Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario Botanist🌱, Mining⚒, and Fishing🎣

This topic contains 934 replies, has 247 voices, and was last updated by  Gamerboi 3 weeks, 5 days ago.

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  • #38146


    Hey guys I have an issue with targeting diadem monsters is this the right setup ?

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    (7:04:11 PM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (7:04:11 PM) ‘The Diadem: ⚒ with collectable turn in’s’
    (7:04:11 PM) Chapter: 6
    (7:04:12 PM) Added target for diademBoom(): ‘Ice Bomb’
    (7:04:15 PM) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘The Diadem ⚒🌱’, Waypoint: 504)
    (7:04:15 PM) Going from 406 to 504 in 4 trips.
    (7:04:17 PM) 3 trips more..
    (7:04:22 PM) 2 trips more..
    (7:04:30 PM) 1 trip more..
    (7:04:30 PM) Destination reached!
    (7:04:36 PM) Sorry, I need a Duty Action on hotbar :/
    (7:04:37 PM) Sorry, I need a Duty Action on hotbar :/
    (7:04:37 PM) Sorry, I need a Duty Action on hotbar :/
    (7:04:40 PM) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘The Diadem ⚒🌱’, Waypoint: 503)
    (7:04:40 PM) Going from 504 to 503 in 2 trips.
    (7:04:41 PM) (SCENARIO) Stopping…
    (7:04:41 PM) Adventure cancelled… Yet, I’m still full of energy!
    (7:04:41 PM) Sorry, can’t mount 🙁
    (7:04:41 PM) Sorry, can’t move. You told me to stop moving!
    (7:04:41 PM) Sorry, can’t move. You told me to stop moving!
    (7:04:41 PM) Sorry, can’t move. You told me to stop moving!
    (7:04:41 PM) 1 trip more..
    (7:04:41 PM) Sorry, can’t move. You told me to stop moving!
    (7:04:41 PM) Destination reached!
    (7:04:41 PM) Well, you know, I don’t mind continuing it any time! 😉
    (7:04:41 PM) (SCENARIO) Stopped.



    You have to put the Duty Action on hotbar by dragging it from the general in actions and traits.

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    Oh thanks now it’s working really appreciate it



    Still doesn’t target monsters? can anybody help? I went to Scanario, press start, it collects and does everything but targets



    So this is my first time using something like Miqobot.. And for some reaosn it keeps stopping fully after 1 node is fully harvested. How do I let it run until i tell it to stop?

    EDIT: nevermind! I forgot to enter the inventory count and it worked as intended



    Check node 119, I always get stuck there due to a rock



    I think I am a bit confused, but it seems from the intro page that this bot will not automatically go to the umbral nodes and needs to be manually triggered in order to gather them. From other screenshots, it seems that might not be the case anymore so I wanted to see if all nodes, including umbral, will be automatically gathered now without manual triggering?



    I’m trying to figure out an issue I’m having and I’m sure it’s that I don’t really know what I’m doing or might be missing.
    I’m getting stuck on step 5, both min and bot. She gets to a point where she can locate any other nodes after gathering from 12 or so different nodes. No errors are shown. I did try and update 5, 8, 11 and 14 thinking that might help but she still gets stuck (I’m not after the jade, just wanted to try. I have compass I and II clicked. Any thoughts? Thanks!



    I’m trying to figure out an issue I’m having and I’m sure it’s that I don’t really know what I’m doing or might be missing.
    I’m getting stuck on step 5, both min and bot. She gets to a point where she can locate any other nodes after gathering from 12 or so different nodes. No errors are shown. I did try and update 5, 8, 11 and 14 thinking that might help but she still gets stuck (I’m not after the jade, just wanted to try. I have compass I and II clicked. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    I guess now I can’t figure how to edit my post… either way, I found a fix for my issue. What I did was set up Miqo to follow the loop around that top island based on a few way marks that should always be close. Each chapter is a little different but it seems to work. I still used everything else just edited chapters 5,8,11 and 14.
    Thanks for the scenario! It’s definitely helpful.



    Still working??



    Mine still works, well the modified one from the originally linked file. The only thing is, I needed to leave the main exe in my downloads folder then make a shortcut for it on my desktop. When I move the exe to my desktop, it can’t find my saved scenarios.


    Mine still works, well the modified one from the originally linked file. The only thing is, I needed to leave the main exe in my downloads folder then make a shortcut for it on my desktop. When I move the exe to my desktop, it can’t find my saved scenarios.

    You have to move three files. The miqobot exe and the two files that end with the extension “.miqo”

    moving only the .exe will do what you say.



    having an issue with miqobot actually trying to enter the diadem, as it gose through the options it seems to no accept the enter diadem.
    typeing this i am realising i have a plug in that auto places on yes rarther than no could this be the issue?


    having an issue with miqobot actually trying to enter the diadem, as it gose through the options it seems to no accept the enter diadem.
    typeing this i am realising i have a plug in that auto places on yes rarther than no could this be the issue?

    Yes, that is the reason. I also have that plugin and had to disable it for certain Scenarios because the Scenario is built on the assumption that the mouse cursor will hover over the No button.

    That, or you can change the scenario, but I’m a dum-dum and don’t really grasp how to do that, so I just turned stuff off. lol

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