5.1 Prelim Patch Notes

Forum Forums Discussion 5.1 Prelim Patch Notes

This topic contains 37 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  Anno90 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #18151


    Yes, the Crafting Solver will be completely broken in Patch 5.1.
    There is no technical way to prevent this, but we will do our best to implement the necessary upgrades as fast as possible.

    Thank you for your concern!

    Thank you for working hard to keep crafting solver usable after 5.1! I still haven’t level my crafter to 70 yet.



    thanks for your work dev

    im okay without crafting , its the gathering and fishing i cant live without T_T



    After playing with the crafting system a bit yesterday (and knowing it quite well previously) it seems to be that it’s far more bottable now. I was impressed Miqo did it before, and now the variables are massively reduced and buff juggling is a much less significant aspect of crafting. It’s like they want it to be easier to bot.

    It’s more likely they wanted less macroing and more reacting to good/excellent procs — but they failed at making things less macroable, and good/excellent procs give the illusion of choice at this point; Miqo being able to take Tricks of the Trade or throw a touch action on an Excellent proc/adjust for poor is probably 80%+ efficiency in the current crafting system. The rest is the kind of simple math that computers/solvers excel at.

    Disclaimer in that I have no idea how the Miqo team sees this or technical limitations that I haven’t considered. I just know the crafting system.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by  hellothere.

    With all these crafting changes I would also like the crafting bot to be updated. I bought the bot for tedious activities like crafting/gathering and gold saucer; none of which have been the focus since the combat beta started last year.

    People have been requesting this for years and still nothing. https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/triple-triad-development/


    ^ I mean, just because ONE person (ok, maybe TWO) requested (TT) it years ago doesnt mean its a priority for the devs, or that they are even still working on it. In case you havent noticed Miqo devs tend to work on w/e their user base requests the most.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    It’s like they want it to be easier to bot.

    It’s hard to figure what are the real goals of FFXIV devs.

    I remember what I thought when 2.5 years ago I saw they were adding crafting abilities in Stormblood, on top of all the Heavensward ones, I thought that it look like FFXIV devs were pissed that somewhere creators of a bot managed to engender an ultimate solver, a real one, despite the complexity and computing required.
    I thought they were so pissed, that their solution was to come up with more abilities, more branches, more possibilities, to kill the process Miqobot devs were using by making it unsolvable in a timely manner. Yet Miqobot managed to adapt.

    And so this time it’s weird to see FFXIV devs “giving up”. Of course it’s weird only if in the first place we think their choices for SB and ShB were influenced in some way by Miqobot, which is something we can only speculate on.

    Nevertheless, funny evolution.


    With all these crafting changes I would also like the crafting bot to be updated. I bought the bot for tedious activities like crafting/gathering and gold saucer; none of which have been the focus since the combat beta started last year.

    Crafting gathering and gold saucer have been the focus for three years before combat. Dont you think its kinda rude to diminish Miqo accomplishments?


    I am very happy that Miqo is focused to the combar system at the moment. As crafting and gathering is mostly good to play the market, Miqo would be a little useless as the market on most servers is completely down, as you can probably see on your own sells since 5.1 if you compare it to 4.1 selling figures.

    So the focus on combat for the next few weeks maybe month is absolutely neccessary in my opinion. A basic craft and gathering bot will suffice at the moment imho.


    With all these crafting changes I would also like the crafting bot to be updated. I bought the bot for tedious activities like crafting/gathering and gold saucer; none of which have been the focus since the combat beta started last year.

    Crafting gathering and gold saucer have been the focus for three years before combat. Dont you think its kinda rude to diminish Miqo accomplishments?

    I’m not diminishing their work, I think its still really impressive. I just also think that the bot shouldnt be being completely outshone by user macros when its a monthly cost product.



    With all these crafting changes I would also like the crafting bot to be updated. I bought the bot for tedious activities like crafting/gathering and gold saucer; none of which have been the focus since the combat beta started last year.

    Crafting gathering and gold saucer have been the focus for three years before combat. Dont you think its kinda rude to diminish Miqo accomplishments?

    I’m not diminishing their work, I think its still really impressive. I just also think that the bot shouldnt be being completely outshone by user macros when its a monthly cost product.

    You are aware that the monthly cost covers more than just “user macros” for crafting? The truth is — as the other people have said — macros ARE super easy to setup. Outside of just being fancy and gimmicky, there’s almost no reason to have a crafting solver beyond 70 since pre-70 was the hardest part of the grind. Don’t get me wrong, crafting solver was beyond amazing, but crafting has also been simplified to a very straightforward process now as well.

    If I can just auto-macro and get the same results and then get Miqo to do a really efficient combat bot? I am all for that.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by  flintrucker.


    I would love a triple triad bot. Some of those drop rates are awfully low.


    To be fair, triple triad IS something that was mentioned ever since I first got here at Stormblood release.

    Since then, Miqo has come quite a long way in terms of features and polish.


    Guys who use bot mostly for gathering… did someone of you understand wtf are they done with gathering stats balance? Before 5.1 it was quite logical. Do you want capped (95%) chance to gather a legendary node? Ovedmeld enough materia to get 2182 gathering. Do you want to buff it up to 100%? ALSO overmeld enough materia to get 850 gp (if you want to have 4 collectable-buffed swings after casting mastery). Oh, and don’t forget also to meld some perception so you won’t miss appraisal cap as well!

    Now it’s simply pointless… Why would anyone need new gathering set if you get 100% chance to gather by default (even while gathering new Sandalwood Sap / Beryllium Ore!!!), without any melds? Well maybe you need some GP melds to reach 800 GP threshold, but that’s it. Maybe it’s a glitch actually, which will be fixed soon enough? Or maybe there are some kind of 80** (or even 80***?) materials which I didn’t discover yet, and which actually require new eq for 100% gather chance?


    Propably for the Ishgard Restoration feature that’s coming out in 2 weeks, which they announced as “competitive” Crafter & Gatherer content (with leaderboards). That’s what you’ll most likely need the new gear for.


    What Arc said.. and also, w/e new DoH/DoL sets come out, its more about future proofing rather than needing it for the current tier of mats/synths. Sure you can always NOT get it, but then you’ll be running with your tail between your legs when the next set of gear/gathering items come out.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by LutBot LutBot.
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