Massive banhammer wave

Forum Forums Discussion Massive banhammer wave

This topic contains 40 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cowboybebop 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #16293

    Doesn’t make any sense the first offense is a warning and a 10 day suspension. The next offense is a perma-ban. You pretty have to be reported by someone for the GMs to look at you. I’ve had throwaway accounts running nearly 24/7 for months at a time and not be banned.

    This is absolutely false in every way.

    1. The order is not Warning + 10 Day Suspension -> Permaban. There are 6 Steps of account penalty:
    Caution -> Warning -> 3 Days Ban -> 10 Days Ban -> 20 Days Ban -> Permaban
    They even have it written officially in their official account penalty policy on the Square Enix website:

    2. GMs are extremely flexible, when it comes to issueing bans. I for instance got a 3 Days Ban, back during the Make it Rain Event before Stormblood was released for farming MGP for 7 days straight while I was on vacation (never even had a caution or warning before).
    Then about a year later, when the Ungarmax banwave struck, I got hit with another 3 Days Ban (because I used Ungarmax 3 times in one Savage fight we already cleared that week for the lulz), instead of a 10 Days Ban or anything higher.

    hmmm.. on my my main account 2 week before shb release (all class and crafter/gather were maxed out in lvl and gear) I also never ever been banned or warned before but I one day I let my bot gather something using a grid I made that totally look human and very fluent (just explaining when it happened) I always stay in front of my screen while the bot is doing stuffs in case something happen.. My game just disconnected and I had to re open the game to log in again and HOP account direct suspended.. No gm tried to interact with me, I didnt saw any player arround me either trying to talk to me. it was 5 am in the morning (est) and I got 10 days ban for cheating without a warning or check up. from what you said they kindda did me wrong ?



    Doesn’t make any sense the first offense is a warning and a 10 day suspension. The next offense is a perma-ban. You pretty have to be reported by someone for the GMs to look at you. I’ve had throwaway accounts running nearly 24/7 for months at a time and not be banned.

    This is absolutely false in every way.

    1. The order is not Warning + 10 Day Suspension -> Permaban. There are 6 Steps of account penalty:
    Caution -> Warning -> 3 Days Ban -> 10 Days Ban -> 20 Days Ban -> Permaban
    They even have it written officially in their official account penalty policy on the Square Enix website:

    That isn’t what the website really says in my opinion. It says there are six LEVELS, not six STEPS. They could apply any level at any time, you wouldn’t always start at “Caution” and then work your way up. It depends on what they catch you doing.


    That isn’t what the website really says in my opinion. It says there are six LEVELS, not six STEPS. They could apply any level at any time, you wouldn’t always start at “Caution” and then work your way up. It depends on what they catch you doing.

    That’s why you should also have read my second paragraph:

    2. GMs are extremely flexible, when it comes to issueing bans. I for instance got a 3 Days Ban, back during the Make it Rain Event before Stormblood was released for farming MGP for 7 days straight while I was on vacation (never even had a caution or warning before).
    Then about a year later, when the Ungarmax banwave struck, I got hit with another 3 Days Ban (because I used Ungarmax 3 times in one Savage fight we already cleared that week for the lulz), instead of a 10 Days Ban or anything higher.


    from what you said they kindda did me wrong ?

    I wish there was a rule (much like on most other forums): when you file a ban report, answer at least minimal set of questions:

    1) How many hours per day you were botting?
    2) Did you use any proxy?
    3) Did you have any accounts banned before, which were run on the same hardware (not Miqobot case [yet], probably)?
    4) Did you sell any gil? How much?
    and so on… Otherwise it’s kind of hard to guess. Leaving account unattended means nothing. I see several notorious bots at our server for months (they were botting already when I was n00bie, still leveling my skills), and they bot every day on the same place, so…


    I wish there was a rule (much like on most other forums): when you file a ban report, answer at least minimal set of questions:

    1) How many hours per day you were botting?
    2) Did you use any proxy?
    3) Did you have any accounts banned before, which were run on the same hardware (not Miqobot case [yet], probably)?
    4) Did you sell any gil? How much?
    and so on… Otherwise it’s kind of hard to guess. Leaving account unattended means nothing. I see several notorious bots at our server for months (they were botting already when I was n00bie, still leveling my skills), and they bot every day on the same place, so…

    I fully agree on here. I mean, seriously. Even I still occasionally every once in a while let Miqo start farming Scuroglow Aethersand in Il Mheg via Spearfishing over night while I’m sleeping and don’t have any issues with it. I simply don’t do it too often and I usually stay awake until late, still answering to my FC members inbetween, until all of them went off as well.



    That’s why you should also have read my second paragraph:

    I read it, just mentioning that it’s kind of in conflict with your first paragraph. It’s cool, I’m not arguing with you, the whole situation is just interesting overall.

    IMO it’s extremely rare to be banned or suspended by SE, for whatever reason they just don’t seem to care unless you are actively interfering with players. Maybe they feel like this type of botting is both difficult to detect (thanks Miqo for being so great at that) and/or they have bigger issues than people gathering stuff automatically, like the hordes of BLM bots that teleport all over the place.

    I tend to believe if you’re suspended due to Miqo it’s a combination of maybe pushing it a bit too far (like farming for 7 days straight, haha) along with some bad luck of someone repeatedly reporting you.


    I think I had bad luck because of someone I had fallen out with IRL. Nevertheless, the ticket has been escalated which is a good thing in my book.


    what is IRL?


    In real life.





    Just got issued with a 20 day suspension, been using Miqo for just under a month. Been leaving it gathering low areas over-night each night and then crafting during the day, occasionally running a dungeon. I was using the DarkSteel scenario for the past 2 days and I’m guessing that’s what got me.

    Not blaming Miqo here at all, just odd that I got caught as I don’t talk to anyone in the game and don’t buy/sell gold. Must have been people seeing me hanging around the nodes for ~20 minutes waiting for it to pop.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by  Flubber.

    20 Day suspension.. Jesus.

    There’s literally any number of reasons why you could have been suspended. Were you an ass to anyone online? Exploited the game in any way? Issued a charge back on your credit card to SE? Lol

    I’ve been literally running miqo to the ground for quite awhile now, crafting/gathering during the day and farming sands overnight. Been doing this for a couple of weeks. Havent gotten a single Gm tell (I always check the chat log), and No suspension whatsoever. Also have a friend that uses miqo, altho way more conservatively than I do, and hastn had any trouble at all either.

    Still, 20 days.. I suspect this isnt your first suspension?



    20 Day suspension.. Jesus.

    There’s literally any number of reasons why you could have been suspended. Were you an ass to anyone online? Exploited the game in any way? Issued a charge back on your credit card to SE? Lol

    I’ve been literally running miqo to the ground for quite awhile now, crafting/gathering during the day and farming sands overnight. Been doing this for a couple of weeks. Havent gotten a single Gm tell (I always check the chat log), and No suspension whatsoever. Also have a friend that uses miqo, altho way more conservatively than I do, and hastn had any trouble at all either.

    Still, 20 days.. I suspect this isnt your first suspension?

    First suspension ever, apart from “Hey hey” when I play a dungeon or “Thanks for the fun” at the end I don’t speak to anyone in the game. That’s what’s confusing me here. After every night I check my /tell log to see if anyone caught onto me and nothing, if I notice a player near me when gathering during the day I’ll run around for bit, emote a “Hey” or just switch to a different grind.



    When you do your crafting, how long and where do you do it? I honestly think that’s where most people get noticed.


    i gather all day but its attended, and i switch spots often (actually leveling up). Then at night when i goto sleep i do the GC squads to level. Hopefully i dont get banned, but i doubt it since most of my botting is invisible (squads dungeons) and monitored when its not.

    @snake when you say malestrom scenario im assuming the squads dungeon, any idea how anyone knows you were doing it, unless its the fallen out friend?

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