Multiple accounts supported?

Forum Forums Discussion Multiple accounts supported?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 7 years, 2 months ago.

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    I have some questions regarding Miqobot and multiple account support before I resub my alt accounts:
    – Can 1 license bot multiple accounts, or do I need 1 license per ffxiv account?
    – Can multiple ‘pairs’ of bot+account be used on a single computer, or is one computer required per set?
    – If only 1 pair per computer, what is the recommended setup for multiple accounts? On other games virtual machines are sometimes used for this purpose, but as we know no virtualization software supports dx11 so that is not an option here

    Would anyone have answers to these questions?

    Thank you


    Running multiple Miqobot instances is known as Multibox solution.
    You can read about it in our Help section: Multibox Support

    • If you have multiple license codes, you can run multiple instances of Miqobot. For your convenience, every new instance will encrypt its code in a separate catnip.license file.
    • Any number of Miqobot instances can be run on a single computer.
    • There is a limit to number of game instances that can be run on a single computer. This limit is imposed by the game itself and is not related to Miqobot.


    Nice, I didn’t see the multibox guide but it looks exactly like what I need. What is the number of maximum game instances imposed by FFXIV game?


    The game allows two instances by default.
    There is software that can help you bypass this restriction, but it is not a part of Miqobot project, therefore we can not give any official recommendations.

    You may be interested in community discussion on this topic: 3 Game Instances

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