[Beta] Combat

Forum Forums Discussion [Beta] Combat

This topic contains 627 replies, has 132 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    wich Jobs have high lvl support?



    The two I’ve noticed to have decent high level support are PLD and WHM. I have both to 70 and i380+ and have no trouble doing endgame raids and duties. Not sure about any DPS roles though.



    wich Jobs have high lvl support?

    If we’re talking totally fine letting Miqo do everything? RDM is hands down the most complete – not optimized, as the staff have pointed out a couple of times already in this thread, but it’s really only like a 100-200 dps difference for me letting her dps over a fight vs total manual control. Miqo will pulls about 6600 dps in i390 gear for me where I can push 6800 in the same amount of time. So she’s really close.

    If we’re talking almost total Miqo control with you only having to keep track of a couple of buttons? Then you have quite a few options.

    FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: I should note that these opinions are only valid to Miqobot_v1.3.23 Beta (up to Lv.54 support for all jobs) and therefore won’t be relevant once lv.60 support has been implemented (soon, I hope! :D)


    SCH’s DPS is great on her own, you really just have to manually press Chain Stratagem, and manually weave those Energy Drains, since if you don’t she will wait until closer to Aetherflow’s default cooldown to use them, and you miss out on the 15 second CD reduction form the Stormblood trait. Otherwise I’ve outdone some DPS in Expert roulette, especially AoE damage.

    WHM’s rotation is also solid, and all you have to do is pop off Assize. Even though it’s not optimized for 70, she will still pop off Thin Air and such, so she’s a very useful co-pilote for WHM.

    AST is good, but not as set-it-and-leave-it ready as WHM or SCH, since you have Lord/Lady of Crowns to considerif you’re letting Miqo handle the cards. That said, she handles the cards phenomenally. She now has Gravity support, so she can handle end game dungeons just fine, but you’ll have to use Celestial opposition manually to get that extended Lightspeed for Gravity spam. You’ll also want to make an Earthly Star macro for easy placement while Miqo is doing her thing.


    PLD is really great if you just manually use your Req->HS(x5) rotation every minute. She will pop off Shield Swipe whenever it’s available (an extra 400 potency in damage per minute if kept on CD, which I had trouble managing before with everything else going on.) She will pretty much handle the rest well enough, but she will opt for a third Royal Authority over refreshing Goring Blade, so if you don’t catch that on your own then your dot will be lost for another 6 secs ( or 2 GCD’s). So it takes very minimal management to get the most out of PLD, and it allows you to focus on party utility.

    WAR is pretty great as well, you only really have to manage Upheaval usage, and Manually popping Inner Release and pressing Fell Cleave over the next 5 GCD’s. Even if FC is proc’d the entire time IR is up, Miqo won’t spam it, so you will have o do it yourself. She will keep your Beast Gauge above 40, so she’s really great at managing War’s buffs & resources. Definitely have a lot of fun with WAR & Miqo in tandem.

    DRK is in a weird spot for me, but I didn’t play it much after SB’s nerfs so I’m not well verse in its optimal damage rotations. I have, however, noticed some fantastic things Miqo will do while using DRK, as well as some not-so-good habits. Firstly, for single-target usage Miqo is a champ on DRK at 70. She manages MP well enough and will get those Dark Arts’ in where she can, while keeping just enough MP for, say, TBN if needed. If she uses Dark Arts for, say, Syphon Strike, and instead you use it on a Bloodspiller, she will use Dark Arts again to get it applied for that Syphon Strike proc, so if you’re smart with your skill usage she puts out terrific damage. On a striking dummy you’ll notice you pull less-than-or-as-much DPS as a PLD with Miqo, but that’s because you don’t have TBN usage on a dummy. I ran Swallow’s Compass with Miqo on DRK and parsed just over 5,000 dps on the final boss. But for groups, you will have to take the wheel, as she will always attempt to spam Unleash, and you don’t want to do that over Abyssal, and you really don’t want other ppl in the party seeing you spam Unleash 😛
    Final verdict: DRK requires more babysitting than the other two tanks, but the results are great with little effort.



    MNK – Disclaimer: I do not play MNK a lot, and don’t have a lot of experience with it prior to Stormblood either outside of leveling it. Therefore my opener is NOT great at all, and I’m sure if you know what you’re doing with MNK you can push out bigger numbers than I do. I push out between 6400-6500 dps in full i390 gear over the course of 3 minutes. So certainly not great, but still about 50% more DPS than the other dps in my Orbonne runs 😛
    Monk is pretty fun with Miqo, as long as you practice an opener to work around hers. The only CD’s you will have to manually manage are:
    Fire Tackle
    Elixir Field
    Tornado Kick
    Riddle of Fire
    My Miqo Opener is based around weaving stuff between her GCD’s so I’m not fighting her to the point of making her clip. I let her use perfect balance, and once she has the third stack of Greased Lightning I immediately weave in RoF and then BH, making sure to get Demolish in just before RoF drops off. I save Fire Tackle and Elixir Field until I enter RoF/BH and then keep them on CD after that for the rest of the fight. Fire Tackle and Elixir Field will always line up with RoF/BH this way. I also keep True North as a manual usage skill so that I can use it for times when having Miqo constantly move for positionals is inconvenient (mechanics like group stacking, etc.)

    SAM – Samurai is decent with Miqo’s assistance, but since I don’t use it in a raid environment I’m not optimizing its potential. I get around 6800-6900 dps (7000-72000 when stars align) with SAM over 3 minutes or so. The tricky thing with SAM and Miqo is the Hagakure cooldown. Most of the time you will fine that you will have 3 Sen built up with about 4-5 seconds left on Hagakure’s timer, and once Miqo has that Sen she wants to use them – and she ALWAYS wants to buff. So, even if you want to hold onto the Sen for 1 or 2 GCD’s and just prep another Sen (let’s say the Gekko Combo) Miqo will pop Hissatsu: Kaiten to prep for Midare Setsugekka, and quite frankly it’s a waste of Kenki to have her do that and not use if on Midare. Unfortunately I find the smoothest use with Miqo is to just let her use two Midare’s and then Hagakure every third set of Sen. It’s not optimal, and you’re losing out on DPS, but it is the path of least resistence (that I’ve found, at least.) But, if you notice a pattern, I don’t main Melee jobs, so take that as you will. But other than babysitting Hagakure and her Sen build-up, just pop your Hissatsu: Shinten’s when you’ve got 40 or more gauge, and keep your Hissatsu: Guren on CD.

    NIN – Nin is pretty fantastic with Miqo, especially with the changes in this last beta update to prep TA with it’s got like less-than 10 secs on it’s CD (I think.) The only awkward mechanic I encounter is Ten-Chi-Jin usage (the 70 skill.) When I run Ninja in dungeons (like, all of the two times I ran expert with NIN lol) I’ll just forego its usage altogether because of how awkward I find it to use. But, as I’ve already stated, I just don’t Melee too often. The only DPS CD’s you have to babysit are:
    Dream Within A Dream
    All Ninki Gauge Skills (Hellfrog, Bhavakakra, TCJ)
    A word of caution: keep an eye on your Mudra CD’s AND Kassatsu CD, as you don’t want to press Duality or DWAD when she just pressed a Mudra when you weren’t expecting her to, resulting in a Bunny (especially feels bad when it’s a Kassatsu.)

    DRG – It’s the one melee job I’d say stay away from at 70 for now unless you just want Miqo to handle your buff CD’s so you don’t have to keep an eye on them. The rotation changes too much from 50-60+ and with what’s supported at the moment it’s not a job you want her to handle at 70 for any type of group content (in my humble opinion.)


    BRD – Oh, boy. What can I say about BRD and Miqo? They are currently my favorite combo; Miqo was MADE for BRD assisting. BRD is almost 70 ready as far as DPS rotation goes, you just have to manually use Refulgent Arrow yourself, and make sure to not get distracted by mechanics to the point of letting Miqo pop off Straighter Shot instead. If you use a controller like me, then what you can do is just keep Barrage, Empyreal Arrow, and Refulgent Arrow off of her hotbars so that you can manually use them and make sure that Barrage is used with as many RA’s as possible. But even if you let her have EA/Barrage and just press RA whenever it’s available, you will be in the top 4 DPS of any 24-man raid, often the first or second slot. I have Orbonne orange parses of 6700 DPS on bosses with Miqo to thank. All you have to do is make sure to keep an eye on raid buffs so that you can snapshot your dots at the right times and voila, you are a support god. Support skills are mostly manual at the moment; Troubador, Nature’s Minne, etc.

    MCH – It’s another weird-spot Job for me, since the heat gauge is such a huge part of your Wildfire at 70. I also didn’t play much MCH after leveling it, so I’m not the best person to give a perspective on this one. I just don’t like using Miqo for MCH, but if you just want to run a dungeon with MCH and let her do her thing it’s functional.


    BLM – It’s certainly usable with Miqo, but a lot of the times I’m mashing buttons during my F4 rotations to make sure she doesn’t sneak a different selection in and ruin the AF phase since she doesn’t have F4 or B4 support yet. I pull bigger numbers playing BLM manually than with Miqo… like 500-700 dps difference between Miqo and Manual. I just have her set up to use certain CD’s when they’re ready (Ley Lines for example) and handle the rest myself.

    SMN – This is a job you’ll basically play with your hand on one side of the steering wheel and Miqo’s hand on the other. Like DRG, SMN’s rotation changes drastically between 50-60, but also again between 60-70, and messing up that rotation is detrimental since it’s like a whole 2-minute build-up you could ruin. You’ll want to keep Aetherflow manual so that she doesn’t use it while you have Aethertrail stacks. Other CD’s you’ll manually manage are:
    Dreadwyrm Trance
    Tri-Bind (while in DWT)
    Akh Morn
    As you can see, SMN requires more manual control at 7 than many other jobs, but Miqo handling other OGCD’s is convenient and gives you time to concentrate on other things, like weaving Addle in when Demi-B is up and such. Miqo definitely makes SMN much easier in a raid environment, so her assistance is fantastic on this job. She will even Swiftcast->Raise if you have heals and buffs active.

    RDM – This one is one you can almost leave totally to Miqo’s expert hands. I mean, she can totally use RDM’s full 70 rotation, but she will not care what is going on when she used Corps-a-corpse and Displacement, and that’s why I said you can ‘almost’ leave RDM to her. I keep C-a-C/D for manual use so that she can’t kill me during mechanics. But I was in a Lakshmi dog farm a few days ago and she was right behind the BLM by 200dps and in 2nd place every run. Miqo and RDM can push out very strong numbers (Openers are glorious if you have Grade 3 Infusions and manually use Acceleration/long Veraero cast on a countdown.) If I didn’t love Miqo on BRD so much for the mobility/freedom I’d be playing RDM all the time with Miqo.

    And those are just my own opinions on the jobs at 70. I’d be interested in seeing how others play their jobs with Miqo ^^



    If I am returning to Stormblood with the new patch 4.57, which class should I play with combat assist on between BRD and RDM?



    Hi Miqo,

    I want to ask about what are your planned upgrades and expected release before shadow bringers is released? Since the expansion is 2 months away, can we expect another upgrade / new features or would you be working towards shadow bringer release?



    What is the normal ‘down time’ for miqobot at the start of a new expansion?
    In previous expansions eg, stormblood how long was it down etc?

    Just wondering what to expect.
    Im going to play Paladin and go through the story while the bot is down until its up and running.




    I’m going to preface this that there is a lot of variance and it will probably vastly depend on how much FFXIV changes when the expansion comes out. Every patch Miqo gets more complicated and every change SE makes to the game is going to break something. It could be a few days or a few weeks for any particular function to be back online, and the Miqo team couldn’t possibly hope to predict their downtime without knowing what changes SE is going to make. For example if SE decides to trim some combat abilities and add a bunch of new ones every combat class will need to be fixed.

    Miqo was fully nonfunctional for about 5 days after Stormblood released, and when it came back it was only the basic functions that were running.

    This was long before we had the combat beta, which seems like an extremely complicated beast! Each job is probably going to need work. That is going to extend the time until Combat is back on the table.

    That said I expect we’ll probably see Crafting/Gathering working up to Stormblood skill levels sooner rather than later, but every new crafting ability is going to most likely require a ton of math work to get the crafting solver running at its peak again.

    So my entirely unhelpful answer is “probably somewhere between 5 days and a few months depending on the features you care about”

    I’m not sure there is any way to be more accurate than that this far out from the expansion though, I’m sorry!


    Basic functions like crafting and basic combat (assuming old skills didn’t change too much) will work withing 5-7 days I guess.

    All new functions like new crafting/gathering skills and new combat stuff will take months until they work again.

    That’s my realistic assumption and I can assure you, that Miqo will put a crapton of effort in making everything work as fast as possible. They’re really dedicated and generous, so they’ll recompensate you for the wait time in some way or another.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    One can only hope SE won’t add new crafting skills that would raise the overall number of current crafting skills.

    This is I think what killed the most Miqobot crafting algorithms in SB release, by exploding suddenly the number of possibilities at each steps of a craft, transforming the 5sec-3min solver to 5000+ years (no joke).

    You could even think SE did that in purpose in SB, knowing it would overkill a solver, but this was without imagining Miqobot devs could develop an A.I. capable of putting aside useless branches and decrease the possibilities back to a working number.

    We reached a laughable point in crafting where we’re now at almost 4 hotbars full of skills. That’s already way to much. SE can’t add more, it would become ridiculous.
    They can modify current ones, for the sake of changing something and call it new, they can add conditions to current skills like they do mainly for combat jobs, having a skill replaced dynamically by another one under certain conditions.

    So my hope, is that they will try to reduce the overall number of skills, instead of increasing it, so that Miqobot devs don’t get as challenged as last time.

    Take all I said with a grain of salt, as it’s only how I’m interpreting stuff with my limited knowledge.



    I have been using the combat assist for a bit since returning to stormblood to catch up (I left during the initial launch after completing the MSQ in the first patch) and so far running two dungeons have been good with the RDM. Although I keep getting this popup message everytime I start: “Movement settings are not in legacy type”.

    What does this mean and how do I solve it?

    Thanks in advance.



    For Miqo to automatically move for positionals and gathering it needs to be set in Legacy movement type (basically if you move left your character will turn left while running instead of strafing left, for example)

    To change to Legacy go to character configuration -> control settings -> movement settings -> check “Legacy Type (Camera-based)”



    Got it, thanks!


    “Uhoh. There’s no key bound to action ‘Cycle HUD (Forward)’.” That’s not listed as one of the requirements in the original post, trying to find it in my keybindings now but… could the opening post be edited to include this, since the bot is just sitting there without it?


    Well, it’s a required binding for a lot more than combat, but the entire bot that ever interacts with a window, so it’s not a specific requirement to combat but to the system as a whole.



    Any news on when the next update might come for Miqo?

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