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Wouldn’t let me edit my other one anymore. Its working. thanks. Had an issue but fixed it lol
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
Will it support 30 keystrokes in the macro? Thats how many it takes to finish 1 craft. If so I’ll put in the work to finish it that way.
Edit: I suppose it does, I guess I’ll stop being lazy and start working on this lol Thanks.
Edit 2: I just finished, messed up a couple times due to my eyes focusing too hard lol, but it works and hopefully my internet won’t screw this one up like it did the other one. Thanks for the help- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
the 23rd is a skill. It works perfectly fine, I’m using it right now. o_O the commas are just fillers for my macro.
The 23 was an example, she does it a few times for different steps. It’s probably just lag though I would agree, I have an awful connectino. But this is the best way to do it for my ciders because miqobot wants to take 11 minutes to load up the craft i need lmao.. so i do this instead. I appreciate all of your help!- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
So i have ingame macros (3 of them) and i place them on keys 4,5,6. What I do is this and I’ll explain;
4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,The Bot will click on the first macro and each comma is a skill that is in my ingame macro so that the bot can keep ticking and click 5 on the right time, then 2nd and 3rd and done.
This works really well, and has been working for a long time until just last month. However as I stated, ever since I redownloaded it’s been working great again. I’m not sure what was wrong with my last settings file but this one seems to be ok. The only reason I didn’t copy and paste these issue questions is because I really dont’ care about the crafting issue as much as i cared about why I wasn’t getting the new beta, which you answered. I’ll answer your questions in hopes it will help another person in the future. I’m still thinking a file broke.
-Sometimes yes and sometimes no. There will be times where she tries to hit Crafting step 23 two times and then stops. Other times it just stops mid craft.
-Yes it just completely stopped, everything stopped yet she was still “on”, I was able to click finish to stop the bot even though it had already stopped itself.
-Finish button was showing, so she was still active just not doing anything.
-This last time I was sitting at my computer but texting on my phone when I noticed. Other times I wouldn’t be at my pc- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.
Miqo stops randomly
Miqo doesn’t say anything other than whatever last crafting step it was on
I’m using a the Macro, not auto solver. It has worked before on with this bot but has been having issues as of a month ago
I am not using any settings as I’m using my own Macro sequence
I don’t use scenarios
There are no other issues with the bot, other than it stops randomly sometimes.Last one was 2 hours ago, I set up my macro to make 400 ciders and it made 12 before just pooping out on me.
After redownloading the bot so far i don’t have any issues, maybe something was just wrong with the files i had.- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by xlxleahxlx.