General Feedback and Suggestions

Forum Forums Discussion General Feedback and Suggestions

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by hummel hummel 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23019


    I am using Miqobot for a few weeks now and I like it a lot. It’s so easy to use and works like a charm.
    Though some things I felt like could be a lot smoother, if there would be some features included or extended in a specific way. Therefore I wanted to mention and discuss them in this thread. I didn’t want to make a single thread for every suggestion, so I hope thats ok.

    Here are things I would like to seen improved or discuss about:

    Edit Overview:

    1. Scenarios
    1.1 Hotkey-Support in Scenarios
    1.2 Function support and/or jump to Chapter function
    1.3 Variable support
    1.4 Condition support
    1.5 Allow pausing a scenario
    1.6 Custom flavor text / writing into log

    2. Combat
    2.1 Attack Mode Options in Assist Mode (Auto/Single/AoE)
    2.2 Mode for avoiding to dmg specific monsters by name or listen to markers
    2.3 Skills not include into rotations, yet

    3. Gathering
    3.1 Explanation of the use of brackets in “by name” function
    3.2 In Gathering tab allow multiple rotations to be assigned to items
    3.3 Allowing Gathering-Rotations to react to a variety of conditions
    3.4 Allow rotations to do actions for each gathering hit

    4. Navigation
    4.1 Grid Organization / Sorting / Grid per location
    4.2 Extend movement options by “jump” and “precise movement”

    5. Crafting
    5.1 Allow more use of cached results
    5.2 Allow a range of ability delay
    5.3 Craft Assist Manual

    6. General
    6.1 Possibility to hide hotbars if they are filled?


    1. Scenarios

    1.1 Hotkey-Support in Scenarios

    So Miqobot does an incredible job at reading the position of specific skills on the hotbar and determining the assigned hotkey. So I would really like to see an option to actually use that feature in Scenarios.
    As an example: If I want to press a specific key to do an action, which is not supported by miqobot, like target the focus target (which the hotkey is F10 on default), I need to use the sendKey(f10) function. A much better approach would be, if I could use constants like KEY_FOCUS_MAIN_TARGET which results to whatever is mapped to this key.
    So I can use “sendKey(KEY_FOCUS_MAIN_TARGET)” a hundred times, and I don’t need to change it a hundred times, if I ever decide to change that ingame. Also if I import a scenario from someone else, you need to adjust the sendKey() function parameters to match your configuration without that kind of feature. Thats error prone and kinda tedious in my opinion.

    1.2 Function support and/or jump to Chapter function

    When I am creating Scenarios, I often think that I could just recall a chapter. So for example a gathering attempt with a specific rotation, using a cordial via sendIcon, teleporting and repairing stuff etc. So in more complex scenarios you repeat yourself a lot, when a “executeChapterWithNumber()” function (which just execute it, not jumping there) or “jumpToChapterWithNumber()” function (which then really continues from that chapter) could solve a lot of problems. Or making function-chapters solely for the purpose of called from the real chapters (like Chapter 1, 2 and 3 sometimes calling Chapter F1, F2, …). This kinda blends with the next topic, as sometimes functions and variables go hand in hand.

    1.3 Variable support

    From including a hotkey multiple times, to some unified delay, there are a lot of things you could either include into local chapter or global scenario variables, which would be awesome to have. Especially if you are creating scenarios to be shared with others, things like “adjust the global variable to your needs and run it” for example a hotkey (if 1.1 is not present) or a delay for food related actions, a name for a specific item you want to gather (in different localizations or just one, which needs to be filled in from the scenario user) etc.
    I wont go too much into detail, how I think it could work, as I don’t want to make too many assumptions, what is planned, how its implemented, etc.
    But I think variable support could come in very handy, especially for possible future features.

    1.4 Condition support

    Scenarios are a very good solution to the specific demands of players. I played a lot with this feature and looking through the forum a lot of other people did aswell, adding features for their own needs, without hardcoding everything into miqobot.
    I think next to the timing and weather features it would be good to have conditions into place. For example using different gathering rotations based on the item. Using the relic-gathering items as an example: You have one you want a lot in HQ and one you want just a lot, but it’s hidden so you need to adapt, if it is there. If you could react to gathering bonus (+2 piece count, +50% hq, etc.) and the item existence (for hidden items), with different rotations it would make gathering scenarions a very lot more efficient and nice to use.

    1.5 Allow pausing a scenario

    If someone send a message to me and I want to answer it, I would need to stop the scenario. Depending on the scenario. I can of course start from a specific point, but if it is time dependent, like when I am doing expert craftings (food + medicine), that is quite destructive for the flow. As the timers are reset, once I start from the chapter again.
    So please allow pausing a scenario. (For functions like workFor(xxx) etc. you could add a flag, if it should continue running the timer, if paused, or not, to satisfy both possibilities.)

    1.6 Custom flavor text / writing into log

    So thats maybe not a feature I think is really necessary, but I would really love to write things in the console like “Taking that sweet sweet buff food of yours” or “Ready to show my scion friends who is the better bot :3” etc., so a function like “ConsoleLog()” or similiar I would really like to see aswell.

    2. Combat

    2.1 Attack Mode Options in Assist Mode (Auto/Single/AoE)

    Often when you fight bosses you sometimes have to focus target a specific add or boss. But when they are close to each other on some classes miqobot using AoE (for example on Machinist), potency wise this is the absolutely correct decision. But it doesn’t help the party as much, as if you would burst that add down. It might even be worse in some cases. So I would suggest a feature, where you could tell miqobot if she can decide for herself (auto) or you prefer to focus dmg on your target (single), might also want to add an prefer AoE attacks, even if potency wise it’s less. I don’t know if the AoE-Mode is actually that useful, but it might be in a case I am not thinking of right now.

    2.2 Mode for avoiding to dmg specific monsters by name or listen to markers

    Sometimes you are not allowed to kill a mob (Specificly in Garuda Extrem you are not allowed to kill that “spiny”? (I guess it is called around that in english) Before it is time to do so.
    I don’t have perfect solution for that, but I thought of that:
    – Determine if mob can be damaged by: Either the ingame markers or better by name.
    – If a mob is determined not to be damaged, you wont do any aoe dmg, if it is near. If you focus it, you have a delay before it gets attacked of around 3-4 Seconds. So you can manually tell miqobot to attack it, when you are targetting it, but not immediately attack it.

    The marker thingie is error prone though, as someone else in the party can adjust your behaviour, so I guess “by name” would be a better approach.

    2.3 Skills not include into rotations, yet

    I would really like to see the latest skills included. While not a top priority, it would be nice to have. As for example on blackmage it’s kinda just an “is it aoe” or not check + if it is not aoe, it is an instant cast. (Using Foul or the single target variant learned on 80 of it, which I don’t know the english name of.) Or using the the shadow clone on Ninja etc.

    3. Gathering

    3.1 Explanation of the use of brackets in “by name” function

    So this is more of a thing I would like to be added to the explanation in here:
    The use of the bracket “{}” means that miqobot will only use roations on that item. But if you don’t have enough GP it wont gather that at all. So you need to include the same item without those brackets if you need them to be gathered without rotation aswell.
    I don’t think thats bad, but I didn’t get it by reading the documentation in the link mentioned above. So it would be nice if this behaviour is added to the explanation.
    (PS: I tested this behaviour only with the combined use so for example “[{Dark Chestnut}]”, just wanted to mention that, if that has anything to do with that.)

    3.2 In Gathering tab allow multiple rotations to be assigned to items

    This is kinda the same, as why I would like to have conditions in Scenario-Gathering. For the relic gathering you want to gather by count on the hidden items, but on quality for the other one. So if you would have 2-3 slots for rotations, which you can then assign to the brackets in the name by rotation number like:
    – Item 1
    – {Item 2, 1,2,3}
    – {Item 3, 3}
    – {Item 4, 1,2}
    – *

    This would have made the gathering so much more efficient.

    3.3 Allowing Gathering-Rotations to react to a variety of conditions

    Like “has this gathering point a HQ-Bonus” or “Is the piece count increased on this gathering point”, “do I have more than 4 gathering attempts” etc. Or use the skill (sorry for not knowing the english names) where you can increase the HQ-Probability to 100%, when you collected 4 times in a row, when its possible. And react to HQ-Probability being 100% etc.
    Those would make rotations far more efficient in my opinion.

    3.4 Allow rotations to do actions for each gathering hit

    Like increase the count of pieces via a skill for every attempt and not just the first one. If I make a rotation that goes like “+3 More” -> “Hit Once” -> “+3 More” -> “Hit Once” etc. it doesn’t take gathering attempts into account, but also increasing the needed GP for this rotation, when I just want to tell, use every GP you have on those “+3 More”-Skills, if you can.

    4. Navigation

    4.1 Grid Organization / Sorting / Grid per location

    So I made a lot of grids, for test purposes and later on for my first gathering scenarios. And I felt like the list is expanding quite fast, especially when importing stuff from other people.
    I would like to have a better possibility to organize those things. A first attempt would be to order them by map they were made for (better make this assignment optional at the moment, to retain backwards compatibility) and if you are not on the map it is designed for, than not showing it would be nice aswell.
    Or make my own folders like: “Own Grids”, “Imported Grids”, “Favorites” etc. Just anything so I could organize myself a little bit better 🙂

    4.2 Extend movement options by “jump” and “precise movement”

    This is kinda a low priority one, especially now that old areas get the fly option aswell. But anyway I wanted to mention it, maybe people would like to have that aswell.
    So what I mean is basically make connection lines to be of the “jump” type and connections lines of the type “precisely move to the point on the line”. This way you can solve things like where you can just jump a little hill or fence, without moving around it or mount. Also as a side effect, people might be able to include jump puzzle grids, which at least one or two people asked here aswell.

    5. Crafting

    5.1 Allow more use of cached results

    Everytime I close miqobot it calculates the rotation for the recipes again, even if miqobot already calculated the rotation for the current stats and nothing really changed. I could imagine that this is cause of possible changes that happened, while miqo was closed, but I would prefer it, if I can tick a box (like the “enable logs” feature), which makes use of the cached results from an older session.

    5.2 Allow a range of ability delay

    To include a delay is nice, but I think it would be better, if it is a random delay you can set the range for. This would be more natural and not so easy to spot for players around you.

    5.3 Craft Assist Manual

    Not high priority in my opinion but I once thought about it, and thought that would be neat.
    A function that will miqobot watch over your current craft and recommend a skill, but not doing it, so you can decide what to do.

    6. General

    6.1 Possibility to hide hotbars if they are filled?

    Is it possible to hide the hotbars, so I don’t need to have them displayed on my screen? I am playing with controller and made a macro to toggle the hotbars I need for miqo to work. But it would be so much more awesome if I could just fill them and hide them afterwards.
    I tested it and I can press the keys with the hotbars hidden. And they still activate. So it would be awesome if miqo could also work with those hotbars hidden :3


    I don’t know if I can edit stuff, but if I can I will adjust this post to reflect some potential comments with more suggestions.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro. Reason: added overview

    6.1 Possibility to hide hotbars if they are filled?

    Unfortunately not possible anymore. Explanations in the help section:


    Ah I see, too bad. I don’t have too much of a problem keeping them open, but one thing I could imagine how it could still work would be:
    Reading and saving the hotkey bar as a cache file. As the buttons still work, even if those hotbars aren’t loaded into memory it seems. Not sure if this is worth the change, as cache handling is not always the easiest topic, but if such an option would exist, I would use it. As I rarely change those hotbars, when I want to hide them. I just dump the skills onto it and forget about them 🙂

    Also: It seems I cannot edit the original post anymore, so I cannot put that bit of information into the 6.1 point above :/

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro. Reason: wording

    Thank you for your feedback very much.
    Most of these features have already been requested and will be implemented in one of the future updates:

    Upcoming Features

    1.1 Hotkey-Support in Scenarios

    Yes, a special scenario function with automatic keybind recognition is planned.

    1.2 Function support and/or jump to Chapter function
    1.3 Variable support
    1.4 Condition support

    We have plans to expand scenarios potential after we complete the core Combat system.
    Please note however that Scenario Engine is designed with simplicity being a priority, so it does not offer as much flexibility as a programming language. But we will try to implement features that offer a similar functionality to what you describe.

    1.5 Allow pausing a scenario

    Automatic pause for chat is already requested and planned for all features.
    It’s not as trivial as it seems, because certain Miqobot modules will break if interrupted by chat. They have to be carefully redesigned before interruptions become possible.
    This feature is classified as QoL improvement.

    1.6 Custom flavor text / writing into log

    This is an interesting idea.
    However, we will have to differentiate custom text messages with special marks, otherwise they could obfuscate critical information required for troubleshooting issues. We will consider your suggestion.

    2.1 Attack Mode Options in Assist Mode (Auto/Single/AoE)

    A setting to disable AoE rotations is planned, but it’s not a trivial one.
    The only solution you have at the moment is to remove AoE abilities from your hotbar, and Miqobot will have no choice but to perform a single target rotation. But if the fight requires constantly switching AoE on and off, then of course it will not suffice.

    There is another workaround.
    You can create two hotbar manipulation macros. One will remove AoE abilities from your hotbar and the other will quickly put them back.

    /hotbar remove 9 1
    /hotbar remove 9 2
    /hotbar remove 9 3
    /hotbar action "Quick Nock" 9 1
    /hotbar action "Rain of Death" 9 2
    /hotbar action "Shadowbite" 9 3

    This example assumes that you’re playing Bard and your AoE abilities are placed on hotbar 9 in slots 1 / 2 / 3 respectively. Please adjust them to your own hotbar setup.

    We understand that this is an extremely unnatural solution, but it’s the only one we can suggest at the moment.
    We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.

    2.2 Mode for avoiding to dmg specific monsters by name or listen to markers

    All right, we will add this setting to the list of future improvements.
    Thank you for your request.

    2.3 Skills not include into rotations, yet

    The Combat system is currently in early beta and job rotations are gradually improving over time.
    We are not able to implement all abilities at once, therefore we release them in small incremental steps.

    3.1 Explanation of the use of brackets in “by name” function

    An additional entry for gathering an item with and without a rotation is added to the guide.
    Thank you for your feedback.

    3.2 In Gathering tab allow multiple rotations to be assigned to items

    Yes, we consider implementing this option, but we haven’t discovered any cases where it would significantly improve efficiency.
    A single rotation usually consumes about 500-600 GP on average. The current hardcap is a little below 900 GP, therefore it is impossible to use two rotations in a row. If you require different items from a single node, it is still more efficient to focus spending GP on one item at a time.

    In the Dragonsung example you mentioned, HQ items are in much more demand than hidden items. Even if you spend GP on quality only, you will complete the hidden items batch long before the HQ batch.

    3.3 Allowing Gathering-Rotations to react to a variety of conditions

    Yes, additional conditions for gathering rotations are planned for implementation.

    Or use the skill (sorry for not knowing the english names) where you can increase the HQ-Probability to 100%, when you collected 4 times in a row, when its possible. And react to HQ-Probability being 100% etc.

    Deep Vigor and Brunt Force are already supported.
    Please use the “HQ Boost to 100%” entry in the Rotations Designer.

    3.4 Allow rotations to do actions for each gathering hit

    This feature is also available.
    Please use the “Hit Once” entry in the Rotations Designer.

    4.1 Grid Organization / Sorting / Grid per location

    Yes, these features are planned for implementation along with the rest of QoL improvements.

    4.2 Extend movement options by “jump” and “precise movement”

    This will require a new navigation system which has been in development for some time now.
    But it is classified as low priority on our side as well, so we focus on implementing other features first.

    As for solving jumping puzzles, the demand remains rather low.
    If you have discovered new facts that we should consider in the long run, we kindly invite you to share your opinion: Kugane Tower

    5.1 Allow more use of cached results

    We are sorry, this feature is technically very complex and would not result in a significant boost.
    Saving and loading solutions will require additional CPU time due to compression and decompression, and this time is comparable to solving itself. At the moment this feature has a low priority.

    The details are explained in this thread: Save/Load solver alghoritms

    5.2 Allow a range of ability delay

    Yes, this feature is planned in the upcoming QoL update.

    5.3 Craft Assist Manual

    All right, we will add your idea to the list of advanced settings.
    Thank you very much.

    6.1 Possibility to hide hotbars if they are filled?

    Indeed, this was possible in the past, but patch 5.2 has altered the way hidden hotbars are evaluated by the game client.
    Cache files will not work either, because aside from action locations Miqobot requires hotbar icon states, such as cooldowns and number of charges. This data must be evaluated approximately 20 times per second.

    You can use special HUD Layout settings to adjust hotbar parameters in order to minimize the impact on your gameplay.
    Please read the following guide for detailed information: Keybinds and Icons Recognition – Hidden Hotbars

    Also: It seems I cannot edit the original post anymore, so I cannot put that bit of information into the 6.1 point above :/

    We are sorry, but editing capabilities are disabled after 15 minutes for security reasons.


    Thank you for the detailed response!

    Especially on the gathering part I might didn’t explained well, what I meant. So I tried to do it a little bit clearer.

    2.1 Attack Mode Options in Assist Mode (Auto/Single/AoE)

    A setting to disable AoE rotations is planned, but it’s not a trivial one.
    The only solution you have at the moment is to remove AoE abilities from your hotbar, and Miqobot will have no choice but to perform a single target rotation. But if the fight requires constantly switching AoE on and off, then of course it will not suffice.

    There is another workaround.
    You can create two hotbar manipulation macros. One will remove AoE abilities from your hotbar and the other will quickly put them back.

    /hotbar remove 9 1
    /hotbar remove 9 2
    /hotbar remove 9 3
    /hotbar action "Quick Nock" 9 1
    /hotbar action "Rain of Death" 9 2
    /hotbar action "Shadowbite" 9 3

    This example assumes that you’re playing Bard and your AoE abilities are placed on hotbar 9 in slots 1 / 2 / 3 respectively. Please adjust them to your own hotbar setup.

    We understand that this is an extremely unnatural solution, but it’s the only one we can suggest at the moment.
    We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.

    Thank you for this suggestion, I actually didn’t think of that. I tried solving it, via using an AoE-Hotbar which I can toggle, but this seems to not work, as miqo kinda remembers the skills. So I will go with your workaround for now, thanks.

    3.2 In Gathering tab allow multiple rotations to be assigned to items

    Yes, we consider implementing this option, but we haven’t discovered any cases where it would significantly improve efficiency.
    A single rotation usually consumes about 500-600 GP on average. The current hardcap is a little below 900 GP, therefore it is impossible to use two rotations in a row. If you require different items from a single node, it is still more efficient to focus spending GP on one item at a time.

    In the Dragonsung example you mentioned, HQ items are in much more demand than hidden items. Even if you spend GP on quality only, you will complete the hidden items batch long before the HQ batch.

    In my specific case rotations consist of only “+30% HQ” and have an “Boost to 100% HQ”-Skill (after 5 “hit onces”) in them. Which btw also increases the time, because miqo will still try to perform the rotation, even if the gathering point is already finished. The other rotation would be “Bountiful Harvest II” but use it on every attempt, if you have the GP. So thats more a 300-400 GP use in general. As sometimes the hidden items just doesn’t show up for me, I actually got a really close call, collecting my 180th item just before I had all 510 HQ items.
    I kinda mixed the other suggestions into that “would be more efficient aswell”, cause I thought of an “gathering count” option, where you can tell miqo, how many items of a specific item you want. So you don’t need to touch miqo again, til she’s finished. And when hidden items appear, she would try to get the most out of it. Then stops caring about them, when the amount is reached.
    Anyway, the critical factor I see here is the “max GP” function in the rotations, more to that in the point 3.4

    3.3 Allowing Gathering-Rotations to react to a variety of conditions

    Yes, additional conditions for gathering rotations are planned for implementation.

    Or use the skill (sorry for not knowing the english names) where you can increase the HQ-Probability to 100%, when you collected 4 times in a row, when its possible. And react to HQ-Probability being 100% etc.

    Deep Vigor and Brunt Force are already supported.
    Please use the “HQ Boost to 100%” entry in the Rotations Designer.

    Actually it doesn’t work that well. I need to say “hit once” five times, before I can use the 100% HQ Boost in the rotation. It’s not activating when it is placed in the wrong place, also I would need to either stop using GP skills like “+30% HQ” or “Bountiful Harvest II” cause of the max GP Problem mentioned in the next point 3.4 or using them but risking that it doesn’t activate 70% of the time, cause of GP-Shortage.
    I think it would be better, if you can just tell that it should activate once it’s ready.

    3.4 Allow rotations to do actions for each gathering hit

    This feature is also available.
    Please use the “Hit Once” entry in the Rotations Designer.

    Sadly this isn’t what I meant. Because if you say “hit once” in an rotation. You need to adjust this rotation to the number of gathering attempts you guess can happen. You cannot say, “Use those skill on every gathering attempt (one hit) if you have the GP”. Well you actually can, but that would look like this (if I am not mistaken, but I tested and didn’t find another way):
    – Start
    – Bountiful Harvest II
    – Hit Once
    – Bountiful Harvest II
    – Hit Once
    – Bountiful Harvest II
    – Hit Once
    – Bountiful Harvest II
    – Hit Once
    – …
    – Finish

    Every Bountiful Harvest II will increase the min and max GP by 100 GP. And therefore also the activation condition. And as I mentioned above, if you have more “hit once” in there, miqo will try to also do those, even if the gathering point is already finished.
    What I had in mind was around that:

    – Start
    – Use 100% HQ Boost when it becomes available
    – Use on each Gathering attempt:
    — Skip Skills if GP aren’t high enough
    — Bountiful Harvest II
    – Finish
    (Min GP: 0, Max GP: -)

    or that with even more conditions:

    – Start
    – Use 100% HQ Boost when it becomes available
    – +30% HQ (skip if GP aren’t high enough)
    – Use when 100% Quality:
    — Skip Skills if GP aren’t high enough
    — Bountiful Harvest II
    – Finish
    (Min GP: 0, Max GP: -)

    I hope that shows what I wanted a little bit better^^
    I exported the grid (The Churning Mists, around X:26, Y:26), gathering preset and HQ-rotation (also translated the items names to english), I was using, so you can see it, if you need to.

    If I didn’t noticed something, where you can actually decrease the min GP yourself in the rotation, please tell me.

    4.2 Extend movement options by “jump” and “precise movement”

    This will require a new navigation system which has been in development for some time now.
    But it is classified as low priority on our side as well, so we focus on implementing other features first.

    As for solving jumping puzzles, the demand remains rather low.
    If you have discovered new facts that we should consider in the long run, we kindly invite you to share your opinion: Kugane Tower

    I think it is especially low priority now, that you will be able to fly in the older areas. I kept that in mind, cause I thought it would be weird to not jump above a little fence or hill, but to run around to use the gates, if you are moving. Nothing too heavy.

    The point with the jumping puzzles was completely a nice side effect and not meant to be an argument for this feature. As in, you can let players create grids for every future jumping puzzle they come up with etc. But as I said, this was just meant to be a nice side effect.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nekro Nekro.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Actually it doesn’t work that well. I need to say “hit once” five times, before I can use the 100% HQ Boost in the rotation. It’s not activating when it is placed in the wrong place, also I would need to either stop using GP skills like “+30% HQ” or “Bountiful Harvest II” cause of the max GP Problem mentioned in the next point 3.4 or using them but risking that it doesn’t activate 70% of the time, cause of GP-Shortage.
    I think it would be better, if you can just tell that it should activate once it’s ready.

    Thank you for the clarification.
    In this case yes, there is no mechanism for such advanced configuration.

    – Start
    – Use 100% HQ Boost when it becomes available
    – +30% HQ (skip if GP aren’t high enough)
    – Use when 100% Quality:
    — Skip Skills if GP aren’t high enough
    — Bountiful Harvest II
    – Finish
    (Min GP: 0, Max GP: -)

    I hope that shows what I wanted a little bit better^^

    All right, we will consider implementing these suggestions.
    However, we will probably require a better example than the current Dragonsung tools grind. Both upgrade stages take only a few hours to complete, so spending a week of development on something like this seems to be an overkill. Miqobot is already well-equipped for this kind of grind, so increasing efficiency by a small margin would probably not change much.

    We will keep your feedback for future reference.
    Thank you very much.


    – Start
    – Use 100% HQ Boost when it becomes available
    – +30% HQ (skip if GP aren’t high enough)
    – Use when 100% Quality:
    — Skip Skills if GP aren’t high enough
    — Bountiful Harvest II
    – Finish
    (Min GP: 0, Max GP: -)

    I hope that shows what I wanted a little bit better^^

    All right, we will consider implementing these suggestions.
    However, we will probably require a better example than the current Dragonsung tools grind. Both upgrade stages take only a few hours to complete, so spending a week of development on something like this seems to be an overkill. Miqobot is already well-equipped for this kind of grind, so increasing efficiency by a small margin would probably not change much.

    We will keep your feedback for future reference.
    Thank you very much.

    – “we will probably require a better example”
    – “increasing efficiency by a small margin would probably not change much”
    – “spending a week of development on something like this seems to be an overkill”

    So at first, the things I mentioned I would qualify as really good QoL-Updates. Miqo is working like a charm as I said and those things I mentioned I think will smoothen the experience.

    I am not able to provide an example where I would say, that this is a must have feature. Maybe if you want to collect HQ-Mats, then it would increase the efficiency at least decent (if you can combine your yield skills with the “+X% HQ”-bonus from gathering points). But in the long run, you can gather a lot of materials just fine with how miqobot works now.

    I was just mentioning the dragonsung tools grind, as I was using the whole package (navigation grid, gathering rotation and gathering by name) there for the first time in a non-testing way.

    At the moment you can already adjust to a lot of things and even solve some of the “problems” I mentioned above.
    For example I could create 4-6 Rotations, needing 100, 200, 300, etc. GP and then add them via “addGatherRotationIfGP()”. This way I can use “Bountiful Harvest II” on every hit for example. I still would have the thing where miqo tries to continue the rotation without gathering point sometimes, but that shouldn’t happen to often in this case, as the GP get drained all the time.

    So yeah, I would like to see those. But I don’t consider them more than QoL 🙂


    Yes, your request is accepted.
    We appreciate your feedback very much.



    This is a fantastic idea for a thread.

    I would like to see identical cast functionality for fishing.

    Lots of love, Miqo team. Your work so far has been great!


    Yes, Identical Cast and Identical Gig support is already planned.
    Thank you for your request.


    As a third-party to this thread, I would just like to first thank Nekro for the carefully laid out explanations of what he would like, why, and what it could solve. All points are well thought out and (mostly) understandable.

    Second I truly appreciate the level of response from the Miqo-team.
    All original points are carefully addressed in a very positive manner.

    This interaction truly sets Miqobot apart as a product/team, that you really care for the community/users.

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