61 Dungeon Support

Forum Forums Discussion 61 Dungeon Support

This topic contains 42 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  neitro 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    They are reducing the entirety of the curve. So the curve will continue post lv80, from 50-90.

    In that case id vote against 61 dungeon support. Spending two months of development on something that will get outdated in Endwalker is a waste of precious time. Id rather have long lasting features like new scenario functions.



    Having a level 61+ unscyned dungeon would still be worth even with the sync nerf. The nerf wont be as noticeable as people seem to think. While unscyned content will be slightly harder maybe then it is now you forget that there is still going to be a level cap increase. I would assume worst case scenario unscyned level 70 dungeon for level 90’s will feel like what they are now for level 80’s which is to say not easy like 50 under but not impossible. But level 60-69 stuff should still be doable solo for a level 90 job with miqobot.

    That said its not something that is super important to have as it is only for the tank mount achievement. I personally dont think this needs a rush and it should fit under the umbrella of “Quality of Life” as in it is nice to have but not something im gonna stake my miqobot sub over.


    I wish we had a proper way of voting on priority for features and such, I just stumbled on this thread only now so 🙁



    Having a level 61+ unscyned dungeon would still be worth even with the sync nerf. The nerf wont be as noticeable as people seem to think. While unscyned content will be slightly harder maybe then it is now you forget that there is still going to be a level cap increase. I would assume worst case scenario unscyned level 70 dungeon for level 90’s will feel like what they are now for level 80’s which is to say not easy like 50 under but not impossible. But level 60-69 stuff should still be doable solo for a level 90 job with miqobot.

    That said its not something that is super important to have as it is only for the tank mount achievement. I personally dont think this needs a rush and it should fit under the umbrella of “Quality of Life” as in it is nice to have but not something im gonna stake my miqobot sub over.

    Did you not see the presentation they gave? The squish is going to be massive, it’s not going to make unsync’d content “slightly harder”, it’s going to be balls to the wall unsoloable, for most of it. Unlike now.

    They’re bringing the numbers down very very substantially.



    If they’re so inclined, they can maintain the current difficulty of unsyncing content by just making level differences have a huge impact on damage done/taken (in fact, I bet that is what they’ll do because it is the easiest way to keep unsynced content easy). We might go from (say) 120k hp to 20k hp in 6.0 but it doesn’t matter if level 61 monsters do 10% damage to us because of the level difference.

    I don’t know if that’s what SE is going to do but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was their solution, since Yoship explicitly said he was conscious of people liking being able to unsync old content.


    Having a level 61+ unscyned dungeon would still be worth even with the sync nerf. The nerf wont be as noticeable as people seem to think. While unscyned content will be slightly harder maybe then it is now you forget that there is still going to be a level cap increase. I would assume worst case scenario unscyned level 70 dungeon for level 90’s will feel like what they are now for level 80’s which is to say not easy like 50 under but not impossible. But level 60-69 stuff should still be doable solo for a level 90 job with miqobot.

    That said its not something that is super important to have as it is only for the tank mount achievement. I personally dont think this needs a rush and it should fit under the umbrella of “Quality of Life” as in it is nice to have but not something im gonna stake my miqobot sub over.

    Did you not see the presentation they gave? The squish is going to be massive, it’s not going to make unsync’d content “slightly harder”, it’s going to be balls to the wall unsoloable, for most of it. Unlike now.

    They’re bringing the numbers down very very substantially.

    There was a comment about it not affecting max level characters, but frankly, that doesn’t sound right at all. I think he misspoke or people are misinterpreting what he said…or a combination of the two. It’s not like they are going to squish stats from 1-89 and leave them the same for 90. SE really needs to clarify and make sure old content is still easily soloable unsynced. It would be a HUGE negative impact if if old content suddenly becomes difficult to solo.



    If they’re so inclined, they can maintain the current difficulty of unsyncing content by just making level differences have a huge impact on damage done/taken (in fact, I bet that is what they’ll do because it is the easiest way to keep unsynced content easy). We might go from (say) 120k hp to 20k hp in 6.0 but it doesn’t matter if level 61 monsters do 10% damage to us because of the level difference.

    I don’t know if that’s what SE is going to do but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was their solution, since Yoship explicitly said he was conscious of people liking being able to unsync old content.

    Thinking about it from a logical business perspective, because at the end of the day this is Square we’re talking about, making it less easy to unsync content means more time spent in the game, which in turn means more end revenue for them and more active time in the game which means people might re-sub more.

    I can see YoshiP wanting it to be like that to appease and reassure players that like unsyncing content, but until it lands I won’t be overly optimistic about it purely because it makes more sense not to.



    When they say they are going to nerf it this far ahead you need to think it will be a real nerf. Not “slightly harder” kinda thing


    Thinking about it from a logical business perspective, because at the end of the day this is Square we’re talking about, making it less easy to unsync content means more time spent in the game, which in turn means more end revenue for them and more active time in the game which means people might re-sub more.

    I can see YoshiP wanting it to be like that to appease and reassure players that like unsyncing content, but until it lands I won’t be overly optimistic about it purely because it makes more sense not to.

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but I play this game because it’s so solo friendly, if that changes I will pack my bags and leave. I’ve quit many many many MMOs over the years, what’s one more. Especially with endwalker being the end of the story.



    Gonna throw my vote into the no column for now, the fact that there is such a long discussion over what is unknown about the changes, means that they could spend 2 months making this support then it be completely pointless. Maybe once we see the full affect for sure, but the miqo team has limited time and resources, and I feel it should be spent on things we KNOW will help, rather then something that hasnt even been fully detailed yet. And probably wont be for months at best.



    Keep in mind the monsters are ALSO getting their stats, hp and such squished the same amount as the player. Yoshi even stated that in said presentation. The difference between player stats to monster stats will be the same as it is now the numbers will just be smaller all around but due to the change in the curve Specific levels might be harder to do unscyned.

    And also someone stated that they could leave it harder for more repeat subs. Thing is Square has had many opportunities to go that route and they haven’t. FFXIV is the 1 mmo where they don’t care if people sub during the “off season” which is between large patches. They grab subs during big patches and let them drop between them often. I doubt they will purposefully make OLD content harder just to hold on to a minimal amount of subs. That fiscally might make sense but logically doesn’t due to the extremely large casual crowd FFXIV has. If this game was a majority hardcore players and raiders making old content harder and sprucing it up to be more fun might work but the majority of this game are casuals which will be driven away by harder content.

    TL:DR I Highly Doubt they will make Unscyn solo content impossible or even that much harder then it is now. And even if they accidently do in the beginning they will quickly fix it so as not to lose 89% of their player base


    Remember that when they squish player stats, they’re going to squish enemy stats to compensate. SOME stuff will get harder to do unsync, but ideally it won’t be a large problem because if it was they’d have a riot on their hands.



    1) Gathering update / Fishing
    2) Scenario engine update
    3) Crafting update
    4) QOL stuff
    5) other feature are in my opinion only nice to have but do not need it

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  neitro.
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