Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator]

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Miqocrafter [Crafting/Gathering Full Scenario Generator]


This topic contains 421 replies, has 144 voices, and was last updated by  KinglordKaramba 8 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #17934
    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    to clarify, you state you will need .NET framework 4.7.2 does that include or newer? I currently have 4.8…

    4.8 is fine ! You need at least 4.7.2.

    Yep that would do the trick.

    Honestly great work with this tool.

    Ok ! Will see what I can do for that. An example would help me actually, if you have an existing scenario.



    Actually i just realized you can store multiple keypress macros in miqobot and use the selectCraftMacro function in the scenario for them… doh!


    So far this is working great, one issue I’ve ran across when this makes a scenario that has you teleport to “Western Highlands” it won’t let the teleport happen. Changing it to “Falcon’s Nest” however will.

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    So far this is working great, one issue I’ve ran across when this makes a scenario that has you teleport to “Western Highlands” it won’t let the teleport happen. Changing it to “Falcon’s Nest” however will.

    Hi Levy !
    Could you share with me your scenario ? Or the Item Name ?
    Miqocrafter retrieves the teleport location from the grid description, so it might be that the grid needs an update.
    The grid should have in the description something like [Western Highlands @Falcon’s Nest].
    If it doesn’t you can send it to me, I’ll update it and add it to miqocrafter validated grids.

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Actually i just realized you can store multiple keypress macros in miqobot and use the selectCraftMacro function in the scenario for them… doh!

    If you have a scenario and some stored macros I’ll add this behavior in miqocrafter. Attach them (and your miqobot presets.miqo) on this forum or just send them to me : shishio.valentine@gmail.com


    Amazing application!

    If you’re taking feature requests I’d love to request adding a toggle for the items shown in the Craft Requirements section. It would be used to prevent them from being included in the Scenario. We can currently manually edit out those sections if needed once imported however so it’s not too big of a deal.

    A valid use case would be:
    If we already have the items (useful in cases of crystals)

    Thanks for putting in the blood, sweat, and tears.


    Ran into my first snag.

    Search term was Ishgardian Muffin.
    The Sunset Wheat Grid it pulled was incorrect.


    Same snag, same search.

    Millioncorn Grid is way off as well.

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Amazing application!

    If you’re taking feature requests I’d love to request adding a toggle for the items shown in the Craft Requirements section. It would be used to prevent them from being included in the Scenario. We can currently manually edit out those sections if needed once imported however so it’s not too big of a deal.

    A valid use case would be:
    If we already have the items (useful in cases of crystals)

    Thanks for putting in the blood, sweat, and tears.

    Hi and thanks 🙂
    Yeah I’m gladly taking any advice/idea !
    Keeping in mind your request, it makes sense. Can’t guarantee when it’ll be done but I’ll work on it 🙂

    Regarding grids yeah, miqocrafter completely rely on the grids that are inside this forum. And most of them do not start from the aetheryte, thus ending up locking us somewhere.
    That’s where I need this community’s help ! To update the grids and make this software more and more reliable.

    I’m keeping in mind your item request, I’ll do the grids myself if I have the time, most probably during next week since I’m full this week end.


    So far this is working great, one issue I’ve ran across when this makes a scenario that has you teleport to “Western Highlands” it won’t let the teleport happen. Changing it to “Falcon’s Nest” however will.

    Hi Levy !
    Could you share with me your scenario ? Or the Item Name ?
    Miqocrafter retrieves the teleport location from the grid description, so it might be that the grid needs an update.
    The grid should have in the description something like [Western Highlands @Falcon’s Nest].
    If it doesn’t you can send it to me, I’ll update it and add it to miqocrafter validated grids.

    Here you go, the rest of the scenario works great, editing that one little line was all it needed. after that it went off and handled it perfectly.

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    Currently miqobot does not support macro for crafting, unless I’m wrong.

    Yes, Miqobot already supports Macros.
    To be more precise, it’s the field framed in red here:

    To use this field you have to untick the “use” option for the crafting solver and the field becomes accessible.
    There you put in your macro in the form of each individual keypress (e.g. ctrl+shift+# is my Byregot’s Benediction key), separated with a comma and Miqobot will execute each keypress sequentially (it is so good, that Miqobot will make sure a skill was used, so it is even lag-proof, or in other words: Miqobot macros work even better than official in-game macros, if you have a high ping).

    You can also save keypress sequences (i.e. macros) by saving it to a profile (the green framed box), so you can create a key sequence macro for every type of craft (e.g. 35 durability 2 star, 70 durability 2 star, etc.).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Arc Arc.
    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    Cool !
    Didn’t know this, it is pretty useful.
    Which means.. I have to think of a way to integrate this in the generated scenario from Miqocrafter.

    And maybe I should include a “Sexy Miqobot” mode in miqocrafter too 🙂

    Shishio Valentine
    Shishio Valentine

    V1.2.1 Uploaded.

    Fixed some requests :

    -> Sunset Wheat Grid to update
    -> Millioncorn Grid to update
    -> Trident teleport wrong

    Added some Grids :
    -> Coerthan Tea Seeds
    -> Pearl Sprout Seed
    -> Chives
    -> Coerthan Tea Leaves
    -> Little Worm
    -> Raw Heliodor
    -> Mythril Ore
    -> Mythrite Sand
    -> Cedar Log
    -> Cedar Branch
    -> Button Mushroom
    -> Ala Mhigan Mustard
    -> Pearl Ginger
    -> Millioncorn Seed
    -> Millioncorn
    -> Fire Shard
    -> La Noscean Lettuce
    -> Straw
    -> Sunset Wheat
    -> Ruby Tomato
    -> Pearl Sprouts
    -> Pearl Sprout Seeds

    Still in progress (not in this release) :
    -> Read miqo.preset to search for existing grids
    -> Integrate crafting macro, per item basis
    -> Save last search item list
    -> Manually ignore crafted/gathered item



    I mean the solver will be absolutely fine for crafts that are not current end game star recipes, so any dev time spent on the solver is not an important feature right now.

    Crafting macros would solve this easily for end game * recipes.
    But it is nice to have the solver hq crafts that are lvl 70 or less since my macros are overkill for them.

    Can miqocrafter create AR scenarios for multiple sands with miner/botany/spearfishing?

    Does it support timed legendary nodes?

    Can we input gathering rotations that we store in miqobot into miqocrafter?

    Does miqocrafter create multiple scenario from the list?

    I still havent tried it yet, not got round to playing the game.

    QoL feature for vendor support from miqobot tied with this generator would be nice if vendor support exists already.



    having a lot of grid issues too, does this auto prioritize your grids over other ones i may have or do i need to do a clean install to take advantage of your grids?

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