New features coming?

Forum Forums Discussion New features coming?

This topic contains 103 replies, has 49 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #17126

    Will you be adding more squadron battles ?

    Yes, Miqobot will support all Squadron Dungeons eventually, but at the moment our top priority is implementing Trust Dungeons for level 71-80 range.


    As for me:
    Crafting and PoD + HoH.
    Crafting and gathering was main reason I bought this bot 🙂
    PoD and HoH due to it repetitiveness.



    trust implementation for leveling 71-80 and combat assist rotation upgrade is for me! ^_^

    Also thank you Miqote team for your awesome job!



    Trust and New Fishing skills for me. Crafting Macro can be alternative to solver. There is no need to use ShB Gathering skills to optimize yet. But fishing has some excellent ShB skills which will almost 100%+ increase effectiveness


    Will you be adding more squadron battles ?

    Yes, Miqobot will support all Squadron Dungeons eventually, but at the moment our top priority is implementing Trust Dungeons for level 71-80 range.

    was/is there an eta, Ive seen a few weeks, but i was wondering if we were any closer to something for definite?


    In about 1-2 weeks we will release new combat rotations adapted for Shadowbringers expansion.
    And 1-2 weeks after that Holminster Switch support will be implemented.



    Looking forward to new combat rotations. Thanks for all your hard work.



    I would like to request a change to the way deliverCollectables(ERR_IGNORE) works, or possibly have a new option for deliverCollectables() that doesn’t break the scenario flow when reaching the scrip limit. Occasionally a yellow scrip turn-in for MIN/BTN is starred and gives extra yellow scrips, and that will cause an excess (over the 2000 limit) situation to happen when running a yellow scrip scenario. Currently the only option is to use the error ignore feature which will end up wasting turn-ins. Is it possible to have a new option that when it detects the “over scrip limit” warning box to just accept it once, and then move on to the next line in the scenario?



    Giving my two cents, since i’m a long term user of Miqobot and i’m a littre afraid of the future.

    I’m using Miqobot only for crafting, and occasionaly for gathering using assist mode. No combat, no dungeons…i don’t want the bot to take all the fun ! (and honestly, i really don’t want doing some duties with players assisted by miqobot, it would be the same as playing with a bot, ther’s no fun in that)

    So, i’m a little worried reading a lot of ppl asking for miqobot to focus only on combat…should Miqobot no more update the crafting, i would have no more use for it 🙁

    I’m not asking for new features, i like miqobot the way it is…just keep the solver uptodate

    NB : i’v tried both Teamcraft and crafting optimizer, and no, i really need my miqobot here.



    I wish to add my two cents here. I have been using MB for almost a year now? I love Miqo. one thing i think we need to remember is that not everyone has the same play style. some people have different goals when playing. I can only testify to my goals and my experiences. Miqo has become an indispensable tool. Sure i can live without it in some cases but if i need a LOT of a certain material. Miqo is often the only one i can turn to, to preserve my sanity. Miqo can handle a large portion of the monotonous things in the game and for that i greatly appreciate it. All of Miqos features are important to me.

    Miqo’s crafting solver is an indispensable tool to me. And in its current state can still level my crafts to 80. however i can see that the solver is overwhelmed and could use optimization.

    Squadron dungeons, can effectively get you to 70 and slowly to 80 but i would definitely like to develop the trust system. I wont touch it without miqo support.

    Gathering i am fairly sure is in a good place.

    Gold saucer – i havent messed with chocobos in a while but the minigames are money. miqo is the only one i have seen that can do the good ones well.

    the biggest feature though and one that i dont think is appreciated enough is Miqos subtlety. Miqo is really hard to detect. i recently discovered the other popular product and gave it a trial. its pitiful in comparison. while its price point is half that of miqos, you can expect a ban forthcoming. it is true, you get what you pay for and miqo is the right choice.



    Same here, crafting and gathering is always the reason I use this bot, leveling is pretty fun in this game, so for me it is my lowest priority.

    I have to say I am a bit worry the combat rotation might get “too good”. I read that the reason for not upgrading the crafting solver is because “it was received as a threat to human intelligence rather than a helpful assistant in eliminating the tedious grind”; but wouldn’t combat assistance does the same? Assuming that it use the updated rotation, it will just become something similar to aim bot in FPS, many people see DPS race/optimization



    I sorta feel worried with the upcoming 5.1 changes to both crafting and gathering.
    We’ll cross the bridge once we get there.

    Admittedly I think we got lucky with the combat dev priority because there seems to be some significant changes in 5.1 and it would a waste of dev hours if they did work on an updated solver only for it to be irrelevant come October. I do also agree with the combat because a fair amount of classes are still in the unusable category and it would help with the Squadron/Fate leveling.

    Anyways, that is my 2c.
    Hoping to see a crafter update around mid 5.1 or something.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by  tuktukin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by  tuktukin.

    Snow Leopard

    Placing my 2 cents here as well, honestly the solver is only really useful to me on mass mid difficulty mats. For the higher end stuff, I usually create a rotation via

    I would love for there to be away for me to dump the text commands from this into a txt file or something that miqo could use instead of having to type a macro string. For the short easy mats/synths its simple enough(and is better than solver since it will draw out an what would normally be a 5 step rotation into 30+) but for the more complex rotations that would take 2-3 in-game macros normally it would be amazing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by  Snow Leopard.


    Miqo has made my life *way* better in gathering and in combat. I can actually ENJOY looking at the scenery and focus on the fight mechanics, and not on staring at my bars and rotations. I haven’t messed much with crafting (figured I’d just gather for gil), but the combat has lately been indispensable for my enjoyment of the game. Same with Gold Saucer, I love the minigame support and it’s a great way to get a steady stream of MGP.

    Trusts are going to be HUGE! The level grind is going to be a thing of the past.

    Thanks Miqo dev team, I can’t wait to see and continue to support the next release!



    I’m not sure if this has been discussed yet, but is Miqobot deprioritizing jobs such as Ninja for the job rotations? Since Ninja is getting overhauled for 5.1, it would be a shame for them to do a ton of work on the current state of Ninja, and then SE changes the way mudras work entirely right after. Just a thought

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