Need my hand held a little on gathering/crafting presets and scenarios

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Need my hand held a little on gathering/crafting presets and scenarios

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by lssjwerewolf lssjwerewolf 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    I really didn’t want to be yet another confused person asking the same thing, but something about it all is just overwhelming me even when I tried to just tackle using the crafting/gathering scenario creator but I’m still at a loss. I downloaded a bunch of gathering grids related to items I wanted to gather, but I’m confused what to do after importing them since some included items I wasn’t trying to acquire. I just want to be able to go to a location and just let my char go ham gathering one particular material at the best yield possible (i’m lvl 80 in all DOL/DOH and have aesthetes melded everything) and to just continue and continue till I get a bunch of the one material. I’m not certain which settings should be entered to achieve this and I just.. feel super dumb right now and am just hoping someone can spell it out (use pictures if you gotta, I’ll love you) what I should be selecting/entering/what the screen should look like or if anyone can guide or provide scenarios that could easily be modified to achieve what I’m trying to do.

    Maybe it’s best I explain what I’m trying to get done right this moment:
    I want to harvest a /whole lot/ of Dimythrite Ore, Dimythrite Sand, Mythrite Ore, Mythrite Sand, Dwarven Cotton Boll, Lignum Vitae Log. Once I get a good stockpile , the plan was to then try to tackle how to use the crating part of miqobot to one class at a time have it churn out a good chunk of Ishgard G4 restoration items for turn in.

    This is probably alot to ask for help on, heck, I’m sure it’s asked far too often and I’m not sure where the best place/posts for guidance on these things are… but if anyone could get me in the right direction that’d be so awesome. Thank you so much for any help or your sacrifice of time reading this ramble<3

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by lssjwerewolf lssjwerewolf.

    This will help you understand how Gathering works under the Gathering Tab:
    How to Import/Export:

    You will want a Navigation Grid that has nodes near what you want to farm – This links to a thread/attachment where the user Lalafel has uploaded a scenario that has Navigation Grids for each resource type in ShB:

    This user explains which Number Scenarios correspond to which Resources:

    As an Example to gather Dimythrite Ore after importing the above, would be a Scenario that does:

    Teleport(Fort Jobb) // TP to Fort Jobb
    Job(MIN) // Assumes you have a Gearset named MIN on your Hotbar to Equip your Mining Set
    grid(MIN_80_Lakeland_36-15 @Fort Jobb) // Loads the needed grid for navigation
    gatherSlot(7) // Specifies Gather Slot of the Ore on the Gather Tab
    gatherRotation(Pick Clean) // Chooses a Rotation to use on the Gather Tab
    Gather(250) // Tells the Gather Tab to hit 250 nodes before stopping/going to the next line of the scenario.

    You can get more elaborate by setting it to Repair / Extract Materia / Gather other resources after one is done etc, but you’ll need to grasp the basics to have comfort using those more advanced scenarios.


    Thank you c:

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