Patch 3.45 – Miqobot Status

Forum Forums Discussion Patch 3.45 – Miqobot Status

This topic contains 32 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  trial 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2363

    Miqobot is recovering from technical issues caused by Patch 3.45.
    We are working to fix her asap.

    Thank you for your patience!

    Why it happens.


    Do you have any ETA on when Miqobot will be running again?


    No ETA for now, we don’t have enough information yet.
    We are doing our best to fix Miqobot as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!


    Miqobot is alive again 🙂
    Both v1.2.48 and v1.2.52 Beta have been fixed.

    There is no need to redownload anything, just restart Miqobot.
    We are performing final testing, so if you encounter any issues please let us know.

    An important note!
    Floors 51-200 of Palace of the Dead may contain new traps that Miqobot is not yet aware of.


    We have confirmed a new issue with Collectability.
    The hotfix is already being prepared for release.


    I do have 1 “oddity” I’ve noticed, but it was before this patch.. I’ve just been dealing with it when it happens. I’ve only been gathering folklore nodes, so this may be isolated just to them as well and not other routes involving flight. What happens is SOMETIMES when I select a gathering route and send Miqo off to it she’ll enter it, head to the beacon, and upon reaching the beacon will suddenly descend straight down to the ground instead of hovering at the beacon itself, which is placed in the air. It will then just sit there on the ground, and grouse in the Miqo chat window if something aggroes saying the usual “Stop touching me, I’m gonna scream” etc etc LOL. It’s odd because it does not always happen, even on the same nav route, but only happens when flying in from outside of the route.
    Once she’s inside the route and has not done this then all is fine. And it may be only because I “push” her at times, meaning I’ll teleport to, say, helix and mount a flyer, pop it in the air with the space bar, then hit start on Miqo and let her fly it to the luminium, star cotton boll, or other nav routes on her own (with her grousing about “That’s 340 seconds.. let’s try 300 first” or similar. It does not happen everytime, and sometimes happens even when she’s close enough that I don’t get the above complaint from her. I am, however, asking her to do stuff that’s not in the normal operation.. trying to make some master gathering routes that would handle 2 timed nodes in a zone that have different pop times in game, like Luminium and adamantite, which are in same zone, need same class, are in same slot. (I’m not actually running this type of route yet though, due to the occasional landing from the beacon and gaining aggro which results in death if I’m not there to see it happen and correct it.)


    This behaviour may occur due to the fact that Beacons don’t have a fly/foot/mount property. If you send Miqobot straight to the Beacon without any adjacent nodes that specify the movement type, she will have no idea of whether it’s an aerial or terrestrial Beacon. And she will usually assume the latter.

    We recommend to always connect navigation grids to the closest aetheryte, where you want to teleport and start Miqobot from.

    However in order to give a specific answer to why this is happening, we require more information:

    1. Would you show us the exact navigation grid where this issue can be reproduced?
    2. Would you post the complete log from the Output Area which corresponds to the moment when this issue occured?
    3. What key is being pressed by Miqobot that results in descending?
      Is it a mount icon which causes your character to drop? Or is it a slow descend key?

    Thank you very much!


    A new version of Miqobot is available.
    This is a tiny but very critical hotfix for all Collectability features.

    Download Miqobot

    Miqobot Beta is also upgraded. Please visit the corresponding thread for download:

    Download Miqobot Beta

    The latest stable version of Miqobot is v1.2.485.
    The latest beta version of Miqobot is v1.2.525.

    Thank you for your patience and unceasing support!



    The new version of Miqobot says is a virus so i can’t run it, using avast
    Also it says app error can’t be written

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Plexisglass.

    No, Miqobot is not a virus.
    Please refer to our FAQ section about antiviruses:

    First of all, verify that your antivirus software and firewall don’t interfere with Miqobot. Miqobot is not a virus, but antiviruses are usually trained to sic at anything that tries to interact with other programs. Even if you disable them, that might not help, because antiviruses leave background services behind. You might have to uninstall it. Alternatively, you may try to white-list your Miqobot, but you’ll have to do that after every patch.


    We are performing final testing to upgrade Miqobot for the latest game hotfixes on Nov 15.
    Miqobot will be up and running very soon.


    Miqobot is upgraded for game hotfixes on Nov 15. There is no need to redownload anything.

    We have confirmed an issue with PotD Radar. According to latest game patch notes:

    ·Certain processes used in “the Palace of the Dead: Deep Dungeon” have been modified as a preventative measure against illicit activities.

    As a result, it is no longer possible to detect traps without using Pomander of Sight. We are investigating whether the damage to this feature is permanent.

    Accursed Hoards are still visible without Pomanders of Intuition as before.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Damn, that sucks, that Miqobot feature was so great, for once that we could bypass Square Enix endless RNG…
    Is it handled only server-side now? Or are they just using a different way to store the information on client-side? I hope you guys can find a way to make that feature work again, RNG traps making you wipe at floor 199 after 9 hours of work just make you want to shoot yourself.

    And it’s kind of weird they made those adjustments for traps, but not for hoards.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Carl Arbogast Carl Arbogast.

    Mimics and exploding coffers are displayed exactly as before.

    The only downgrade is floor traps.
    Yes, from now on they are handled server side and are no longer visible on Potd Radar unless you use Pomander of Sight. After using Pomander of Sight, traps behave the same way as before. You are still able to see them through the walls and read their names from several rooms ahead (in order to plan Landmine usage).

    • Prior to maintenance, Pomanders of Safety were useless when using Potd Radar.
    • After the maintenance, you have to carefully manage both Safety and Sight in order to avoid traps, as Miqobot is no longer capable to cheat.

    We continue the investigation and we will share any useful information that we find.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    I can see one solution, but it might be lots of work and therefore not worth it at all, if traps possible positions didn’t changed since the previous patch, and if somehow you kept those positions in a Database, you could show on the overlay every possible traps so we could avoid them.

    It can be useful for soloing, maybe not that useful for a 4 men party, for last patch I got used to mark with A, B, C every traps so my friends could avoid them as well, but I have the feeling that if you show every possible known traps position, there will be too much, preventing to pass along the info, unless on voice chat.
    But for soloing it could allow Miqobot users to avoid all those dangerous known positions.

    The problem is I believe to make that database, you could gather data from Miqobot clients, sending in background all traps positions that hit us, you would may be end up by knowing all possible positions, the last floors data will still be rare and require lots of time.

    But I don’t know if anything of this is possible, if you can somehow get the ID of one specific square room and get all known traps position tied to it.

    And don’t accept this request if it’s way too much work, it’s not worth it, Miqobot can still find all hoards, so it’s fine, and I would rather get the Scenario and Battle Engine, and Triple Triad Solver first ^^’

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Carl Arbogast Carl Arbogast.
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