

    And that excuse, that “you don’t have the gil to overmeld” is nonsense, because you can buy all the materia with yellow and white crafter scrips, which you cap once per week, just by investing 5 minutes into custom deliveries (Z’hloe & Adkiragh). Even a massive cheapstake as Gray here on the forums who turns over every gil could get good enough gear to craft everything he wants with simple macros. If you look up his posts, you will find very good examples, of what is possible with almost zero investment, combined with macros that do their job totally fine.

    And for your information: Miqobot also needs a lot of CP melded, because Miqobot’s success is based off how much CP you can get. It’s no difference, if you use crafting solver or ingame crafting macros: For both you will want to cap your CP for getting at least a decent success rate.

    Also, you could use Miqobot for 1 hour to get enough gil to buy all the materia you need to overmeld all your crafter gear.

    So don’t feel discouraged by the fact, that you don’t have the gil to overmeld. It’s really not hard to come by, even if you have zero gil, in no time.


    What´s up next? 🙂

    Will there be the Healer Rotations next or the first Trust Dungeon for leveling up the other classes?


    As announced by Miqobot, the next version that is going to be released very soon (somewhere between this week an the next few weeks) is going to have the first Trust Dungeon, Holminster Switch. However, it will run them only with the level 70 rotations, that were just released.

    It might have Healer Rotations, but that’s just a possibility which I don’t know, since my conversation with the Miqobot devs is currently on hold, because I’m currently extremely busy in my university exams phase and the next key point planned for our conversation is a rather large project for the forums and I need time to come up with a large-scale plan for this upcoming community goodie.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Arc Arc.

    Than first: viel Glück bei den Examen 🙂

    and thx that was the answer i was hoping for


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