Find closest grid

Forum Forums Discussion Find closest grid

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1897


    This is probably just a pipe dream, but here are my thoughts anyway.
    Sometimes, I just want a quick 20 minutes farm, maybe while I’m waiting for a duty. I could be anywhere at this point, maybe I’ve just finished moogle quests, maybe I’ve been doing a few fates in Azys Lla. I’m not well enough versed in the game to know exactly what there is to gather in the area.
    At this point, I need to look up what I can farm, find a grid that I have installed that covers what I want to farm, and then farm.

    It would be really awesome if there was a “gather closest grid” feature that I could just click, and alter slots etc…as it goes.


    Thank you for your request!

    This feature is very similar to the one proposed by @captainblunt: Beacon Toggle
    But it goes much further.

    Our developers have looked into your request and performed a breakdown analysis:

    • Since Navigation Grids are currently not bound to a zone, we will have to find another way to identify Grids in the current location.
      For this we are going to try using Grids ‘Description’ field.
    • The purpose of the Grid is to show Miqobot how to avoid obstacles while farming. But beyond it there are no guidelines. So most likely, Miqobot will get stuck.

    We have stated so in our Navigation Guide:

    An imporant note!
    Do Not start Miqobot without a direct view of the grid’s closest waypoint. If you do, you might make your character run into a wall and get stuck.

    To alleviate this restriction, we will need a way to navigate freely around Eorzea.
    We have already planned a solution for this. It is described in our Questing Development thread (under World Navigation).

    • When the Navigation Grid is reached, Miqobot must know which slots to farm.
      If you want to just farm anything, we could default to Shards and Crystals, since they are guaranteed to appear in every node.
      But perhaps you would like to gather something more valuable.

    So what would be your final goal?
    – To gather anything just to gain some experience.
    – To gather highest-level material available in the vicinity.
    – To gather the most valuable material in the vicinity. (This would probably require a way to collect information from the Market Board.)
    – To gather anything that gives a good amount of Blue/Red Scrips.
    – To gather items for Aetherial Reduction.

    Thank you very much!

    P.S. With the release of Scenario Engine, Miqobot will be able to teleport between locations.
    As long as Navigation Grid is connected to an aetheryte, she will be able to find her way on her own.

    It may not fully address your feature request, but we hope that it will allow to setup Miqobot faster 🙂

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