Level 80 Trust Dungeon

Forum Forums Discussion Level 80 Trust Dungeon

This topic contains 48 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #23470

    I know those are unpopular Questions 🙂

    I s there a loose Timeframe when we can expect a level 80 Trust Dungeon Support? I think it would be gret for farming tomestones.


    We have just released (Lv75) Qitana Ravel support and we were planning to improve other features next.
    At the moment we are working on Gathering updates and there has also been a lot of requests regarding new scenario functions. Additional Trust Dungeons are planned after that:

    Upcoming Features

    As much as we would love to implement everything, we can not work on multiple feature packs at the same time. So if you wish to see (Lv80) dungeon support earlier, we would have to postpone other features instead.

    Do you think we should do so?


    Yes i think so, but thats only me, so if a majority wants gathering improvements of course those are more important.

    I just think that gathering Tomestones is a major part of the combat system, and with an 80th dungeon we can do that in a great manner. I also think that the support of one class (maybe there are easier ones for you to do trust runs) will be enough.

    For me gathering the tomestones would be a hughe improvement. Please excuse me for for bothering, i do not want to put pressure, just wanted to know about this topic


    It would be nice to have one lv80 dungeon available to farm tomestones automatically. Currently you can farm almost anything with miqo, however you cannot do so for tomestones. Be it the weekly cap ones or the ones you need for tomestone materials for crafting. Especially the last one you normally need in a high quantities, when you want to craft the new recipes etc.
    With a lv80 dungeon you could do so, also in an automated way. Which I would also consider a rather safe method (regarding detection).

    So I agree, that this would be a huge improvement to the possible uses of miqobot 🙂

    I also think that the support of one class (maybe there are easier ones for you to do trust runs) will be enough.

    I disagree here though. I don’t know if the class support is actually the most complex part, I suppose not. But even if, then I think it shouldn’t be implemented half finished, just to have it in.

    As much as we would love to implement everything, we can not work on multiple feature packs at the same time. So if you wish to see (Lv80) dungeon support earlier, we would have to postpone other features instead.

    Do you think we should do so?

    I think that question is hard to answer, if we don’t know a rough estimate how long each feature will take or what is planned to be in there.
    Currently gathering updates are “partly implemented”, so I guess it wont make any sense to delay this topic, as it was already started to be implemented. I for myself am interested a lot in the “scenario engine update”.

    If I would know that a new trust dungeon would take you (for example) 4 weeks and scenario updates 12 weeks. I would say that I would prefer a lv80 dungeon first, to farm the tomestones. If it is about equal timing or scenario updates even take less time, then I would prefer that you stay to your current plan.


    What i meant with the one class support is that it may help to implement easier, better one class than none as a compromise, as this is in my opinion a good compromise, as we want to farm Tomestones, doesnt matter with wich class we farm them, it makes no difference at all.


    What i meant with the one class support is that it may help to implement easier, better one class than none as a compromise, as this is in my opinion a good compromise, as we want to farm Tomestones, doesnt matter with wich class we farm them, it makes no difference at all.

    While I kinda get it, I don’t think it’s a good compromise. All squadron/trust dungeons currently support every class type. If we consider that it is already a planned feature, why implementing it partially, when it could be done completely, once you started implementing? You would need to level and equip (440 or 460) a new class, if you don’t have the chosen one at lv80, might even need to level one or two trust npcs more. So those who don’t do that, cannot run this dungeon with miqo, rendering this feature useless for those.
    And oh well, there will be a ton of questions regarding that limited feature and requests to make it functional with every class / class type. xd

    Anyway I kinda hope too, that this will be added in the near future. As I said, tomestones are one of those things which can’t be farmed automatically at the moment.


    So i am at least not alone for the wish to have this rather sooner than later 🙂


    What i meant with the one class support is that it may help to implement easier, better one class than none as a compromise

    It was so in the past, but this is no longer the case.
    Combat rotations and new dungeons support have been split into different modules and can be upgraded independently from each other. If a certain job does not have level 80 support, Miqobot will continue to use the level 70 variant but she will be able to clear the dungeon nonetheless.

    I think that question is hard to answer, if we don’t know a rough estimate how long each feature will take or what is planned to be in there.

    The standard development cycle is 4-8 weeks.
    At the moment, however, we are in the period of congestion due to the series of game patches. Each game patch downgrades existing features and extends the workload by 1-3 weeks.

    Currently gathering updates are “partly implemented”, so I guess it wont make any sense to delay this topic, as it was already started to be implemented.

    The note “Partly implemented” refers to fishing improvements which have already been released.
    They are mentioned in the main status thread: Miqobot v1.3.35 – Patch Notes
    We are currently at one of the milestones which allows us to switch priorities, if necessary.

    For further Gathering updates, we are planning to implement:

    – New conditions for gathering rotations.
    – Better Diadem support.
    – Additional Legendary Fishing functions.
    – Identical Cast and Identical Gig support.
    – About 20 other minor improvements.

    Some of these features have been postponed for more than a year, and there are users who get very frustrated over this fact.

    Please keep in mind that these updates will not be available during the first weeks of Patch 5.31.
    The standard development cycle of 4-8 weeks applies to every feature pack.

    I for myself am interested a lot in the “scenario engine update”.

    Scenario Engine has accumulated over 100 feature requests, so it will take several development cycles to implement them all.

    If I would know that a new trust dungeon would take you (for example) 4 weeks and scenario updates 12 weeks.

    Yes, these numbers are close. Though a better way to describe estimates is via lower and upper values, therefore it would be 4-8 weeks and 12-24 weeks respectively.


    Very well.
    We need one more week to finish critical Patch 5.3 features and then we will be able to change development priorities.

    This thread will stay sticky for the next week.
    We kindly ask the community to share your opinions on this matter.

    Should we postpone the feature packs mentioned above and implement the level 80 Trust Dungeon next?



    this is my opinion at least, i’ve been using miqo for about a year now daily. pretty much everything is already doable perfectly fine with miqo, especially if you’re even remotely decent with using the scenario creator, things like collectable turn ins, new rotations, etc are all already possible with a bit of understanding on how to use miqo itself. the *only* thing i’ve ever even considered to using an alternative program for is level 80 dungeon/tombstone farming.



    Since the next patch will be implementing the next stage of Ishgard restoration, and with it an increased interest and need for the crafting / gathering functionalities, i’d say it makes sense to focus those in the hopes that they’re ready for when that content is still hot, close to the patch.

    Crafting has been updated and probably won’t need many adjustments, but the gathering part, while functional, is still a bit behind the curve and still needs its make-over.

    Sure, i’d like to see support for all the trusts eventually, since it’s a nice way to farm desynth level, materials, seals and so on. I’ve personally put forward quite a few sceario and general other QoL improvement requests myself, and i’d love for the remaining combat assists to get updated for 80 soon, so you don’t have to babysit some classes like DNC or BRD as much.
    BUT i think it makes the most sense to go with the game’s flow: a big point of interest for Diadem and gathering will pop up with 5.31, so that should take priority for now.

    As for afterwards? It isn’t exactly directly bot related (and writing documentation is hella boring), but with all the turn-over in functionality and changes for ShB, the Help section desperately needs an update. Many of the topics boast years-old screenshots from a different UI, or are missing some smaller details in functionality or problem solving that seem to come up again and again as topics in the forum. And tending to or even just reading these questions takes up a lot of valuable time from the team, i imagine.



    Should we postpone the feature packs mentioned above and implement the level 80 Trust Dungeon next?

    Adding my vote to give priority to level 80 Trust Dungeon. It would be so handy to have, especially right now at the beginning of the patch.

    It can’t be easy at all to balance user demands… thanks for all the work you put in, Miqobot.


    So if i understand correctly, if you implement a 80 Trust Dungeon it would postpone the other features for 4-8 weeks.

    If this is correct, i would definatly like to have the Level 80 trust Dungeon next, as we have a completely new, and in my opinion very important feature, until the next AddOn, which will probably take another year from now on.

    One more thing: I consider it outstanding, that you (The Miqo team) are so flexible and go so deep into wishes from the community and discuss it with us. Thats really great, thanks a lot.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by 4DDCom 4DDCom.


    Very well.
    We need one more week to finish critical Patch 5.3 features and then we will be able to change development priorities.

    This thread will stay sticky for the next week.
    We kindly ask the community to share your opinions on this matter.

    Should we postpone the feature packs mentioned above and implement the level 80 Trust Dungeon next?

    I would prefer to have the features pack tbh


    Am cool with whatever Miqo Team decides to do next as long as it does not extend their workload unnecessarily. 🙂

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