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Hey, would it possible to make any scenario or macro for Masked Carnivale Stage 31 – “GoGo”? Thank you!
Once SE gives a new lvl cap for blue mage, I’ll add to this thread a revised Shiva scenario and a Ramuh scenario. At the moment, he likes to stun you at random intervals making it difficult to find out how long to make miqo afk until the next macro press.
Also, if youre after the Shiva and leviathan glowing weapons. Remove the desynth lines
Upon final observation of these scenarios, I find it important to have the camera a good distance back making sure to have the boss in view before running the scenario.
For any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out 😀
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Hold on!
Before replacing lines and implementing the command:
Be sure to import this list in the crafting/desynthesis tab in miqo.
You must be logged in to view attached files.I did not take this into consideration, because I had this setting on for so long ingame I completely forgot I had changeded it from its original setting.
To have items go straight to your inventory and not Armoury Chest:
Press K ( or go to system and choose character configuration)
Go to item settings
Unselect “Store all newly obtained items in the Armoury Chest
With this, the desynth will go alot easier.
Oh I found it. Replace these lines in the moggle, garuda, ifrit, titan, and levaithan scenarios (found in chapter 1):
key(=, 1)
key(num0, 1)
key(num8, 1)
key(num0, 1)
key(num2, 1)
key(num0, 1)with
For the shiva scenario, remove
key(=, 1)
key(num0, 1)
key(num8, 1)
key(num0, 1)
key(num2, 1)
key(num0, 1)
afkFor(00:00:7)at the end of chapter 1 and
key(num8, 1)
key(num0, 1)
key(num2, 1)
key(num0, 1)Found at the start of chapter 2 and replace with
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
I’ve only used Leviathan so far. The macro executes perfectly. My concern is that in Extreme, I often get one to two weapons. Why not make a desynth list for each Primal drop instead of telling Miqo to desynth one and only one item per run?
I’m actually trying to figure that out lol for Now I set the keypresses to do only 1. I’ll follow up once I Actually understadn how this all works.
Ok so I made ShivaEX possible.
Spells needed:
Basic instinct
Mighty Guard
J kick
Glass Dance
Shock strike
Tingle ( dont know if really needed but it adds up to the timer put in miqo)
the Dragon’s Voice
the Ram’s Voice
Moon Flute
Final sting
and maybe QuasarMake sure the mentioned spells are selected in your spellbook and on your hotbar
Apart from the macro mentioned earlier, youll have to make 3 more macros that will take up spots in your hotbar or key presses:8,9, and 0.For keypress 8, make this macro:
/blueaction “Mighty Guard” <wait.3>For keypress 9, make this macro:
/blueaction “Basic Instinct” <wait.3>
/blueaction “Mighty Guard” <wait.3>
/blueaction “Bristle” <wait.2>
/blueaction “J Kick” <wait.2>
/blueaction “Nightbloom” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Surpanakha” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Surpanakha” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Surpanakha” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Surpanakha” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Glass Dance” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Shock Strike” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Tingle” <wait.3>
/blueaction “Quasar” <wait.1>For Keypress 0, make this macro:
/blueaction “the Dragon’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>
/blueaction “the Ram’s Voice” <wait.3>and obviously save this macro for keypress -:
/blueaction “Basic Instinct” <wait.3>
/blueaction “Off-guard” <wait.2>
/blueaction “Moon Flute” <wait.3>
/action “Surecast” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Whistle” <wait.2>
/action “Swiftcast” <wait.1>
/blueaction “Final Sting” <t>My thoughts on this one were that the timing was a pain to figure out. Its rough so keep an eye on it. Edit it to your liking.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Here is the last file. Ive also added a scenario to run all 5, for that one youll have to run it in king moogle first.
One last thing I forgot to mention in the initial post:
Have a max lvl BLueMage
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