Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario BotanistšŸŒ±, Miningāš’, and FishingšŸŽ£

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Infinite Universal Diadem Scenario BotanistšŸŒ±, Miningāš’, and FishingšŸŽ£

This topic contains 934 replies, has 247 voices, and was last updated by  Gamerboi 3 weeks ago.

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  • #33444

    I am having the issue of the scenario no longer moving me from waypoint to waypoint to gather nodes, instead ā€“ it just spams Lay of the Land and says this in the console:
    (9:27:40 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ā€˜<anything>ā€™ *.*
    (9:28:09 PM) Waiting for gathering node to fly near me.

    Two days ago, it would fly me around on my mount and collect everything. Now? Nothing.

    are you hitting start from the scenario tab?

    or the gathering tab?

    the scenario tab will start the gathering preset when it is needed as it can not be ran with out the grid to connect the waypoints


    Never used the auger. It’s on my bar, I have enough aether, keys are set to default when I use miqo, and I don’t see any errors.

    Works otherwise.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by GreyVulture GreyVulture.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by GreyVulture GreyVulture.

    Never used the auger. Itā€™s on my bar, I have enough aether, keys are set to default when I use miqo, and I donā€™t see any errors.

    Works otherwise.

    does it auto join the diadem?
    you can try reimporting the scenario from the original post it sounds like it is either corrupted or it got changed somehow


    I go to the diadem manually


    I go to the diadem manually

    ah thats the issue the senario needs to be started from the scenario tab and you need to be in the firmament. i know the origninal post is really long but thats because it has alot of information in it i highly recommend reading it at least once.

    Start the scenario outside of the diadem in the ā€ The Firmament ā€ this is where the scenario starts and will auto join the diadem

    you need to start it form the scenario tab to function fully the scenario tab will load and run the gathering tab automatically no interaction is needed once the scenario is started you will also benifit from auto requeing in the diadem just dont forget you have to manually stop the scenario to stop gatheirng otherwise with defult settings it will farm the diadem for ever


    Ripped out all my materia, what I put in gather by name disappears, only gathers from #4, and goes back to #4 if I change it.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by GreyVulture GreyVulture.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by GreyVulture GreyVulture.

    Doesn’t do the above if I start the scenario from a later step but I don’t know why it does that stuff.


    Ripped out all my materia,

    yes it dose materia extraction as well this is normal let the scenario play out and it will que and join the diadem

    This guide will tell you about materia and why it is important:

    what I put in gather by name disappears, only gathers from #4, and goes back to #4 if I change it.

    you have to setup the gathering profiles for both BotanistšŸŒ± & Miningāš’

    This scenario is frendly to all levels you need only to change the items in the gathering presets remove the names in the gathering presets and use the gather by slot # for leveling as it can be quickly and easily changed as levleing please do this for both the Botanist šŸŒ± and Mining āš’ presets the named items in the presets are only for if you want to gather set items like if you intend to make something via crafting and you need materials or if you want to farm for a set item or items that sells for good Gil on the market bored, the below pictures will show you how to add and change items in the preset for the example below its showing you how to add ā€œApproved Grade 3 Skybuildersā€™ Umbral Leviniteā€

        1.go to the preset you want to edit
        2. (Optional) copy and pasteing item names from game
        3. How to add or remove items from the list šŸ“ƒ to remove an item double click on the name of the items in the Gather by name list and when it highlights the name delete it to remove it then click off of the list or hit enter and do this till all unwanted names are removed from the list it is recommended to keep the special weather items on the list as they are always slot 1 and miqobot can get stuck trying to hit an empy slot in the chance that it goes to a special weather node ( with out human interaction it is rare but it dose happen to sometimes go to the special weather nodes for details on how to do this manually please visit the Original post here ) by slots and how the list works
        5.besure to click on the overwrite button šŸ”³ as shown below to save it and you have to click this for both the Botanist šŸŒ± and Mining āš’ presets to save them

    Doesnā€™t do the above if I start the scenario from a later step but I donā€™t know why it does that stuff.

    This guide will tell you about materia and why it is important:


    Ok, I didn’t read as thoroughly as I should have but now that I have I’m running into problems I don’t think can be blamed on me.

    At step 3 of “The Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±” and “The Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± with collectable turn in’s” it changes to miner, than botanist, and then says it can’t find the miner button which it already used to change to miner the first time. It works if I delete the second “job(miner)”

    When it leaves the Diadem and starts over it tried to get repairs from Aurvael the mission commander, he doesn’t provide those of course so it stands there repeating the “ask about the aetheromatic augur” tutorial. Did he used to offer repairs?

    Tried a fresh install. Nope.


    At step 3 of ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ±ā€ and ā€œThe Diadem: āš’šŸŒ± with collectable turn inā€™sā€ it changes to miner, than botanist, and then says it canā€™t find the miner button which it already used to change to miner the first time. It works if I delete the second ā€œjob(miner)ā€

    thats becuse miqobot it looking for the job icon on a hot bar that has not loaded yet theres one of two fixes for this either

    1. place ths command afkFor(00:00:05) inbetween the job changes


    2. place the mining / botanist job icons on a shared hotbar (shared hot bars are hot bars that dont change between class changes)

    When it leaves the Diadem and starts over it tried to get repairs from Aurvael the mission commander, he doesnā€™t provide those of course so it stands there repeating the ā€œask about the aetheromatic augurā€ tutorial. Did he used to offer repairs?

    thats because the senario uses the key() function this is unstable but the only method that we have to make miqobot reque for the diadem there is also two fixes for this issue you can either

    1. during the time that this part of the scenario is running you halt all mouse and keyboard movements/click’s as simplymoving the mouse can mess up the key() function


    2. you can minimize the game to the task bar while the scenario is running this will stop mouse movement and keybord press from interupting the scenario

    PS: sorry about the delayed response i try to get back to post as soon as possible

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by r51093 r51093. Reason: PS:

    NP as you can see, I even forgot about this thread.

    In the case of the second problem, the game was minimized.


    NP as you can see, I even forgot about this thread.

    In the case of the second problem, the game was minimized.

    thats odd do you have your FPS limited when it is inactive?
    Miqobot needs at least 10 FPS to work so i set the limiter for 30 FPS that the lowest you can pick in the limiter unless you unrestrict it that would also work but i recommend setting it to 30 so your comp dont get to hot while running



    The scenario doesnt seem to head to the diadem. It gets stuck trying to use the mission commander as a repair npc?



    Nevermind I found out my issue. My keybinds are all different lol



    *Edited, I found my issue*

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  ashathe.
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