New Here and Need help for scenario/quest

Forum Forums Discussion New Here and Need help for scenario/quest

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  YoToDoShi 3 years ago.

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    Hello all,

    I’m new to FF14 and want to play it but also I dont have many time thats why I decide to buy miqobot.

    I read somewhere that miqobot could assist to help clear quest/duty? The side quuest/MSQ? IF yes, where to get it/activate it?


    Is there any help/video to make a scenario to grind mobs? Like ie I want to leveling/grinding/farming some mobs in the area but I cant find how to write the scenario. The only think that helping in field combat is assist. Is there any way that we can make a scenario so that it just in the field and auto targgeting enemies/auto farm?

    Thanks for the help and if there’s such an answer to my questions please link me to the thread/video. Thanks




    There is a bit of a learning curve. It’s not as easy as just pushing one button and leaving it for days.

    You have to learn how to use Miqo, what each tab does, and all the various options.

    Miqo is very powerful but it does require some effort on your part.

    New expansion just came out. First visit this to see what Miqo can do right now:

    Then go here for the various scenarios you can import and start using Miqo:

    Once you get used to that you can start creating your own scenarios….. this is where Miqo really shines!


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