Thank you for asking!
Yes, we consider adding GATEs support in the future.
- First of all, as GATEs follow a specific time pattern, they will have to be scripted by the means of Scenario Engine.
- Second, as each GATE is basically a minigame with unique environment and rules, they will require implementing special AI instructions such as solving jumping puzzles and avoiding enemy’s line of sight. Some of these features are similar to combat activities, so most likely we will be researching this in v1.3.x series of Miqobot.
In the meantime, we recommend trying Chocobo Racing and Minion Square Minigames.
Minigames are currently the best known method of farming MGP. There will be a dedicated guide in our Help section soon, but the basic guidelines are already available here: Miqobot v1.2.45 – Patch Notes
Thank you for you request very much!