Chocobo Racing

Forum Forums Discussion Chocobo Racing

This topic contains 80 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Zankul Zankul 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    the waypoints above 80 are mostly unsuccessful for me. I tried just clicking on 1 at a time. I also tried importing and using the 120 et all one. This 95 xp per race (I keep hitting 8th) is really draggin on.

    Should I be editing stats or abilities? I have chocodash 2.


    Races above 80 require significant MGP investment into your chocobo by feeding him and teaching good abilities. Choco Dash is good for low classes but becomes inferior to Choco Cure later. So yes you should be editing stats and acquiring a 2nd ability through cross breeding. Read through this topic theres a lot of useful info.

    Main question is can you hit 1st place manually without Miqo? If no you need a better choco. If yes you should try adjusting ability timers and acceleration settings.



    Okay. I did read through this thread, I was under the impression folks were just grinding it out. Thank you so much 🙂



    About raising chocobos. Maybe we’re talking about the same thing here but I’ve been using this guide:

    A short version would be:
    – there’s no difference when breeding at rank 40 vs rank 50;
    – there’s no point in feeding chocobos until pedigree 9 (any feeding bonus is discarded when they breed);
    – the only real value is stars;
    – stars define the overall potential of your chocobo and they pass through generations;
    – each chocobo has a 25% rate to pass its stars to its grandchildren;
    – each chocobo has a 50% rate to pass its hereditary ability to its children;
    – if you don’t like the breeding result, you can try again (wait another 6 hours);
    – each retired chocobo can breed up to 10 times;
    – inbreeding is practically the only way to get a 20 star pedigree 9;
    – even on pedigree 9, there’s no point in feeding until your choco gets the best ability;
    – chocobo gets a random ability at each rank up after rank 10;
    – use Lethe Water to make it forget the ability you don’t like and rank up again;
    – best abilities don’t have manuals (e.g. Choco Dash III can be learned only through ranking randomly);
    – if you don’t get the ability you want till you hit 50, you have to start over.

    There’s also an advice to stop at R-240 with max possible stats and not pursue R-300. Because in the end our goal is to farm MGP efficiently, and R-240 is like 95% of R-300 reward so why bother.

    If I remember anything important I’ll update the info.

    Just wanted to say this helped me A LOT even though its a 5 year old post haha Chocobo Racing was very confusing for me and I even visited that site but didn’t seem to understand many things


    It worked, thanks! Now Im always first or second in R80 thats cool! Just went to Forgotten Springs and watched that orange progress line on 3dradar to figure out the numbers. Uploading jumps if you want to check em out.

    So I just started Choco racing last night. Got to 45ish, bred a choco, raced some more. Breed my second choco and have a level 3 now. SO R40 seems fine.

    Miqo comes with R40 and R60 by default.(I think not sitting there right now, might be 40 and 50)
    When should I switch to R60 or the R80 scenarios you linked? Will it become more apparent as a continue?
    I normally watch Miqo do her thing, but with coco racing it’s too boring so I’ve done nothing but walk away and come back when it’s done. So my knowledge on choco racing is non existant. I limit it to 25 or so races, so as to not be too obvious.

    And if it’s not too much trouble, how do I make a scenario do some choco racing. I’d like to set a scenario to do my 25 runs, and then go grab me some mats for crafting. Something to do while I cook and eat dinner, without getting any wife aggro by having the pc next to me at the dinner table.


    So I finally did a race on my own and didn’t skip the opening scene so I saw where you need to pick which one to Take.

    This thread did help a bunch. Thanks for everyone who contributed.

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