(Phase 2) Infinite Diadem Mining

Forum Forums Grids and Presets (Phase 2) Infinite Diadem Mining

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This topic contains 57 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  MacFatts 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #22763

    running into a issue before Bot kill switch activate:

    @ waypoint 96 where it heads into a bolder cluster before it goes to 111.

    just reporting 😀 loving it and the included Boom feature!


    Having same issue.



    At waypoint 30 miqobot sometimes cannot dismount because of collision with a rock. The workaround is to move the waypoint for 30 slightly further away from the rock so there is room to land properly.



    Miqo sometimes blacks out going from node 111 to 113.
    If the jump tornado catapults your character before miqo “reaches” the node on it (112 i think?), she gets flung up to the upper island, then try to gets back down to that node she missed, gets stuck on terrain, and eventually the killswitch triggers.


    At waypoint 30 miqobot sometimes cannot dismount because of collision with a rock. The workaround is to move the waypoint for 30 slightly further away from the rock so there is room to land properly.

    Did you grab the last update (v1.05)? Because I pulled that node quite a ways out from the rock so you shouldn’t be getting stuck.

    Haven’t gotten to look at any of the other stuff yet, been busy with IRL stuff lately.



    Did you grab the last update (v1.05)? Because I pulled that node quite a ways out from the rock so you shouldn’t be getting stuck.

    Haven’t gotten to look at any of the other stuff yet, been busy with IRL stuff lately.

    Yup, 1.05 is where the issue lies. Seems to happen every time as well.


    Miqo sometimes blacks out going from node 111 to 113.
    If the jump tornado catapults your character before miqo “reaches” the node on it (112 i think?), she gets flung up to the upper island, then try to gets back down to that node she missed, gets stuck on terrain, and eventually the killswitch triggers.

    I also seemed to get this issue last night, gonna see what I can do to fix it:

    (2:45:13 AM) Boom this: ‘Diadem Coblyn’
    (2:45:15 AM) Diadem Boom!
    (2:45:18 AM) Diadem target eliminated.
    (2:45:19 AM) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘diadem mining grid’, Waypoint: 113)
    (2:45:20 AM) Going from 111 to 113 in 4 trips.
    (2:45:25 AM) 3 trips more..
    (2:45:59 AM) Oh noes, I couldn’t reach the destination in time. I guess I’m stuck here. 🙁
    (2:45:59 AM) Time/Estimate: 33.5873/33.5730
    (2:45:59 AM) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.

    Edit: I can recreate it this a good amount of the time, basically you get flung up before reaching node 112 and then miqo tries to move back down to 112. I went back to v1.04 and just made a couple of adjustments based on your other fixes because I was running that before alot and didn’t seem to have this issue. Probably adjusting this WP to better hit the tornado made it too good.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Strife025 Strife025.


    Yeah that’s the one. I ‘fixed’ it by putting the tornado waypoint closer to the edge and still on land, so Miqo can’t miss it. This means that sometimes she won’t walk forward enough to trigger the tornado jump, so i set node 113 to “fly” instead of “mount” so Miqo can manually fly up there if the tornado doesn’t work.

    But then i found the next blackout at node 215 -> 219…

    edit: this one seems much harder to replicate, i’ve tested that route a few times now and it works, but it definitely killed my miner run yesterday evening. These tornados are frustratingly unreliable.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Krude.

    > Edit: I can recreate it this a good amount of the time, basically you get flung up before reaching node 112 and then miqo tries to move back down to 112. I went back to v1.04 and just made a couple of adjustments based on your other fixes because I was running that before alot and didn’t seem to have this issue. Probably adjusting this WP to better hit the tornado made it too good.

    I remember adjusting it from 1.04 to 1.05 because Miqobot was missing the tornado, flying up to the island, and then getting caught on the underside for me at least.

    The tornados really aren’t the problem, is that Miqobot is kinda floaty with positions. I understand it’s a desire to appear more “natural” (following a straight rigid line is gonna appear super obvious as a bot) but sometimes it causes some real headaches with setting up waypoints.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by SirVG SirVG.

    Yea probably just an annoying part for diadem with tornados. Think Krude has a good solution for that WP at least.



    You will win ~5s from every tornado instead of manual flying is this really worth this troubles?



    I think there’s a way around the jankiness of the tornados, but it requires a bit more micromanagement for waypoints. This means you can’t tell miqo to pathfind up the tornado automatically.

    You set Miqo up to walk to a waypoint in front of a tornado (not in it), so that she ends up facing the tornado. Now, instead of letting her pathfind up the tornado automatically, you just tell her to walk forward for 1 or 2 seconds, with

    holdKey(w, 2.0)

    She should walk into the tornado and get flung up. Maybe tell her to idle for a couple of seconds to reach the top of the really long ones, then you just tell her to resume finding the next waypoint.
    Problem is you need to make sure she’s at the top before you continue navigation and not still “in flight” or that will mess up the pathfinding.

    edit: For the one 216 -> 219 error i had above, i’ve got the following solution that should work:

    angle(3) //turn towards tornado
    holdKey(w, 2) // walk forward
    afkFor(00:00:12) // tornado takes roughly 12 seconds
    waypoint(219) // continue pathing after landing 
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Krude.


    Something else i noticed:

    At eaypoint 364, if the golem it wants to boom isn’t there, it tries to go for a proto nocti nearby south that’s behind a big fallen log that miqo can’t get past.
    It might be better to move point 364 slightly more north, where there’s also a cobly spawnpoint, so miqo goes for that one instead of the nocti plant.



    Is there an updated grid with fixes? Krude’s method of fixing the tornado issue seemed to have worked, but I am getting kill switch triggers on some nodes still.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by  Randle.

    I haven’t had time to update things yet for the mining grid.

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