[Beta] Combat

Forum Forums Discussion [Beta] Combat

This topic contains 627 replies, has 132 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #9970

    Do you have raising on macro? Because I had a problem when miqo tried to use macro for raising, but managed to fix it. As for healing not sure, either you have some healing macro on your hotbar or maybe just didn’t assing keybind for targetting last enemy. Also miqo usually says in her log about errors if something doesn’t work fine. Did you check what she say at the moment when it happened?

    I don’t have any macros on WHM and I have target last enemy set to “ctrl+shift+1”.
    I didn’t see any errors in the logs at the time, but I might have just missed them. I was going to test again today and post them but I forgot the servers were going down so I will test again once the servers and everything are back up and post the logs if the problem persists.



    Hi Miqo! Can this new assist be turned on via a scenario?


    Hi Miqo! Can this new assist be turned on via a scenario?

    Oh wow, this would be amazing. Would be a lot of help for my Vault Squadron Command Mission run.



    I had no problems with raises at all, ridiculously fast actually…once I had swiftcast anyhow. I was not using a macro though, so good chance it’s because of that. Before getting swiftcast, unfortunately, it would try hard casting raise while the tank was beaten to death a couple times. I just let it happen as it was a full party of sprouts so a couple wipes seemed appropriate for the “full experience” 🙂

    I didn’t have trouble with bot not healing till 50% either. It correctly used Cure/Cure II based on missing health and waited till there would be negligible overhealing. Sometimes I do wish it’d used Cure II but it was due to double pulls.

    I will say she really likes to use Medica atm. Let’s the tank get a pretty damn low at times while topping off tiny amounts of damage on rest of the group. I do think stuff like this won’t matter so much once my character is geared and no longer going into dungeons that are giving xp chains 😛

    Edit: Just saw the response about no macro’s… Having two modifiers for a keybind might be causing problems. Try something simpler and see if it helps.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  Nott.

    Thank you everyone for your feedback very much!

    is there any scenario support for this?

    Hi Miqo! Can this new assist be turned on via a scenario?

    We are sorry, Assist Mode is not designed for Scenario Engine. It requires user presense to control the character and select enemies in order to be functional.
    Scenario Engine can be integrated with autonomous features only.

    For scenarios we prepare another feature pack which will include Custom Fights and Monster Grind.
    It will be available at a later date.

    Notice it will not use Empyreal Arrow (lv54) Bard ability. Any plans to implement?

    Of course, as we mentioned we continue working on battle rotations and will be releasing incremental updates in the upcoming versions.

    It uses pitch perfect (52) and iron jaws (56) flawlessly as well as sidewinder(60)

    Just in case anyone is curious about end-game content use: RDM, WHM, and SCH all have their full 70 rotations in this release.

    Any 51+ abilities you may witness are not optimized. If you observe Miqobot carefully, you will notice many important details that are not evaluated. For example, on BRD the DoTs may accidentally fall off due to Iron Jaws not being timed correctly.
    Some 51+ abilities were implemented during our experiments with different mechanics, and it’s too much of a hassle to remove them from the source code for release. Since this is a beta version, it may contain unexpected features or work in progress.


    Only messed around on WHM a bit so far but did note that it doesn’t Esuna Sludge from the Giant Tunnel Worm in Cutter’s Cry.

    Thank you very much!
    We will add Sludge to the list of important DoTs for Esuna.

    There were also a couple times where Miqo healed my character when it wasn’t necessary, might have been targeting back to Enemy too quickly or something.

    I will say she really likes to use Medica atm. Let’s the tank get a pretty damn low at times while topping off tiny amounts of damage on rest of the group.

    The healing thresholds may feel unstable at the moment, but since Miqobot can not predict incoming damage she has to compensate by keeping everyone healed with equal priorities. Sometimes it will lead to unnecessary overhealing and sometimes the damage will be too much to react in time. It’s impossible to balance without correct damage prediction, and this feature is still under research.

    But at the very least, when we implement settings for precise customization you will be able to adjust the healing thresholds to your liking.

    I wonder if it’d be too much trouble to make it so it switches targets only to damage rather than only to heal? Or just have that as an option. It would make using Eye For an Eye possible, currently, you’d have to pause or macro it. Very minor issues.

    We will try to experiment with this request, but most likely it would require implementing a completely different algorithm.
    The current system keeps DPS at the basis, and healing module is attached on top of it. Doing it the other way around is not an easy task.

    Before getting swiftcast, unfortunately, it would try hard casting raise while the tank was beaten to death a couple times. I just let it happen as it was a full party of sprouts so a couple wipes seemed appropriate for the “full experience” 🙂

    Please note that if you interrupt the Raise cast, it will not be reattempted for 15 seconds. You may use this behavior to control whether Miqobot should raise or do something else instead.


    However I did encounter some oddity’s when playing as WHM, I had “heals and buffs” & “allow switching targets” on. When switched from the monster to a target, unless the target player was below (what looked like 50%) assist wouldn’t heal them. But it wouldn’t let me lock back onto a monster until I manually healed the player to full. What ended up happening a lot of the time was that assist would DPS perfectly as WHM, then target the tank (at 75%) and do nothing.

    This also happened with raising dead players. Assist would target the dead person, cast swiftcast and do nothing.

    This behavior indicates that Miqobot wanted to activate a hotbar icon, but it was not accessible by keyboard. Judging from your description, Cure and Raise are the icons in question.
    Please follow our guide on Keybinds and Icons Recognition.

    We would also recommend looking at the message log when you encounter this behavior next time.

    EDIT: We were wrong.
    This is indeed a bug as it was identified after receiving more information. It will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix.
    Thank you for your assistance very much!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Miqobot Miqobot.


    Please note that if you interrupt the Raise cast, it will not be reattempted for 15 seconds. You may use this behavior to control whether Miqobot should raise or do something else instead.

    Oh good to know! It was a refreshing experience playing as a healer without frantically mashing buttons, I’m sure those playing DPS felt the same way 🙂

    Thanks Miqobot Team!


    Do you think miqobot could ever work with the new mahjong mode?


    Yes, we have already planned a research of the new Doman Mahjong minigame and its algorithmic applications. But first we have to see whether it becomes popular enough to be a viable time investment.

    In the meantime, new Combat features will remain our topmost priorities.
    Thank you for your request!


    We will try to experiment with this request, but most likely it would require implementing a completely different algorithm.
    The current system keeps DPS at the basis, and healing module is attached on top of it. Doing it the other way around is not an easy task.

    Also, may I quote something, that I heard on reddit countless times?
    ” A good healer does not do damage between his heals. A good healer heals between doing damage. ”
    So with that in mind I think it’s actually better, that the healing module is placed on top of the damage module and not vice versa. It just has to be improved, because the #1 priority of a healer is not actually healing as many players assume. The #1 priority for a good healer is doing damage and then throwing only the necessary heals around (ideally only oGCD heals and never touching GCD heals like Cure/Cure2, Benefic/Benefic2 or Physick unless it’s absolutely needed).

    But apart from that, I’ve noticed a few issues with myself and the assist feature. I don’t know if that was just a problem on my system, but here are the things:

    1. Once I started using the assist feature, the game started to get lag-spikes every 5 or so seconds, where the game freezes for about half a second
    2. Tried using the assist feature in Eureka and somehow Miqo isn’t quite responsive, when it comes to attacking. Often times I had to do the first attack after selecting the enemy (with double right click confirmation), before Miqo started to do anything and often after evading AoEs I had to kick Miqo in the butt with another attack so she resumed the fight



    The main reason I suggested it was it appeared that because my target had switched off the tank to the enemy, it healed my character rather than the tank. The secondary benefit would be you could cast buffs on the tank such as Eye For an Eye, Divine Bension, or whatever.

    Getting DB between pulls actually shouldn’t be a problem unless you don’t get it before the first in a chain of pulls. But even then, if you have a macro for <tt> or focus, you’re fine. I just don’t play healer much so, I had no macros.


    2. Tried using the assist feature in Eureka and somehow Miqo isn’t quite responsive, when it comes to attacking. Often times I had to do the first attack after selecting the enemy (with double right click confirmation), before Miqo started to do anything and often after evading AoEs I had to kick Miqo in the butt with another attack so she resumed the fight

    This sounds as if you forgot to use allow pulls in settings.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ai Ai.

    We will try to experiment with this request, but most likely it would require implementing a completely different algorithm.
    The current system keeps DPS at the basis, and healing module is attached on top of it. Doing it the other way around is not an easy task.

    Also, may I quote something, that I heard on reddit countless times?
    ” A good healer does not do damage between his heals. A good healer heals between doing damage. ”
    So with that in mind I think it’s actually better, that the healing module is placed on top of the damage module and not vice versa. It just has to be improved, because the #1 priority of a healer is not actually healing as many players assume. The #1 priority for a good healer is doing damage and then throwing only the necessary heals around (ideally only oGCD heals and never touching GCD heals like Cure/Cure2, Benefic/Benefic2 or Physick unless it’s absolutely needed).

    But apart from that, I’ve noticed a few issues with myself and the assist feature. I don’t know if that was just a problem on my system, but here are the things:

    1. Once I started using the assist feature, the game started to get lag-spikes every 5 or so seconds, where the game freezes for about half a second
    2. Tried using the assist feature in Eureka and somehow Miqo isn’t quite responsive, when it comes to attacking. Often times I had to do the first attack after selecting the enemy (with double right click confirmation), before Miqo started to do anything and often after evading AoEs I had to kick Miqo in the butt with another attack so she resumed the fight

    ” A good healer does not do damage between his heals. A good healer heals between doing damage. ”

    I REALLY would NOT take any notice of that cos whoever said it clearly has not played end game content. Yeah..!! it might work up until level 55+ dungeons OR if your soloing.. BUT later in 55+ dungeons (especially 70 dungeons) you find that healing becomes so often you haven’t barely got time to attack and THEN only heal. You might have the few odd seconds to slap out a few dots but that is usually it. GREAT Tanks at end game LIKE to pull massive groups of monsters (i’m talking like 8+) so your consistently healing the tank and healing other people in between who are needing it from AOE damage. Sounds like that person who said that was a solo healer player OR probably NEW at using the healer class.

    I personally think it would be great to give an option to turn on or off (in a tick box maybe) and then switch the healer roles from.. priority: Heal secondary: attack/dots/etc OR priority: attack/dots/etc secondary: Heal. The reason for giving the option is that everyone plays the healer either 2 ways.. like what the quote says (placing fighting over healing, which is stupid if you ask me for 55+ content) OR placing healing first over damaging.

    Having a tick box to alternate code on/off (depending on the player) I think would be a much easier option and easier to program maybe..? Thinking about it.. wouldnt the “placing battle over heals” already be implemented with the assisted battles? so you could use that code (or some of the code) and some how implement it into a “healer class user option” for dungeons tick box.

    Hopefully you get what I mean Miqobot.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by deano78 deano78.

    But apart from that, I’ve noticed a few issues with myself and the assist feature. I don’t know if that was just a problem on my system, but here are the things:

    1. Once I started using the assist feature, the game started to get lag-spikes every 5 or so seconds, where the game freezes for about half a second
    2. Tried using the assist feature in Eureka and somehow Miqo isn’t quite responsive, when it comes to attacking. Often times I had to do the first attack after selecting the enemy (with double right click confirmation), before Miqo started to do anything and often after evading AoEs I had to kick Miqo in the butt with another attack so she resumed the fight

    This behavior usually indicates that there is a third-party application interfering with the game and Miqobot performance.
    We can try to diagnose your issue, but we will require more information.

    1. What jobs have you tried in Assist Mode?
    2. What settings have you enabled on Combat tab?
    3. Please try disabling some or all of the settings. Does it make any difference in performance?
    4. What draw method do you use for 3D Radar: Overlay or Always on Top? Does switching to another one make any difference?
    5. Do you experience this problem with any other high FPS feature (Squadron Dungeons, Minion Square Minigames), while using the same Miqobot version?
    6. Please show us a complete message log from the Output Area. (Starting from “Hello! I am your Miqobot!”.)

    The main reason I suggested it was it appeared that because my target had switched off the tank to the enemy, it healed my character rather than the tank.

    We would kindly ask you to verify if this is indeed the case when the new version is released.
    Miqobot performs several confirmations after acquiring a target lock and before casting a healing spell. Please refer to the battle log to verify who exactly received healing and whether that character was not selected at the start of the cast.

    If the behavior you describe is true, it means that there is a bug in confirmation algorithm and changing target uptime will not fix it.

    The secondary benefit would be you could cast buffs on the tank such as Eye For an Eye, Divine Bension, or whatever.

    Keeping the focus on healing target would not help with Eye for an Eye or Divine Benison, because the healing target may not always be the tank.
    For example, if a DPS stepped into an AoE and received extra damage, Miqobot will acquire the target lock on him and you won’t be able to cast protection on tank anyway.

    Perhaps a different system is required, wherein Miqobot would allow you to switch and keep the target lock independently until you decide to release it yourself. We will try to experiment with your request in the future upgrades.

    I personally think it would be great to give an option to turn on or off (in a tick box maybe) and then switch the healer roles from.. priority: Heal secondary: attack/dots/etc OR priority: attack/dots/etc secondary: Heal. The reason for giving the option is that everyone plays the healer either 2 ways.. like what the quote says (placing fighting over healing, which is stupid if you ask me for 55+ content) OR placing healing first over damaging.

    Having a tick box to alternate code on/off (depending on the player) I think would be a much easier option and easier to program maybe..? Thinking about it.. wouldnt the “placing battle over heals” already be implemented with the assisted battles? so you could use that code (or some of the code) and some how implement it into a “healer class user option” for dungeons tick box.

    This option is already implemented.
    If you would like Miqobot to DPS as top priority, please disable “Heals and Buffs” setting.
    If you would like Miqobot to heal as top priority, please enable “Heals and Buffs” setting.
    If you would like Miqobot to focus on healing only, please enable “Heals and Buffs” and do not target an enemy.

    The original question was not about priorities, but about where to keep the target lock when there is nothing else to do.

    For example, during cast there are no other actions available other than wait until the cast ends. As the spell destination target is locked after beginning of the cast, keeping the target focused is not required for the duration of the cast.
    Therefore healing module releases the target lock and the control is given to DPS module. If at the end of the cast the healing target requires more healing, the target lock will be immediately reacquired.
    So the request was about keeping the target lock on healing target indefinitely, even when are no healing actions available.
    (Please correct us if we misunderstood the task.)

    As to how much healing is done exactly, it has to be adjusted via a special customization UI which will be available in the future updates.
    And you will be able to create different variation presets between “DPS-as-priority” and “Heal-as-priority”.

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